blob: 3d578ac25393dbde9b11e0a41c0fd56215a5ed2c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* @fileoverview
* 'site-entry' is an element representing a single eTLD+1 site entity.
is: 'site-entry',
behaviors: [SiteSettingsBehavior],
properties: {
* An object representing a group of sites with the same eTLD+1.
* @type {!SiteGroup}
siteGroup: {
type: Object,
observer: 'onSiteGroupChanged_',
* The name to display beside the icon. If grouped_() is true, it will be
* the eTLD+1 for all the origins, otherwise, it will return the host.
* @private
displayName_: String,
* The string to display when there is a non-zero number of cookies.
* @private
cookieString_: String,
* The position of this site-entry in its parent list.
listIndex: {
type: Number,
value: -1,
* The string to display showing the overall usage of this site-entry.
* @private
overallUsageString_: String,
* An array containing the strings to display showing the individual disk
* usage for each origin in |siteGroup|.
* @type {!Array<string>}
* @private
originUsages_: {
type: Array,
value: function() {
return [];
listeners: {
'focus': 'onFocus_',
/** @private {?settings.LocalDataBrowserProxy} */
localDataBrowserProxy_: null,
/** @override */
created: function() {
this.localDataBrowserProxy_ =
* Whether the list of origins displayed in this site-entry is a group of
* eTLD+1 origins or not.
* @param {SiteGroup} siteGroup The eTLD+1 group of origins.
* @return {boolean}
* @private
grouped_: function(siteGroup) {
if (siteGroup)
return != 1;
return false;
* Returns a user-friendly name for the origin corresponding to |originIndex|.
* If grouped_() is true and |originIndex| is not provided, returns the eTLD+1
* for all the origins, otherwise, return the host for that origin.
* @param {SiteGroup} siteGroup The eTLD+1 group of origins.
* @param {number} originIndex Index of the origin to get a user-friendly name
* for. If -1, returns the eTLD+1 name if any, otherwise defaults to the
* first origin.
* @return {string} The user-friendly name.
* @private
siteRepresentation_: function(siteGroup, originIndex) {
if (!siteGroup)
return '';
if (this.grouped_(siteGroup) && originIndex == -1) {
if (siteGroup.etldPlus1 != '')
return siteGroup.etldPlus1;
// Fall back onto using the host of the first origin, if no eTLD+1 name
// was computed.
originIndex = this.getIndexBoundToOriginList_(siteGroup, originIndex);
const url = this.toUrl([originIndex].origin);
* @param {SiteGroup} siteGroup The eTLD+1 group of origins.
* @private
onSiteGroupChanged_: function(siteGroup) {
this.displayName_ = this.siteRepresentation_(siteGroup, -1);
if (!this.grouped_(SiteGroup)) {
// Ensure ungrouped |siteGroup|s do not get stuck in an opened state.
if (this.$.collapseChild.opened)
// Ungrouped site-entries should not show cookies.
if (this.cookieString_)
this.cookieString_ = '';
if (!siteGroup)
if (!this.grouped_(siteGroup))
const siteList = [this.displayName_];
.then(numCookiesList => {
assert(siteList.length == numCookiesList.length);
const numCookies = numCookiesList[0].numCookies;
if (siteGroup.numCookies != numCookies)'site-entry-storage-updated');
siteGroup.numCookies = numCookies;
return numCookies == 0 ?
Promise.resolve('') :
.then(string => {
this.cookieString_ = string;
* Returns any non-HTTPS scheme/protocol for the origin corresponding to
* |originIndex|. Otherwise, returns a empty string.
* @param {SiteGroup} siteGroup The eTLD+1 group of origins.
* @param {number} originIndex Index of the origin to get the non-HTTPS scheme
* for. If -1, returns an empty string for the grouped |siteGroup|s but
* defaults to 0 for non-grouped.
* @return {string} The scheme if non-HTTPS, or empty string if HTTPS.
* @private
scheme_: function(siteGroup, originIndex) {
if (!siteGroup || (this.grouped_(siteGroup) && originIndex == -1))
return '';
originIndex = this.getIndexBoundToOriginList_(siteGroup, originIndex);
const url = this.toUrl([originIndex].origin);
const scheme = url.protocol.replace(new RegExp(':*$'), '');
/** @type{string} */ const HTTPS_SCHEME = 'https';
if (scheme == HTTPS_SCHEME)
return '';
return scheme;
* Get an appropriate favicon that represents this group of eTLD+1 sites as a
* whole.
