blob: 496f49f858bf30d879a78d0a67202b576ecc277b [file] [log] [blame]
# Test Linker map for LLD with ThinLTO, "v1" format.
# .map files actually don't have comments and blank lines! These are added to
# improve documentation, and are stripped by tests.
# First line is needed to identify .map file type.
VMA LMA Size Align Out In Symbol
# Extract sizes for every section, and symbols for selected sections only.
# Size-only sections.
174 174 13 1 .interp
174 174 13 1 <internal>:(.interp)
188 188 1e2678 4 .ARM.exidx
188 188 8 4 obj/third_party/breakpad/libclient.a(client/breakpad_getcontext.o):(.ARM.exidx)
190 190 8 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(chrono.o):(.ARM.exidx.text.__clang_call_terminate)
190 190 0 1 $d
198 198 8 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(chrono.o):(.ARM.exidx.text._ZNSt6__ndk16chrono12steady_clock3nowEv)
198 198 0 1 $d
1a0 1a0 8 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(exception.o):(.ARM.exidx.text._ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv)
1a0 1a0 0 1 $d
2340 2340 8 4 lto.tmp:(.ARM.exidx.text._ZN5media18CdmPromiseTemplateIJEE26RejectPromiseOnDestructionEv)
2348 2348 8 4 lto.tmp:(.ARM.exidx.text._ZN5media18CdmPromiseTemplateIJEED2Ev)
1e2800 1e2800 1870 4 .dynsym
1e2800 1e2800 1870 4 <internal>:(.dynsym)
1e4070 1e4070 30e 2 .gnu.version
1e4070 1e4070 30e 2 <internal>:(.gnu.version)
1e4380 1e4380 60 4 .gnu.version_r
1e4380 1e4380 60 4 <internal>:(.gnu.version_r)
1e43e0 1e43e0 1c 4 .gnu.hash
1e43e0 1e43e0 1c 4 <internal>:(.gnu.hash)
1e43fc 1e43fc f6b 1 .dynstr
1e43fc 1e43fc f6b 1 <internal>:(.dynstr)
1e5368 1e5368 2d1d5 4 .rel.dyn
1e5368 1e5368 2d1d5 4 <internal>:(.rel.dyn)
212540 212540 bd8 4 .rel.plt
212540 212540 bd8 4 <internal>:(.rel.plt)
213118 213118 1c 4
213118 213118 1c 4 obj/third_party/crashpad/crashpad/client/libclient.a(client/crashpad_info_note.o):(
213118 213118 1c 1 CRASHPAD_NOTE
213124 213124 0 1 name
21312d 21312d 0 1 name_end
213130 213130 0 1 desc
213134 213134 0 1 desc_end
213134 213134 98 4
213134 213134 98 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/platforms/android-16/arch-arm/usr/lib/crtbegin_so.o:(
