blob: 86d327e8a230b5ae243e18600b13b35290b8fd77 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Custom Elements: Create an element when definition is non-null and synchronous flag not set</title>
<script src="../../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/custom-elements-helpers.js"></script>
'use strict';
(() => {
// "Upgrade an element"
// 1. For each attribute in element's attribute list, in order, enqueue a
// custom element callback reaction with element, callback name
// "attributeChangedCallback", and an argument list containing attribute's
// local name, null, attribute's value, and attribute's namespace.
// 2. If element is currently in a shadow-including document, then enqueue a
// custom element callback reaction with element, callback name
// "connectedCallback", and an empty argument list.
const constructor = 'constructor';
const connected = 'connected';
const disconnected = 'disconnected';
const attributeChanged = 'attributeChanged';
function define_logger(w, observedAttributes) {
let logs = [];
w.customElements.define('a-a', class extends w.HTMLElement {
constructor() { super(); logs.push([constructor, this, arguments]); }
connectedCallback() { logs.push([connected, this, arguments]); }
disconnectedCallback() { logs.push([disconnected, this, arguments]); }
static get observedAttributes() { return observedAttributes; }
attributeChangedCallback() { logs.push([attributeChanged, this, arguments]); }
return logs;
function assert_log_is_type(logs, i, type, element, argv) {
assert_equals(logs[i][0], type, `[${i}] should be ${type}`);
assert_equals(logs[i][1], element, `this in ${type} should be the element`);
if (argv) {
assert_array_equals(logs[i][2], argv, `${type} should have arguments ${argv}`);
} else {
assert_equals(logs[i][2].length, 0, `${type} should have no arguments`);
test_with_window(w => {
let document = w.document;
let element = document.createElement('a-a');
let logs = define_logger(w);
assert_log_is_type(logs, 0, constructor, element);
assert_log_is_type(logs, 1, connected, element);
assert_equals(logs.length, 2);
}, 'upgrade should enqueue connectedCallback');
test_with_window(w => {
let document = w.document;
let element = document.createElement('a-a');
element.setAttribute('x', '1');
element.setAttribute('y', '2');
element.setAttribute('z', '3');
let logs = define_logger(w, ['x', 'y']);
assert_log_is_type(logs, 0, constructor, element);
assert_log_is_type(logs, 1, attributeChanged, element, ['x', null, '1', '']);
assert_log_is_type(logs, 2, attributeChanged, element, ['y', null, '2', '']);
assert_log_is_type(logs, 3, connected, element);
assert_equals(logs.length, 4);
}, 'upgrade should enqueue attributeChangedCallback and connectedCallback');
test_with_window(w => {
let document = w.document;
let element = document.createElement('a-a');
element.setAttribute('x', '1');
let logs = define_logger(w, ['x', 'y']);
logs.length = 0;
element.setAttribute('z', '0');
element.setAttribute('y', '2');
element.setAttribute('x', '9');
assert_log_is_type(logs, 0, attributeChanged, element, ['y', null, '2', '']);
assert_log_is_type(logs, 1, attributeChanged, element, ['x', '1', '9', '']);
assert_equals(logs.length, 2);
}, 'setAttribute should enqueue attributeChangedCallback');
test_with_window(w => {
let document = w.document;
let element = document.createElement('a-a');
let logs = define_logger(w, ['style']);
logs.length = 0; = 'red';
assert_equals(logs.length, 1);
assert_log_is_type(logs, 0, attributeChanged, element, ['style', null, 'color: red;', '']); = 'green';
assert_equals(logs.length, 2);
assert_log_is_type(logs, 1, attributeChanged, element, ['style', 'color: red;', 'color: green;', '']); = '';
assert_equals(logs.length, 3);
assert_log_is_type(logs, 2, attributeChanged, element, ['style', 'color: green;', null, '']);
}, 'style.color should enqueue attributeChangedCallback for style attribute');
test_with_window(w => {
let document = w.document;
let element = document.createElement('a-a');
let logs = define_logger(w, ['style']);
logs.length = 0; = 'color: red';
assert_equals(logs.length, 1);
assert_log_is_type(logs, 0, attributeChanged, element, ['style', null, 'color: red;', '']);
}, 'style.cssText should enqueue attributeChangedCallback for style attribute');
test_with_window(w => {
let document = w.document;
let element = document.createElement('a-a');
let logs = define_logger(w, ['style']);
logs.length = 0;'color', 'red');
assert_equals(logs.length, 1);
assert_log_is_type(logs, 0, attributeChanged, element, ['style', null, 'color: red;', '']);'color', 'red');
assert_equals(logs.length, 2);
assert_log_is_type(logs, 1, attributeChanged, element, ['style', 'color: red;', null, '']);
}, 'style.setProperty/removeProperty should enqueue attributeChangedCallback for style attribute');
test_with_window(w => {
let document = w.document;
let element = document.createElement('a-a');
let logs = define_logger(w, ['style']);
logs.length = 0; = 'left';
assert_equals(logs.length, 1);
assert_log_is_type(logs, 0, attributeChanged, element, ['style', null, 'float: left;', '']);
}, 'style.cssFloat should enqueue attributeChangedCallback for style attribute');
test_with_window(w => {
let document = w.document;
let element = document.createElement('a-a');
let logs = define_logger(w, ['lang']);
logs.length = 0;
element.lang = 'ja-jp';
assert_equals(logs.length, 1);
assert_log_is_type(logs, 0, attributeChanged, element, ['lang', null, 'ja-jp', '']);
}, 'lang property setter should enqueue attributeChangedCallback for lang attribute');
test_with_window(w => {
let document = w.document;
let element = document.createElement('a-a');
element.setAttribute('x', '1');
let logs = define_logger(w, ['x']);
logs.length = 0;
assert_log_is_type(logs, 0, attributeChanged, element, ['x', '1', null, '']);
assert_equals(logs.length, 1);
}, 'removeAttribute should enqueue attributeChangedCallback');
test_with_window(w => {
let document = w.document;
let element = document.createElement('a-a');
let logs = define_logger(w);
logs.length = 0;
assert_log_is_type(logs, 0, disconnected, element);
assert_equals(logs.length, 1);
}, 'remove should enqueue disconnectedCallback');