blob: 6ad544341ed9ae73c21e26fb21a973df4c8e7846 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/dom/ModuleScript.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptState.h"
#include "bindings/core/v8/ScriptValue.h"
#include "v8/include/v8.h"
namespace blink {
ModuleScript* ModuleScript::Create(
const String& source_text,
Modulator* modulator,
const KURL& base_url,
const String& nonce,
ParserDisposition parser_state,
WebURLRequest::FetchCredentialsMode credentials_mode,
AccessControlStatus access_control_status) {
// Step 1. Let script be a new module script that this algorithm will
// subsequently initialize.
// Step 2. Set script's settings object to the environment settings object
// provided.
// Note: "script's settings object" will be "modulator".
// Delegate to Modulator::compileModule to process Steps 3-6.
ScriptModule result = modulator->CompileModule(
source_text, base_url.GetString(), access_control_status);
// Step 6: "...return null, and abort these steps."
if (result.IsNull())
return nullptr;
// Step 7. Set script's module record to result.
// Step 8. Set script's base URL to the script base URL provided.
// Step 9. Set script's cryptographic nonce to the cryptographic nonce
// provided.
// Step 10. Set script's parser state to the parser state.
// Step 11. Set script's credentials mode to the credentials mode provided.
// Step 12. Return script.
return new ModuleScript(modulator, result, base_url, nonce, parser_state,
void ModuleScript::SetInstantiationErrorAndClearRecord(ScriptValue error) {
// Implements Step 7.1 of:
// "set script's instantiation state to "errored", ..."
DCHECK_EQ(instantiation_state_, ModuleInstantiationState::kUninstantiated);
instantiation_state_ = ModuleInstantiationState::kErrored;
// "its instantiation error to instantiationStatus.[[Value]], and ..."
ScriptState::Scope scope(error.GetScriptState());
instantiation_error_.Set(error.GetIsolate(), error.V8Value());
// "its module record to null."
record_ = ScriptModule();
void ModuleScript::SetInstantiationSuccess() {
// Implements Step 7.2 of:
// "set script's instantiation state to "instantiated"."
DCHECK_EQ(instantiation_state_, ModuleInstantiationState::kUninstantiated);
instantiation_state_ = ModuleInstantiationState::kInstantiated;
DEFINE_TRACE(ModuleScript) {
bool ModuleScript::IsEmpty() const {
return false;
bool ModuleScript::CheckMIMETypeBeforeRunScript(Document* context_document,
const SecurityOrigin*) const {
// We don't check MIME type here because we check the MIME type in
// ModuleScriptLoader::WasModuleLoadSuccessful().
return true;
void ModuleScript::RunScript(LocalFrame* frame, const SecurityOrigin*) const {
String ModuleScript::InlineSourceTextForCSP() const {
// Currently we don't support inline module scripts.
// TODO(hiroshige): Implement this.
return String();
} // namespace blink