blob: c814b4d5cbc391580fa9b737c30118048573b1e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#import "base/ios/block_types.h"
#import "ios/chrome/test/block_cleanup_test.h"
@class ChromeTableViewController;
class ChromeTableViewControllerTest : public BlockCleanupTest {
~ChromeTableViewControllerTest() override;
void TearDown() override;
// Derived classes allocate their controller here.
virtual ChromeTableViewController* InstantiateController() = 0;
// Tests should call this function to create their controller for testing.
void CreateController();
// Will call CreateController() if |controller_| is nil.
ChromeTableViewController* controller();
// Deletes the controller.
void ResetController();
// Tests that the controller's view, model, tableView, and delegate are
// valid. Also tests that the model is the tableView's data source.
void CheckController();
// Returns the number of sections in the tableView.
int NumberOfSections();
// Returns the number of items in |section|.
int NumberOfItemsInSection(int section);
// Returns the collection view item at |item| in |section|.
id GetTableViewItem(int section, int item);
// Verifies that the title matches |expected_title|.
void CheckTitle(NSString* expected_title);
// Verifies that the title matches the l10n string for |expected_title_id|.
void CheckTitleWithId(int expected_title_id);
// Verifies that the section header at |section| matches the |expected_text|.
void CheckSectionHeader(NSString* expected_text, int section);
// Verifies that the section header at |section| matches the l10n string for
// |expected_text_id|.
void CheckSectionHeaderWithId(int expected_text_id, int section);
// Verifies that the section footer at |section| matches the |expected_text|.
void CheckSectionFooter(NSString* expected_text, int section);
// Verifies that the section footer at |section| matches the l10n string for
// |expected_text_id|.
void CheckSectionFooterWithId(int expected_text_id, int section);
// Verifies that the text cell at |item| in |section| has a text property
// which matches |expected_text|.
void CheckTextCellText(NSString* expected_text, int section, int item);
// Verifies that the text cell at |item| in |section| has a text property
// which matches the l10n string for |expected_text_id|.
void CheckTextCellTextWithId(int expected_text_id, int section, int item);
// Verifies that the text cell at |item| in |section| has a text and
// detailText properties which match strings for |expected_text| and
// |expected_detail_text|, respectively.
void CheckTextCellTextAndDetailText(NSString* expected_text,
NSString* expected_detail_text,
int section,
int item);
// Verifies that the text cell at |item| in |section| has a text and
// detailText properties which match strings for |expected_text| and
// |expected_detail_text|, respectively.
void CheckDetailItemTextWithIds(int expected_text_id,
int expected_detail_text_id,
int section_id,
int item_id);
// Verifies that the switch cell at |item| in |section| has a text property
// which matches |expected_title| and a isOn method which matches
// |expected_state|.
void CheckSwitchCellStateAndText(BOOL expected_state,
NSString* expected_title,
int section,
int item);
// Verifies that the switch cell at |item| in |section| has a text property
// which matches the l10n string for |expected_title_id| and a isOn method
// which matches |expected_state|.
void CheckSwitchCellStateAndTextWithId(BOOL expected_state,
int expected_title_id,
int section,
int item);
// Verifies that the cell at |item| in |section| has the given
// |accessory_type|.
void CheckAccessoryType(UITableViewCellAccessoryType accessory_type,
int section,
int item);
// For |section|, deletes the item at |item|. |completion_block| is called at
// the end of the call to -performBatchUpdates:completion:.
void DeleteItem(int section, int item, ProceduralBlock completion_block);
ChromeTableViewController* controller_;