213134 213134 0 1 $d
213134 213134 98 1 note_android_ident
213140 213140 0 1 note_name
213148 213148 0 1 note_data
21314c 21314c 0 1 ndk_version
21318c 21318c 0 1 ndk_build_number
2131cc 2131cc 0 1 note_end
2131cc 2131cc 24 4
2131cc 2131cc 24 4 <internal>:(
# .rodata: Extract symbols and size (read-only data).
213200 213200 611e4b 256 .rodata
213200 213200 4 1 obj/v8/v8_external_snapshot/embedded.o:(.rodata)
213200 213200 0 1 v8_Default_embedded_blob_size_
213210 213210 20 16 obj/third_party/ffmpeg/libffmpeg_internal.a(ffmpeg_internal/fft_neon.o):(.rodata)
213210 213210 10 1 pmmp
213220 213220 10 1 mppm
213230 213230 180 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(hash.o):(.rodata)
213230 213230 c0 1 std::__ndk1::(anonymous namespace)::small_primes
213230 213230 0 1 $d
2132f0 2132f0 c0 1 std::__ndk1::(anonymous namespace)::indices
2133b0 2133b0 d1 16 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(ios.o):(.rodata)
2133b0 2133b0 0 1 $d
2133b0 2133b0 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::boolalpha
2133b4 2133b4 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::dec
2133b8 2133b8 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::fixed
2133bc 2133bc 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::hex
2133c0 2133c0 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::internal
2133c4 2133c4 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::left
2133c8 2133c8 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::oct
2133cc 2133cc 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::right
2133d0 2133d0 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::scientific
2133d4 2133d4 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::showbase
2133d8 2133d8 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::showpoint
2133dc 2133dc 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::showpos
2133e0 2133e0 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::skipws
2133e4 2133e4 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::unitbuf
2133e8 2133e8 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::uppercase
2133ec 2133ec 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::adjustfield
2133f0 2133f0 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::basefield
2133f4 2133f4 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::floatfield
2133f8 2133f8 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::badbit
2133fc 2133fc 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::eofbit
213400 213400 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::failbit
213404 213404 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::goodbit
213408 213408 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::app
21340c 21340c 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::ate
213410 213410 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::binary
213414 213414 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::in
213418 213418 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::out
21341c 21341c 4 1 std::__ndk1::ios_base::trunc
213420 213420 1d 1 typeinfo name for std::__ndk1::ios_base::failure
213440 213440 15 1 typeinfo name for std::__ndk1::ios_base
213460 213460 21 1 typeinfo name for std::__ndk1::__iostream_category
213490 213490 2d 16 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(ios.o):(.rodata._ZTSNSt6__ndk19basic_iosIcNS_11char_traitsIcEEEE)
213490 213490 0 1 $d
# <internal>, which is Level 2 only.
21368b 21368b 2c378e 1 <internal>:(.rodata)
# Single symbol mixed with $d.
4d6e20 4d6e20 1b 16 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(iostream.o):(.rodata._ZTSNSt6__ndk110__stdinbufIwEE)
4d6e20 4d6e20 0 1 $d
4d6e20 4d6e20 1b 1 typeinfo name for std::__ndk1::__stdinbuf<wchar_t>
# More <internal>.
4d7920 4d7920 266c 4 <internal>:(.rodata)
4d9f90 4d9f90 18 16 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(locale.o):(.rodata._ZTSNSt6__ndk110ctype_baseE)
4d9f90 4d9f90 0 1 $d
4d9f90 4d9f90 18 1 typeinfo name for std::__ndk1::ctype_base
4d9fb0 4d9fb0 1a 16 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(locale.o):(.rodata._ZTSNSt6__ndk112codecvt_baseE)
4d9fb0 4d9fb0 0 1 $d
4d9fb0 4d9fb0 1a 1 typeinfo name for std::__ndk1::codecvt_base
# thinlto-cache at Level 2.
503eb3 503eb3 1 1 thinlto-cache/Thin-84596a.tmp.o:(.rodata._ZN7network5mojom45CookieManagerProxy_SetCanonicalCookie_Message11kMessageTagE)
503eb3 503eb3 1 1 network::mojom::CookieManagerProxy_SetCanonicalCookie_Message::kMessageTag
503eb4 503eb4 1 1 thinlto-cache/Thin-84596a.tmp.o:(.rodata._ZN7network5mojom48CookieManagerProxy_DeleteCanonicalCookie_Message11kMessageTagE)
503eb4 503eb4 1 1 network::mojom::CookieManagerProxy_DeleteCanonicalCookie_Message::kMessageTag
# Size-only sections.
82504c 82504c 8ffc 4 .ARM.extab
82504c 82504c 40 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(chrono.o):(.ARM.extab.text._ZNSt6__ndk16chrono12steady_clock3nowEv)
82504c 82504c 0 1 $d
825058 825058 0 1 GCC_except_table4
82508c 82508c 38 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(hash.o):(.ARM.extab.text._ZNSt6__ndk112__next_primeEj)
82508c 82508c 0 1 $d
825098 825098 0 1 GCC_except_table0
8250c4 8250c4 48 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(ios.o):(.ARM.extab.text._ZNSt6__ndk18ios_base5clearEj)
