Mac: Change content settings from showing tabs on top to showing a list on the side.

xib changes:
* Set NSTabView's style to "Tabless" (but kept panes in an NSTabView, since it's a convenient method to handle multiple overlapping views in IB)
* Put NSTabView into a split view, put a table view in the other split pane of the split view, gave it class TabViewSwitcherTable
* changed autosize flags of all child views of the tab view items
* Made the NSTabView the tabView_ of the table view

TEST=Content settings window should still work. If it's opened through an omnibox bubble, the right section should still be autoselected.

Review URL:

git-svn-id: svn:// 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
7 files changed