blob: 4c26ca2bdac9788dc1b3aef70003b1cc1eb8a4c4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "smbprovider/samba_interface.h"
namespace smbprovider {
// Fake implementation of SambaInterface. Uses a map to simulate a fake file
// system that can open and close directories. It can also store entries through
// |FakeEntry| which hold entry metadata.
class FakeSambaInterface : public SambaInterface {
~FakeSambaInterface() override;
// SambaInterface overrides.
int32_t OpenDirectory(const std::string& directory_path,
int32_t* dir_id) override;
int32_t CloseDirectory(int32_t dir_id) override;
int32_t GetDirectoryEntries(int32_t dir_id,
smbc_dirent* dirp,
int32_t dirp_buffer_size,
int32_t* bytes_read) override;
int32_t GetEntryStatus(const std::string& entry_path,
struct stat* stat) override;
int32_t OpenFile(const std::string& file_path,
int32_t flags,
int32_t* file_id) override;
int32_t CloseFile(int32_t file_id) override;
int32_t ReadFile(int32_t file_id,
uint8_t* buffer,
size_t buffer_size,
size_t* bytes_read) override;
int32_t Seek(int32_t file_id, int64_t offset) override;
int32_t Unlink(const std::string& file_path) override;
int32_t RemoveDirectory(const std::string& dir_path) override;
// Adds a directory that is able to be opened through OpenDirectory().
// Does not support recursive creation. All parents must exist.
void AddDirectory(const std::string& path);
// Adds a file at the specified path. All parents must exist.
void AddFile(const std::string& path);
void AddFile(const std::string& path, size_t size);
void AddFile(const std::string& path, size_t size, uint64_t date);
void AddFile(const std::string& path,
uint64_t date,
std::vector<uint8_t> file_data);
void AddEntry(const std::string& path, uint32_t smbc_type);
// Helper method to check if there are any leftover open directories or files
// in |open_fds|.
bool HasOpenEntries() const;
// Helpers to check the flags set on a FakeFile entry.
bool HasReadSet(int32_t fd) const;
bool HasWriteSet(int32_t fd) const;
// Helpers to check whether a given file descriptor |fd| is open.
bool IsFileFDOpen(uint32_t fd) const;
bool IsDirectoryFDOpen(uint32_t fd) const;
// Checks whether an entry exists in a given |path|.
bool EntryExists(const std::string& path) const;
// Gets current offset of file.
size_t GetFileOffset(int32_t fd) const;
// Replacement struct for smbc_dirent within FakeSambaInterface.
struct FakeEntry {
std::string name;
uint32_t smbc_type;
size_t size;
uint64_t date;
FakeEntry(const std::string& full_path,
uint32_t smbc_type,
size_t size,
uint64_t date);
virtual ~FakeEntry() = default;
// Returns true for SMBC_FILE and SMBC_DIR. False for all others.
bool IsValidEntryType() const;
// This is used in |directory_map_| and is used as a fake file system.
struct FakeDirectory : FakeEntry {
explicit FakeDirectory(const std::string& full_path)
: FakeEntry(full_path, SMBC_DIR, 0 /* size */, 0 /* date */) {}
// Returns a pointer to the entry in the directory with |name|.
FakeEntry* FindEntry(const std::string& name);
// Removes the entry in entries with |name| from the directory.
// This function must only be called on files and empty directories.
// Returns true if the entry was found and deleted. Otherwise returns false.
bool RemoveEntry(const std::string& name);
// Checks whether the provided FakeEntry is a file or an empty directory.
bool IsFileOrEmptyDirectory(FakeEntry* entry) const;
// Contains pointers to entries that can be found in this directory.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FakeEntry>> entries;
struct FakeFile : FakeEntry {
FakeFile(const std::string& full_path, size_t size, uint64_t date)
: FakeEntry(full_path, SMBC_FILE, size, date), has_data(false) {}
FakeFile(const std::string& full_path,
uint64_t date,
std::vector<uint8_t> file_data)
: FakeEntry(full_path, SMBC_FILE, file_data.size(), date),
data(std::move(file_data)) {}
// This is used to track if the file currently has data. This may be false
// during initialization, but can be switched to true if data is added
// later.
bool has_data;
// Only populated for SMBC_FILE and is optionally provided.
// This only contains data if has_data is true.
// Contains the data for the file.
std::vector<uint8_t> data;
struct OpenInfo {
std::string full_path;
// When type is FakeDirectory, this keeps track of the index of the next
// file to be read from the directory. This is set to 0 when opening.
// When type is FakeFile, this functions as the current offset of the file.
size_t current_index = 0;
// Type of FakeEntry that this OpenInfo is referring to.
uint32_t smbc_type;
// For testing that read/write are set correctly by Open().
bool readable = false;
bool writeable = false;
OpenInfo(const std::string& full_path, uint32_t smbc_type)
: full_path(full_path), smbc_type(smbc_type) {}
OpenInfo(const std::string& full_path,
uint32_t smbc_type,
bool readable,
bool writeable)
: full_path(full_path),
writeable(writeable) {}
OpenInfo(OpenInfo&& other)
: full_path(std::move(other.full_path)),
writeable(other.writeable) {}
using OpenEntries = std::map<uint32_t, OpenInfo>;
using OpenEntriesIterator = OpenEntries::iterator;
using OpenEntriesConstIterator = OpenEntries::const_iterator;
// Adds an open directory to open_fds.
int32_t AddOpenDirectory(const std::string& path);
// Adds an open file to open_fds.
int32_t AddOpenFile(const std::string& path, bool readable, bool writeable);
// Checks whether the file/directory at the specified path is open.
bool IsOpen(const std::string& full_path) const;
// Checks whether a file descriptor is open.
bool IsFDOpen(uint32_t fd) const;
// Returns an iterator to an OpenInfo in open_fds.
OpenEntriesIterator FindOpenFD(uint32_t fd);
// Returns a const_iterator to an OpenInfo in open_fds.
OpenEntriesConstIterator FindOpenFD(uint32_t fd) const;
// Recurses through the file system, returning a pointer to a directory.
// Pointer is owned by the class and should not be retained passed the
// lifetime of a single public method call as it could be invalidated.
// |full_path| is expected to be in /foo/bar format.
FakeDirectory* GetDirectory(const std::string& full_path,
int32_t* error) const;
FakeDirectory* GetDirectory(const std::string& full_path) const;
// Recurses through the file system, returning a pointer to the entry.
// Pointer is owned by the class and should not be retained passed the
// lifetime of a single public method call as it could be invalidated.
FakeEntry* GetEntry(const std::string& entry_path) const;
// Recurses through the file system, returning a pointer to the file.
// Pointer is owned by the class and should not be retained passed the
// lifetime of a single public method call as it could be invalidated.
FakeFile* GetFile(const std::string& file_path) const;
// Checks whether the directory has more entries.
bool HasMoreEntries(uint32_t dir_fd) const;
// Counter for assigning file descriptor when opening.
uint32_t next_fd = 0;
// Root directory of the file system.
std::unique_ptr<FakeDirectory> root;
// Keeps track of open files and directories.
// Key: fd of the file/directory.
// Value: OpenInfo that corresponds with the key.
OpenEntries open_fds;
} // namespace smbprovider