8250c4 8250c4 0 1 $d
8250d0 8250d0 0 1 GCC_except_table5
# .text: Extract symbols and size (executable code).
82f000 82f000 251b7e8 64 .text
# Multiple Level 3 symbols under Level 2. $a annotates ARM symbols (i.e., not Thumb2).
82f000 82f000 cdc 32 obj/third_party/boringssl/boringssl_asm/chacha-armv4.o:(.text)
82f004 82f004 0 1 $d.0
82f040 82f040 0 1 $a.1
82f040 82f040 3f0 1 ChaCha20_ctr32
82f440 82f440 89c 1 ChaCha20_neon
82fce0 82fce0 130c 32 obj/third_party/boringssl/boringssl_asm/aes-armv4.o:(.text)
82fce0 82fce0 0 1 $d.0
82fce0 82fce0 540 1 AES_Te
830220 830220 0 1 $a.1
830220 830220 60 1 aes_nohw_encrypt
830280 830280 1d8 1 _armv4_AES_encrypt
830460 830460 0 1 _armv4_AES_set_encrypt_key
830460 830460 2a0 1 aes_nohw_set_encrypt_key
830700 830700 20 1 aes_nohw_set_decrypt_key
830720 830720 0 1 _armv4_AES_set_enc2dec_key
830720 830720 124 1 AES_set_enc2dec_key
830860 830860 0 1 $d.2
830860 830860 500 1 AES_Td
830d60 830d60 0 1 $a.3
830d60 830d60 60 1 aes_nohw_decrypt
830dc0 830dc0 1f8 1 _armv4_AES_decrypt
830fb8 830fb8 0 1 $d.4
# Level 2 symbol followed by data before first Level 3 symbol.
831000 831000 a28 32 obj/third_party/boringssl/boringssl_asm/aesv8-armx32.o:(.text)
831004 831004 0 1 $d.0
831040 831040 0 1 $a.1
831040 831040 0 1 .Lenc_key
831040 831040 218 1 aes_hw_set_encrypt_key
8310b0 8310b0 0 1 $d.2
8310b4 8310b4 0 1 $a.3
8310f0 8310f0 0 1 $d.4
8310f4 8310f4 0 1 $a.5
831124 831124 0 1 $d.6
831128 831128 0 1 $a.7
831180 831180 0 1 $d.8
831184 831184 0 1 $a.9
8311f0 8311f0 0 1 $d.10
8311f4 8311f4 0 1 $a.11
831228 831228 0 1 $d.12
83122c 83122c 0 1 $a.13
831260 831260 60 1 aes_hw_set_decrypt_key
831294 831294 0 1 $d.14
83129c 83129c 0 1 $a.15
8312b0 8312b0 0 1 $d.16
8312b4 8312b4 0 1 $a.17
8312c0 8312c0 50 1 aes_hw_encrypt
8312d4 8312d4 0 1 $d.18
8312dc 8312dc 0 1 $a.19
8312e4 8312e4 0 1 $d.20
8312ec 8312ec 0 1 $a.21
8312f4 8312f4 0 1 $d.22
8312fc 8312fc 0 1 $a.23
831300 831300 0 1 $d.24
831304 831304 0 1 $a.25
831320 831320 50 1 aes_hw_decrypt
831334 831334 0 1 $d.26
83133c 83133c 0 1 $a.27
831344 831344 0 1 $d.28
83134c 83134c 0 1 $a.29
831354 831354 0 1 $d.30
83135c 83135c 0 1 $a.31
831360 831360 0 1 $d.32
831364 831364 0 1 $a.33
# Symbols with Size = 0 from assembly. Level 3 items are functions.
83c640 83c640 13aee0 32 obj/v8/v8_external_snapshot/embedded.o:(.text)
83c640 83c640 0 1 v8_Default_embedded_blob_data_
83f4a0 83f4a0 0 1 Builtins_RecordWrite
83f7c0 83f7c0 0 1 Builtins_AdaptorWithExitFrame
83f800 83f800 0 1 Builtins_AdaptorWithBuiltinExitFrame
83f840 83f840 0 1 Builtins_ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline
83f940 83f940 0 1 Builtins_CallFunction_ReceiverIsNullOrUndefined
83fa40 83fa40 0 1 Builtins_CallFunction_ReceiverIsNotNullOrUndefined
83fb80 83fb80 0 1 Builtins_CallFunction_ReceiverIsAny
83fd00 83fd00 0 1 Builtins_CallBoundFunction
# ... (okay to skip).
977520 977520 18 16 obj/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/asm/asm/SaveRegisters_arm.o:(.text)
977520 977520 0 1 $a.0
977520 977520 0 1 PushAllRegisters
# Symbols with Size = 0 from assembly. Many Level 3 items are labels.
97c834 97c834 4dc 4 obj/third_party/libvpx/libvpx_assembly_arm.a(libvpx_assembly_arm/vpx_convolve8_avg_horiz_filter_type1_neon.asm.o):(.text)
