blob: 79abc2a89934c6391009f21c19fa75c009677e47 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "services/ui/surfaces/display_compositor.h"
#include "cc/output/in_process_context_provider.h"
#include "cc/surfaces/surface.h"
#include "gpu/command_buffer/client/shared_memory_limits.h"
#include "gpu/ipc/gpu_in_process_thread_service.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/strong_binding.h"
#include "services/ui/surfaces/gpu_compositor_frame_sink.h"
namespace ui {
scoped_refptr<gpu::InProcessCommandBuffer::Service> gpu_service,
std::unique_ptr<MusGpuMemoryBufferManager> gpu_memory_buffer_manager,
gpu::ImageFactory* image_factory,
cc::mojom::DisplayCompositorClientPtr client)
: gpu_service_(std::move(gpu_service)),
client_(std::move(client)) {
void DisplayCompositor::CreateCompositorFrameSink(
const cc::FrameSinkId& frame_sink_id,
gpu::SurfaceHandle surface_handle,
cc::mojom::MojoCompositorFrameSinkRequest request,
cc::mojom::MojoCompositorFrameSinkPrivateRequest private_request,
cc::mojom::MojoCompositorFrameSinkClientPtr client) {
// We cannot create more than one CompositorFrameSink with a given
// |frame_sink_id|.
DCHECK_EQ(0u, compositor_frame_sinks_.count(frame_sink_id));
scoped_refptr<cc::InProcessContextProvider> context_provider;
if (surface_handle != gpu::kNullSurfaceHandle) {
context_provider = new cc::InProcessContextProvider(
gpu_service_, surface_handle, gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(),
image_factory_, gpu::SharedMemoryLimits(),
nullptr /* shared_context */);
compositor_frame_sinks_[frame_sink_id] =
this, frame_sink_id, surface_handle, gpu_memory_buffer_manager_.get(),
std::move(context_provider), std::move(request),
std::move(private_request), std::move(client));
void DisplayCompositor::AddRootSurfaceReference(const cc::SurfaceId& child_id) {
AddSurfaceReference(manager_.GetRootSurfaceId(), child_id);
void DisplayCompositor::AddSurfaceReference(const cc::SurfaceId& parent_id,
const cc::SurfaceId& child_id) {
auto vector_iter = temp_references_.find(child_id.frame_sink_id());
// If there are no temporary references for the FrameSinkId then we can just
// add reference and return.
if (vector_iter == temp_references_.end()) {
manager_.AddSurfaceReference(parent_id, child_id);
// Get the vector<LocalFrameId> for the appropriate FrameSinkId and look for
// |child_id.local_frame_id| in that vector. If found, there is a temporary
// reference to |child_id|.
std::vector<cc::LocalFrameId>& refs = vector_iter->second;
auto temp_ref_iter =
std::find(refs.begin(), refs.end(), child_id.local_frame_id());
if (temp_ref_iter == refs.end()) {
manager_.AddSurfaceReference(parent_id, child_id);
// All surfaces get a temporary reference to the top level root. If the parent
// wants to add a reference to the top level root then we do nothing.
// Otherwise remove the temporary reference and add the reference.
if (parent_id != manager_.GetRootSurfaceId()) {
manager_.AddSurfaceReference(parent_id, child_id);
manager_.RemoveSurfaceReference(manager_.GetRootSurfaceId(), child_id);
// Remove temporary references for surfaces with the same FrameSinkId that
// were created before |child_id|. The earlier surfaces were never embedded in
// the parent and the parent is embedding a later surface, so we know the
// parent doesn't need them anymore.
for (auto iter = refs.begin(); iter != temp_ref_iter; ++iter) {
cc::SurfaceId id = cc::SurfaceId(child_id.frame_sink_id(), *iter);
manager_.RemoveSurfaceReference(manager_.GetRootSurfaceId(), id);
// Remove markers for temporary references up to |child_id|, as the temporary
// references they correspond to were removed above. If |ref_iter| is the last
// element in |refs| then we are removing all temporary references for the
// FrameSinkId and can remove the map entry entirely.
if (++temp_ref_iter == refs.end())
refs.erase(refs.begin(), ++temp_ref_iter);
void DisplayCompositor::RemoveRootSurfaceReference(
const cc::SurfaceId& child_id) {
RemoveSurfaceReference(manager_.GetRootSurfaceId(), child_id);
void DisplayCompositor::RemoveSurfaceReference(const cc::SurfaceId& parent_id,
const cc::SurfaceId& child_id) {
// TODO(kylechar): Each remove reference can trigger GC, it would be better if
// we GC only once if removing multiple references.
manager_.RemoveSurfaceReference(parent_id, child_id);
DisplayCompositor::~DisplayCompositor() {
// Remove all temporary references on shutdown.
for (auto& map_entry : temp_references_) {
const cc::FrameSinkId& frame_sink_id = map_entry.first;
for (auto& local_frame_id : map_entry.second) {
cc::SurfaceId(frame_sink_id, local_frame_id));
void DisplayCompositor::OnCompositorFrameSinkClientConnectionLost(
const cc::FrameSinkId& frame_sink_id,
bool destroy_compositor_frame_sink) {
if (destroy_compositor_frame_sink)
// TODO(fsamuel): Tell the display compositor host that the client connection
// has been lost so that it can drop its private connection and allow a new
// client instance to create a new CompositorFrameSink.
void DisplayCompositor::OnCompositorFrameSinkPrivateConnectionLost(
const cc::FrameSinkId& frame_sink_id,
bool destroy_compositor_frame_sink) {
if (destroy_compositor_frame_sink)
void DisplayCompositor::OnSurfaceCreated(const cc::SurfaceId& surface_id,
const gfx::Size& frame_size,
float device_scale_factor) {
// We can get into a situation where multiple CompositorFrames arrive for a
// CompositorFrameSink before the DisplayCompositorClient can add any
// references for the frame. When the second frame with a new size arrives,
// the first will be destroyed and then if there are no references it will be
// deleted during surface GC. A temporary reference, removed when a real
// reference is received, is added to prevent this from happening.
manager_.AddSurfaceReference(manager_.GetRootSurfaceId(), surface_id);
if (client_)
client_->OnSurfaceCreated(surface_id, frame_size, device_scale_factor);
void DisplayCompositor::OnSurfaceDamaged(const cc::SurfaceId& surface_id,
bool* changed) {}
} // namespace ui