blob: 3f832f260fd1dd5c370efa05c29a80e71e9b1975 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto3";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// This file defines messages used for interacting directly with containers
// running inside of a VM.
package vm_tools.cicerone;
option go_package = "vm_cicerone_proto";
// Message sent to cicerone when a VM has started up. This is just for
// tracking purposes by cicerone.
message NotifyVmStartedRequest {
// Name of the VM.
string vm_name = 1;
// The owner of the VM.
string owner_id = 2;
// The IPv4 subnet for containers within the VM in network byte order.
uint32 container_ipv4_subnet = 3;
// The netmask for the IPv4 subnet for containers within the VM in network
// byte order.
uint32 container_ipv4_netmask = 4;
// The IPv4 address of the VM in network byte order.
uint32 ipv4_address = 5;
// Message sent to cicerone when a VM stopped or failed to complete startup.
// This is just for tracking purposes by cicerone.
message NotifyVmStoppedRequest {
// Name of the VM.
string vm_name = 1;
// The owner of the VM.
string owner_id = 2;
// Message sent to cicerone when requesting a token for linking to a container
// that is going to be started for a VM.
message ContainerTokenRequest {
// Name of the VM.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM.
string owner_id = 3;
// Reply to the GetContainerToken method.
message ContainerTokenResponse {
// A token that should be passed into the container to identify itself. This
// token will be the empty string if the request was invalid.
string container_token = 1;
// Message sent to cicerone to check whether or not a specific container is
// currently running.
message IsContainerRunningRequest {
// Name of the VM.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM.
string owner_id = 3;
// Reply to the IsContainerRunning method.
message IsContainerRunningResponse {
// True if the container is running, false otherwise.
bool container_running = 1;
// Message used in the signal for when a container has started up or failed to
// start.
message ContainerStartedSignal {
// Name of the VM the container is in.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 3;
// Message used in the signal for when a container has shut down.
message ContainerShutdownSignal {
// Name of the VM the container is in.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM.
string container_name = 2;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 3;
// Request to launch on application in the specified VM/container. Used with the
// LaunchContainerApplication D-Bus message into vm_concierge.
message LaunchContainerApplicationRequest {
// Name of the VM to target.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM to target, if empty the default
// container name will be used.
string container_name = 2;
// ID of the application to launch, should map to the desktop_file_id that
// is in the application list sent back from the container.
string desktop_file_id = 3;
// The owner of the vm and container.
string owner_id = 4;
// Response sent back by vm_concierge when it receives a
// LaunchContainerApplication D-Bus message.
message LaunchContainerApplicationResponse {
// If true, the requested application launched successfully.
bool success = 1;
// The failure_reason if the requested application could not be started.
string failure_reason = 2;
// Request to get application icons in the specified VM/container. Used with the
// GetContainerAppIcon D-Bus message into vm_concierge.
message ContainerAppIconRequest {
// Name of the VM to target.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM to target, if empty the default
// container name will be used.
string container_name = 2;
// IDs of the application to get icons for, should map to the desktop_file_id
// that is in the application list sent back from the container.
repeated string desktop_file_ids = 3;
// The icon size with both its height and width equal to this number.
int32 size = 4;
// The target scale of this icon. This is the scale factor at which this icon
// is designed to be used.
int32 scale = 5;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 6;
// One desktop file ID with its icon.
message DesktopIcon {
string desktop_file_id = 1;
bytes icon = 2;
// Response sent back by vm_concierge when it receives a
// GetContainerAppIcon D-Bus message.
// Some desktop_file_id may not have an icon.
message ContainerAppIconResponse {
repeated DesktopIcon icons = 1;
// Launch vshd request.
message LaunchVshdRequest {
// Name of the VM to target.
string vm_name = 1;
// Name of the container within the VM to target.
string container_name = 2;
// The port for vshd to connect to.
uint32 port = 3;
// The owner of the VM and container.
string owner_id = 4;
// Response sent back by vm_cicerone when it receives a LaunchVshd
// call.
message LaunchVshdResponse {
bool success = 1;
string failure_reason = 2;