97c834 97c834 0 1 $a.0
97c834 97c834 0 1 _vpx_convolve8_avg_horiz_filter_type1_neon
# This is a function.
97c834 97c834 4dc 1 vpx_convolve8_avg_horiz_filter_type1_neon
# These are labels.
97c848 97c848 0 1 start_loop_count
97c8d0 97c8d0 0 1 outer_loop8_residual
97c8f0 97c8f0 0 1 outer_loop_8
97c900 97c900 0 1 inner_loop_8
97c9c8 97c9c8 0 1 end_inner_loop_8
97c9e4 97c9e4 0 1 end_loops
97c9e8 97c9e8 0 1 outer_loop_16
97ca54 97ca54 0 1 inner_loop_16
97cbcc 97cbcc 0 1 epilog_16
97cc08 97cc08 0 1 end_loops1
97cc0c 97cc0c 0 1 outer_loop4_residual
97cc2c 97cc2c 0 1 outer_loop_4
97cc3c 97cc3c 0 1 inner_loop_4
97ccf8 97ccf8 0 1 end_inner_loop_4
97cd08 97cd08 0 1 end_func
# Thumb2 symbols (indicated by odd Level 3 addresses) with aliases.
99cad8 99cad8 fc 8 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libandroid_support.a(e_sinh.o):(.text.sinh)
99cad8 99cad8 0 1 $t
99cad9 99cad9 fc 1 sinhl
99cad9 99cad9 fc 1 sinh
99cbb8 99cbb8 0 1 $d
# On rare occasions, some symbol name start with '$'.
1401788 1401788 a4 4 thinlto-cache/Thin-826b9f.tmp.o:(.text._ZNK4$_21clEP10FamilyDataPKcPS3_)
1401788 1401788 0 1 $t.78
1401789 1401789 a4 1 $_21::operator()(FamilyData*, char const*, char const**) const
1401818 1401818 0 1 $d.79
# Size-only sections.
2d4a7f0 2d4a7f0 17d0 16 .plt
2d4a7f0 2d4a7f0 17d0 16 <internal>:(.plt)
# .data: Extract symbols and size.
2d4c000 2d4c000 1cfc8 8 .data
2d4c000 2d4c000 4 1 obj/v8/v8_external_snapshot/embedded.o:(.data)
2d4c000 2d4c000 0 1 v8_Default_embedded_blob_
2d4c004 2d4c004 4 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/platforms/android-16/arch-arm/usr/lib/crtbegin_so.o:(.data)
2d4c004 2d4c004 0 1 $d
2d4c004 2d4c004 4 1 __dso_handle
# Extract symbols and size.
2d69000 2d69000 1eb760 16
2d69000 2d69000 3c 4 obj/third_party/ffmpeg/libffmpeg_internal.a(ffmpeg_internal/fft_vfp.o):(
2d69000 2d69000 3c 1 fft_tab_vfp
2d6903c 2d6903c 3c 4 obj/third_party/ffmpeg/libffmpeg_internal.a(ffmpeg_internal/fft_neon.o):(
2d6903c 2d6903c 3c 1 fft_tab_neon
2d69078 2d69078 40 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(ios.o):(
2d69078 2d69078 0 1 $d
2d69078 2d69078 40 1 vtable for std::__ndk1::basic_streambuf<wchar_t, std::__ndk1::char_traits<wchar_t> >
2d690b8 2d690b8 28 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(ios.o):(
2d690b8 2d690b8 0 1 $d
2d690b8 2d690b8 28 1 vtable for std::__ndk1::basic_istream<char, std::__ndk1::char_traits<char> >
2d690e0 2d690e0 28 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(ios.o):(
2d690e0 2d690e0 0 1 $d
2d690e0 2d690e0 28 1 vtable for std::__ndk1::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::__ndk1::char_traits<wchar_t> >
2d69108 2d69108 28 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(ios.o):(
2d69108 2d69108 0 1 $d
2d69108 2d69108 28 1 vtable for std::__ndk1::basic_ostream<char, std::__ndk1::char_traits<char> >
2d69130 2d69130 28 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(ios.o):(
2d69130 2d69130 0 1 $d
2d69130 2d69130 28 1 vtable for std::__ndk1::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::__ndk1::char_traits<wchar_t> >
2d69158 2d69158 68 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(ios.o):(