* @param {SiteGroup} siteGroup The eTLD+1 group of origins.
* @return {string} URL that is used for fetching the favicon
* @private
getSiteGroupIcon_: function(siteGroup) {
// TODO( Implement heuristic for finding a good
// favicon.
* Calculates the amount of disk storage used by the given group of origins
* and eTLD+1. Also updates the corresponding display strings.
* TODO( Add website storage as well.
* @param {SiteGroup} siteGroup The eTLD+1 group of origins.
* @private
calculateUsageInfo_: function(siteGroup) {
const getFormattedBytesForSize = (numBytes) => {
if (numBytes == 0)
return Promise.resolve('0 B');
return this.browserProxy.getFormattedBytes(numBytes);
let overallUsage = 0;
this.originUsages_ = new Array(;, i) => {
overallUsage += originInfo.usage;
if (this.grouped_(siteGroup)) {
getFormattedBytesForSize(originInfo.usage).then((string) => {
this.set(`originUsages_.${i}`, string);
getFormattedBytesForSize(overallUsage).then(string => {
this.overallUsageString_ = string;
* Array binding for the |originUsages_| array for use in the HTML.
* @param {!{base: !Array<string>}} change The change record for the array.
* @param {number} index The index of the array item.
* @return {string}
* @private
originUsagesItem_: function(change, index) {
return change.base[index];
* Navigates to the corresponding Site Details page for the given origin.
* @param {string} origin The origin to navigate to the Site Details page for
* it.
* @private
navigateToSiteDetails_: function(origin) {
'site-entry-selected', {item: this.siteGroup, index: this.listIndex});
new URLSearchParams('site=' + origin));
* A handler for selecting a site (by clicking on the origin).
* @param {!{model: !{index: !number}}} e
* @private
onOriginTap_: function(e) {
* A handler for clicking on a site-entry heading. This will either show a
* list of origins or directly navigates to Site Details if there is only one.
* @private
onSiteEntryTap_: function() {
// Individual origins don't expand - just go straight to Site Details.
if (!this.grouped_(this.siteGroup)) {
// Make sure the expanded origins can be viewed without further scrolling
// (in case |this| is already at the bottom of the viewport).
* Toggles open and closed the list of origins if there is more than one.
* @private
toggleCollapsible_: function() {
const collapseChild =
/** @type {IronCollapseElement} */ (this.$.collapseChild);
this.$.toggleButton.setAttribute('aria-expanded', collapseChild.opened);
* Opens the overflow menu at event target.
* @param {!{target: !Element}} e
* @private
showOverflowMenu_: function(e) {
/** @private */
onCloseDialog_: function(e) {'cr-dialog').close();
* Confirms the resetting of all content settings for an origin.
* @param {!{target: !Element}} e
* @private
onConfirmResetSettings_: function(e) {
* Resets all permissions for all origins listed in ||.
* @param {!Event} e
* @private
onResetSettings_: function(e) {
const contentSettingsTypes = this.getCategoryList();
for (let i = 0; i <; ++i) {
const origin =[i].origin;
origin, contentSettingsTypes, settings.ContentSetting.DEFAULT);
if (contentSettingsTypes.includes(settings.ContentSettingsTypes.PLUGINS))
* Formats the |label| string with |name|, using $<num> as markers.
* @param {string} label
* @param {string} name
* @return {string}
* @private
getFormatString_: function(label, name) {
return loadTimeData.substituteString(label, name);
* Returns a valid index for an origin contained in || by
* clamping the given |index|. This also replaces undefined |index|es with 0.
* Use this to prevent being given out-of-bounds indexes by dom-repeat when
* scrolling an iron-list storing these site-entries too quickly.
* @param {!number=} index
* @return {number}
* @private
getIndexBoundToOriginList_: function(siteGroup, index) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(index, - 1));
* Returns the correct class to apply depending on this site-entry's position
* in a list.
* @param {number} index
* @private
getClassForIndex_: function(index) {
if (index == 0)
return 'first';
return '';
* Focuses the first focusable button in this site-entry.
* @private
onFocus_: function() {
const button = /** @type Element */
(this.root.querySelector('#toggleButton *:not([hidden]) button'));
this.tabIndex = -1;