Roll src/third_party/pdfium/ 47a90b894..067b78503 (31 commits)

$ git log 47a90b894..067b78503 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2017-09-05 hnakashima Add unit tests for Code 39 barcode writer.
2017-09-05 dsinclair Rename fx_rand to fx_random
2017-09-05 hnakashima Remove isDevice parameter from barcode Render().
2017-09-05 dsinclair Cleanup CFX_WordBreak
2017-08-31 art-snake Remove redundant code.
2017-09-05 dsinclair Remove unused CFX_CharIter class
2017-09-05 rharrison Leave space for null characters when getting text
2017-09-05 dsinclair Split fx_guid from fx_extension
2017-09-05 dsinclair Split random code from fx_extension.h
2017-09-04 art-snake Fix length field in dictionary on create stream
2017-09-01 art-snake Refactoring of CPDF_IndirectObjectHolder.
2017-09-01 art-snake Move Parsing of indirect object logic into CPDF_SyntaxParser.
2017-09-01 npm Upgrade OpenJPEG to 2.2.0
2017-09-01 tsepez Split fx_ucd.h into fx_unicode.h and fx_ucddata.h.
2017-09-01 hnakashima Add unit tests for EAN-8 barcode writer.
2017-09-01 hnakashima Fix EAN-13 checksum and add unit tests.
2017-09-01 rharrison Cleanup usages of Mid(foo, 1), Right(1), and Left(1)
2017-09-01 rharrison Prepare for converting FX_STRSIZE int->size_t
2017-09-01 hnakashima Fix integer overflow in Buffer_itoa when passing INT_MIN.
2017-09-01 rharrison Adjust loops in preperation for FX_STRSIZE int->size_t
2017-08-31 hnakashima Remove unused FXFORMAT_HEX and FXFORMAT_CAPITAL.
2017-08-31 dsinclair Rename fxcrt_ and ifxcrt_ files to better names
2017-08-31 rharrison Make FPDF_GetText stricter on inputs
2017-08-31 thestig Change FPDFImageObj_GetImageFilter() to return byte strings.
2017-08-31 dsinclair Move implementations into fx_system.cpp
2017-08-31 dsinclair Move fx_extension implementation to cpp file
2017-08-31 dsinclair Move stream code into fx_stream.cpp
2017-08-31 art-snake Disable objects decryption if it is useless.
2017-08-31 dsinclair Move methods string methods to fx_string.cpp
2017-08-30 hnakashima Fix colorspace loading for mutually referencing colorspaces.
2017-08-31 dsinclair Cleanup fx_basic_* files

Created with:
  roll-dep src/third_party/pdfium

Documentation for the AutoRoller is here:

If the roll is causing failures, see:

Change-Id: I19bed919e2050fedbe6e323c92bb34271b31a2df
Reviewed-by: <>
Commit-Queue: <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#499763}
1 file changed