blob: 9e95b5d927f352e51d6925bc3620a776f35d3787 [file] [log] [blame]
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 15: submit event fired.
CONSOLE ERROR: line 19: Refused to send form data to '' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "form-action 'none'".
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 24: securitypolicyviolation event fired.
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 25: securitypolicyviolation_event.documentURI=
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 26: securitypolicyviolation_event.blockedURI=
CONSOLE MESSAGE: line 27: securitypolicyviolation_event.violatedDirective=form-action
Tests that blocking form actions works correctly. If this test passes, you will see a console error, and will not see a page indicating a form was POSTed.
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