blob: 74ceddd4634f19a9b09595dc843a506c97f0e8fb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <base/memory/weak_ptr.h>
#include <dbus_adaptors/org.chromium.SmbProvider.h>
#include "smbprovider/proto_bindings/directory_entry.pb.h"
#include "smbprovider/temp_file_manager.h"
using brillo::dbus_utils::AsyncEventSequencer;
namespace smbprovider {
class DirectoryEntryList;
class MountManager;
class SambaInterface;
// Used as buffer for serialized protobufs.
using ProtoBlob = std::vector<uint8_t>;
// Serializes |proto| to the byte array |proto_blob|. Returns ERROR_OK on
// success and ERROR_FAILED on failure.
template <typename ProtoType>
ErrorType SerializeProtoToBlob(const ProtoType& proto, ProtoBlob* proto_blob) {
return proto.SerializeToArray(proto_blob->data(), proto.ByteSizeLong())
// Implementation of smbprovider's DBus interface. Mostly routes stuff between
// DBus and samba_interface.
class SmbProvider : public org::chromium::SmbProviderAdaptor,
public org::chromium::SmbProviderInterface {
SmbProvider(std::unique_ptr<brillo::dbus_utils::DBusObject> dbus_object,
std::unique_ptr<SambaInterface> samba_interface,
std::unique_ptr<MountManager> mount_manager,
size_t buffer_size);
SmbProvider(std::unique_ptr<brillo::dbus_utils::DBusObject> dbus_object,
std::unique_ptr<SambaInterface> samba_interface,
std::unique_ptr<MountManager> mount_manager);
// org::chromium::SmbProviderInterface: (see org.chromium.SmbProvider.xml).
void Mount(const ProtoBlob& options_blob,
int32_t* error_code,
int32_t* mount_id) override;
int32_t Unmount(const ProtoBlob& options_blob) override;
void ReadDirectory(const ProtoBlob& options_blob,
int32_t* error_code,
ProtoBlob* out_entries) override;
void GetMetadataEntry(const ProtoBlob& options_blob,
int32_t* error_code,
ProtoBlob* out_entry) override;
void OpenFile(const ProtoBlob& options_blob,
int32_t* error_code,
int32_t* file_id) override;
int32_t CloseFile(const ProtoBlob& options_blob) override;
int32_t DeleteEntry(const ProtoBlob& options_blob) override;
void ReadFile(const ProtoBlob& options_blob,
int32_t* error_code,
dbus::FileDescriptor* temp_fd) override;
// Register DBus object and interfaces.
void RegisterAsync(
const AsyncEventSequencer::CompletionAction& completion_callback);
// Gets entries from |samba_interface_| in the directory |dir_id| and places
// the entries in a buffer. It then transforms the data into a
// DirectoryEntryList which is passed into |entries|. This should not be be
// called on a directory that is not open. Returns 0 on success, and errno on
// failure.
// |entries| will be empty in case of failure.
int32_t GetDirectoryEntries(int32_t dir_id, DirectoryEntryList* entries);
// Looks up the |mount_id| and appends |entry_path| to the root share path
// and sets |full_path| to the result. |full_path| will be unmodified on
// failure.
// |operation_name| is used for logging purposes only.
bool GetFullPath(const char* operation_name,
int32_t mount_id,
const std::string& entry_path,
std::string* full_path) const;
// Parses the raw contents of |blob| into |options| and validates that
// the required fields are all correctly set.
// |full_path| will contain the full path, including the mount root, based
// on the mount id and entry path supplied in |options|.
// On failure |error_code| will be populated and |options| and |full_path|
// are undefined.
template <typename Proto>
bool ParseOptionsAndPath(const ProtoBlob& blob,
Proto* options,
std::string* full_path,
int32_t* error_code);
// Tests whether |mount_root| is a valid path to be mounted by attemping
// to open the directory.
bool CanMountPath(const std::string& mount_root, int32_t* error_code);
// Helper method to get the type of an entry. Returns boolean indicating
// success. Sets is_directory to true for directory, and false for file.
// Fails when called on non-file, non-directory.
// On failure, returns false and sets |error_code|.
bool GetEntryType(const std::string& full_path,
int32_t* error_code,
bool* is_directory);
// Helper method to close the directory with id |dir_id|. Logs an error if the
// directory fails to close.
void CloseDirectory(int32_t dir_id);
// Removes |mount_id| from the |mount_manager_| object and sets |error_code|
// on failure.
bool RemoveMount(int32_t mount_id, int32_t* error_code);
// Helper method to read a file with valid |options| and output the results
// into a |buffer|. This sets |error_code| on failure.
bool ReadFileIntoBuffer(const ReadFileOptions& options,
int32_t* error_code,
std::vector<uint8_t>* buffer);
// Helper method to write data from a |buffer| into a temporary file and
// outputs the resulting file descriptor into |temp_fd|. |options| is used for
// logging purposes. This sets |error_code| on failure.
bool WriteTempFile(const ReadFileOptions& options,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& buffer,
int32_t* error_code,
dbus::FileDescriptor* temp_fd);
// Helper method to seek given a proto |options|.
// On failure |error_code| will be populated.
template <typename Proto>
bool Seek(const Proto& options, int32_t* error_code);
std::unique_ptr<SambaInterface> samba_interface_;
std::unique_ptr<brillo::dbus_utils::DBusObject> dbus_object_;
std::unique_ptr<MountManager> mount_manager_;
TempFileManager temp_file_manager_;
// |dir_buf_| is used as the buffer for reading directory entries in
// GetDirectoryEntries(). Its initial capacity is specified in the
// constructor.
std::vector<uint8_t> dir_buf_;
} // namespace smbprovider