blob: de9bcb518dfa6b743357c94677bd7b4b09005f31 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace base {
class CommandLine;
namespace chrome_cleaner {
// Allows a test to easily override the registry so that it can start from a
// known good state, or make sure to not leave any side effects once the test
// completes. All the overrides are scoped to the lifetime of the override
// manager.
// The override can be enabled by calling CreateAndUseTemporaryRegistry().
// Temporary keys will be created to override the predefined keys
// (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ...). Alternatively, a process can
// share the temporary keys created by another process. To do so, create a
// temporary registry on a first process, using CreateTemporaryRegistry() or
// CreateAndUseTemporaryRegistry(). Then, obtain the id of the created temporary
// registry by calling temp_registry_id() and provide this value to
// UseTemporaryRegistry() on the second process. The temporary registry is owned
// by the process that created it.
// The temporary registry is stored under a root key similar to:
// HKCU\Software\ChromeCleaner\TempTestKeys\
// 13028145911617809$02AB211C-CF73-478D-8D91-618E11998AED
// The key path are comprises of:
// - The test key root, HKCU\Software\ChromeCleaner\TempTestKeys\
// - The base::Time::ToDeltaSinceWindowsEpoch().InNanoseconds() of the
// creation time. This is used to delete stale keys left over from crashed
// tests.
// - A GUID used for preventing name collisions (although unlikely) between
// two RegistryOverrideManagers created with the same timestamp.
// This class is inspired from base (registry_util::RegistryOverrideManager),
// but adds the possibility to share a temporary registry between processes.
class RegistryOverrideManager {
// Description of a key to clone to the temporary registy.
struct RegistryKeyToClone {
// Root key for the key to clone.
HKEY root;
// Path of the key to clone, relative to |root|.
base::string16 path;
// Indicates whether subkeys should also be cloned.
bool recursive;
typedef std::vector<RegistryKeyToClone> RegistryKeyVector;
// Create a temporary registry that can be used by other processes.
// |keys_to_clone| is a vector of keys that will be cloned from the real to
// the temporary registry, without their security attributes. Return true
// if all keys from |keys_to_clone| have been cloned.
bool CreateTemporaryRegistry(const RegistryKeyVector& keys_to_clone);
// Map all predefined keys to new temporary keys. |keys_to_clone| is a vector
// of keys that will be cloned from the real to the temporary registry,
// without their security attributes. Return true if all predefined keys have
// been mapped to temporary keys and all keys from |keys_to_clone| have been
// cloned.
bool CreateAndUseTemporaryRegistry(const RegistryKeyVector& keys_to_clone);
// Map all predefined keys to temporary keys created by another process.
// |temp_registry_parent| and |temp_registry_id| are registry identifiers
// used on another process. Return true if all predefined keys have been
// mapped to temporary keys.
bool UseTemporaryRegistry(const base::string16& temp_registry_parent,
const base::string16& temp_registry_id);
void OverrideRegistryDuringTests(base::CommandLine* command_line);
// Return the temporary registry identifier, or an empty string if the
// registry override is not enabled.
base::string16 temp_registry_id() const { return temp_registry_id_; }
// Path to the temporary registry key.
base::string16 GetTempRegistryPath() const;
// Parse the temporary registry path into the parent key path and the
// identifier of the temporary registry.
static void ParseTempRegistryPath(const base::string16& temp_registry_path,
base::string16* temp_registry_parent,
base::string16* temp_registry_id);
friend class RegistryOverrideManagerTest;
// Used for testing only.
RegistryOverrideManager(const base::Time& timestamp,
const base::string16& temp_registry_parent);
bool UseTemporaryRegistryInternal();
static base::string16 GenerateTempRegistryId(const base::Time& timestamp);
// Default key under which temporary registries are created.
static const base::char16 kTempRegistryParent[];
// Indicates whether the temporary registry should be deleted with this
// object.
bool owns_temp_registry_;
// Identifier of the temporary registry.
base::string16 temp_registry_id_;
// The key under which temporary registries are created.
base::string16 temp_registry_parent_;
// Active overrides.
std::vector<HKEY> overrides_;
} // namespace chrome_cleaner