blob: 1b4ae9e8aba0f97d59ff9eb7a705ff1934094739 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <map>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_handle.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/os/process.h"
#include "chrome/chrome_cleaner/settings/settings_types.h"
#include "components/chrome_cleaner/public/constants/result_codes.h"
#include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox.h"
#include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_policy.h"
namespace chrome_cleaner {
using SandboxConnectionErrorCallback =
// The suffix to append to log files for sandboxed processes.
extern const wchar_t kSandboxLogFileSuffix[];
// Functions that will be called while setting up the sandbox. Users of the
// sandbox can implement these to add their own features, such as IPC pipes.
class SandboxSetupHooks {
virtual ~SandboxSetupHooks();
// Called before spawning the sandbox target process. |policy| is the set of
// policies that will be applied to the target process. |command_line| is the
// command-line it will be launched with. The callee can alter either of
// these objects.
// If the return value is anything except RESULT_CODE_SUCCESS, the target
// process will not be spawned and the return value will also be returned by
// |StartSandboxTarget|.
virtual ResultCode UpdateSandboxPolicy(sandbox::TargetPolicy* policy,
base::CommandLine* command_line);
// Called just after the target process is spawned, while it is still
// suspended. |target_process| wraps a handle to the sandboxed process, and
// |target_thread| wraps its main thread. The callee must duplicate these
// handles if it wishes to save them.
// If the return value is anything except RESULT_CODE_SUCCESS, the target
// process will be terminated and the return value will also be returned by
// |StartSandboxTarget|.
virtual ResultCode TargetSpawned(
const base::Process& target_process,
const base::win::ScopedHandle& target_thread);
// Called when the target process is no longer suspended. When this returns
// the sandbox setup is complete.
// If the return value is anything except RESULT_CODE_SUCCESS, the target
// process will be terminated and the return value will also be returned by
// |StartSandboxTarget|.
virtual ResultCode TargetResumed();
// Called as the last step of the sandbox setup if the process failed,
// including if it failed because a method of SandboxSetupHooks returned an
// error code.
virtual void SetupFailed();
// Functions that will be called in the sandbox target process. Users of the
// sandbox must implement at least TargetDroppedPrivileges to provide the code
// that will run in the sandbox after lowering privileges.
class SandboxTargetHooks {
virtual ~SandboxTargetHooks();
// Called after the process starts, before it has dropped all privileges. The
// callee can do any setup which requires higher privileges here. It is
// unsafe to call untrusted code or process untrusted data from this method.
// If the return value is anything except RESULT_CODE_SUCCESS, the target
// process will exit using the return value as the exit code.
virtual ResultCode TargetStartedWithHighPrivileges();
// Called after TargetProcess::LowerToken. The callee should do all
// processing that must be done in the sandbox here.
// The target process will exit using the return value as the exit code.
virtual ResultCode TargetDroppedPrivileges(
const base::CommandLine& command_line) = 0;
// Returns the type of process this sandbox is. This should only be called by
// sandboxed processes.
SandboxType SandboxProcessType();
// Spawns a new sandbox target with the given |setup_hooks| passed by
// parameters. The parameter |type| indicates the type of sandbox that is being
// created and therefore the switch kSandboxedProcessIdSwitch should be expected
// on the target's command line with the value specified on this parameter.
ResultCode SpawnSandbox(SandboxSetupHooks* setup_hooks, SandboxType type);
// Starts a sandbox target process with the command line
// |sandbox_command_line|. If |hooks| is non-null its methods will be called
// during setup.
ResultCode StartSandboxTarget(const base::CommandLine& sandbox_command_line,
SandboxSetupHooks* hooks,
SandboxType type);
// Returns whether a sandbox target process is currently running or not.
bool IsSandboxTargetRunning(SandboxType type);
// Calls the methods of |hooks| and returns the result code of the last one to
// execute. This will be called in the sandbox target process. |command_line|
// is the command line the process was launched with. |sandbox_target_services|
// should be the object returned by SandboxFactory::GetTargetServices() except
// when it is overridden in unit tests.
ResultCode RunSandboxTarget(const base::CommandLine& command_line,
sandbox::TargetServices* sandbox_target_services,
SandboxTargetHooks* hooks);
// Retrieves system resource usage stats for all sandbox target processes, even
// if the target processes have already exited.
std::map<SandboxType, SystemResourceUsage> GetSandboxSystemResourceUsage();
ResultCode GetResultCodeForSandboxConnectionError(SandboxType sandbox_type);
} // namespace chrome_cleaner