2d69158 2d69158 0 1 $d
2d69158 2d69158 24 1 vtable for std::__ndk1::__iostream_category
2d6917c 2d6917c 14 1 vtable for std::__ndk1::ios_base::failure
2d69190 2d69190 10 1 vtable for std::__ndk1::ios_base
2d691a0 2d691a0 c 1 typeinfo for std::__ndk1::ios_base::failure
2d691ac 2d691ac 8 1 typeinfo for std::__ndk1::ios_base
2d691b4 2d691b4 c 1 typeinfo for std::__ndk1::__iostream_category
# Size-only sections.
2f54760 2f54760 8 4 .fini_array
2f54760 2f54760 4 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/platforms/android-16/arch-arm/usr/lib/crtbegin_so.o:(.fini_array)
2f54760 2f54760 0 1 $d
2f54764 2f54764 4 1 ../../third_party/android_ndk/platforms/android-16/arch-arm/usr/lib/crtend_so.o:(.fini_array)
2f54768 2f54768 10 4 .init_array
2f54768 2f54768 4 4 ../../third_party/android_ndk/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/armeabi-v7a/libc++_static.a(iostream.o):(.init_array)
2f54768 2f54768 0 1 $d
2f5476c 2f5476c 4 4 ../../third_party/gvr-android-sdk/libgvr_shim_static_arm.a(base_logging.o):(.init_array)
2f54770 2f54770 4 1 ../../third_party/android_ndk/platforms/android-16/arch-arm/usr/lib/crtend_so.o:(.init_array)
2f54774 2f54774 4 4 thinlto-cache/Thin-b0997c.tmp.o:(.init_array)
2f54778 2f54778 f0 4 .dynamic
2f54778 2f54778 f0 4 <internal>:(.dynamic)
2f54868 2f54868 5ac 4 .got
2f54868 2f54868 5ac 4 <internal>:(.got)
2f54e14 2f54e14 5f8 4 .got.plt
2f54e14 2f54e14 5f8 4 <internal>:(.got.plt)
# .bss: Extract symbols and size (does not consume size on disk).
2f56000 2f56000 109f7c 32 .bss
2f56000 2f56000 4 4 thinlto-cache/Thin-cfd493.tmp.o:(COMMON)
2f56000 2f56000 4 1 WebRtcSpl_CrossCorrelation
2f56000 2f56000 4 1 WebRtcSpl_CrossCorrelation
2f56000 2f56000 4 1 WebRtcSpl_CrossCorrelation
2f56004 2f56004 4 4 thinlto-cache/Thin-cfd493.tmp.o:(COMMON)
2f56004 2f56004 4 1 WebRtcSpl_DownsampleFast
2f56004 2f56004 4 1 WebRtcSpl_DownsampleFast
2f56004 2f56004 4 1 WebRtcSpl_DownsampleFast
2f56004 2f56004 4 1 WebRtcSpl_DownsampleFast
2f56008 2f56008 4 4 thinlto-cache/Thin-cfd493.tmp.o:(COMMON)
2f56008 2f56008 4 1 WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW16
2f56008 2f56008 4 1 WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW16
2f56008 2f56008 4 1 WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW16
2f56008 2f56008 4 1 WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW16
2f56008 2f56008 4 1 WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW16
2f56008 2f56008 4 1 WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW16
2f56008 2f56008 4 1 WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW16
2f56008 2f56008 4 1 WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW16
2f56008 2f56008 4 1 WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW16
2f56008 2f56008 4 1 WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW16
2f56008 2f56008 4 1 WebRtcSpl_MaxAbsValueW16
# Various .debug sections can exist, but they're omitted for simplicity.
# Size-only sections.
0 0 23 1 .ARM.attributes
0 0 23 1 obj/third_party/boringssl/boringssl_asm/chacha-armv4.o:(.ARM.attributes)
0 0 a8 1 .comment
0 0 a8 1 <internal>:(.comment)
0 0 11c3610 4 .symtab
0 0 11c3610 4 <internal>:(.symtab)
0 0 1c4 1 .shstrtab
0 0 1c4 1 <internal>:(.shstrtab)
0 0 2f73332 1 .strtab
0 0 2f73332 1 <internal>:(.strtab)
# PROVIDE_HIDDEN are not Level 1 symbols.
2f73332 0 0 1 PROVIDE_HIDDEN ( linker_script_start_of_text = ADDR ( .text ) )
2f73332 0 0 1 PROVIDE_HIDDEN ( linker_script_end_of_text = ADDR ( .text ) + SIZEOF ( .text ) )