blob: 9fca18a95a4d5d3ac7968d5686257643c42f8736 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/input/TouchEventManager.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/events/TouchEvent.h"
#include "core/frame/Deprecation.h"
#include "core/frame/EventHandlerRegistry.h"
#include "core/frame/FrameHost.h"
#include "core/frame/FrameView.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLCanvasElement.h"
#include "core/input/EventHandler.h"
#include "core/input/TouchActionUtil.h"
#include "core/page/ChromeClient.h"
#include "core/page/Page.h"
#include "platform/Histogram.h"
#include "platform/PlatformTouchEvent.h"
#include "wtf/CurrentTime.h"
#include "wtf/PtrUtil.h"
#include <memory>
namespace blink {
namespace {
bool hasTouchHandlers(const EventHandlerRegistry& registry)
return registry.hasEventHandlers(EventHandlerRegistry::TouchStartOrMoveEventBlocking)
|| registry.hasEventHandlers(EventHandlerRegistry::TouchStartOrMoveEventPassive)
|| registry.hasEventHandlers(EventHandlerRegistry::TouchEndOrCancelEventBlocking)
|| registry.hasEventHandlers(EventHandlerRegistry::TouchEndOrCancelEventPassive);
const AtomicString& touchEventNameForTouchPointState(PlatformTouchPoint::TouchState state)
switch (state) {
case PlatformTouchPoint::TouchReleased:
return EventTypeNames::touchend;
case PlatformTouchPoint::TouchCancelled:
return EventTypeNames::touchcancel;
case PlatformTouchPoint::TouchPressed:
return EventTypeNames::touchstart;
case PlatformTouchPoint::TouchMoved:
return EventTypeNames::touchmove;
case PlatformTouchPoint::TouchStationary:
// Fall through to default
return emptyAtom;
enum TouchEventDispatchResultType {
UnhandledTouches, // Unhandled touch events.
HandledTouches, // Handled touch events.
// Defining this class type local to dispatchTouchEvents() and annotating
// it with STACK_ALLOCATED(), runs into MSVC(VS 2013)'s C4822 warning
// that the local class doesn't provide a local definition for 'operator new'.
// Which it intentionally doesn't and shouldn't.
// Work around such toolchain bugginess by lifting out the type, thereby
// taking it out of C4822's reach.
class ChangedTouches final {
// The touches corresponding to the particular change state this struct
// instance represents.
Member<TouchList> m_touches;
using EventTargetSet = HeapHashSet<Member<EventTarget>>;
// Set of targets involved in m_touches.
EventTargetSet m_targets;
} // namespace
TouchEventManager::TouchEventManager(LocalFrame* frame)
: m_frame(frame)
WebInputEventResult TouchEventManager::dispatchTouchEvents(
const PlatformTouchEvent& event,
const HeapVector<TouchInfo>& touchInfos,
bool allTouchesReleased)
// Build up the lists to use for the |touches|, |targetTouches| and
// |changedTouches| attributes in the JS event. See
// for how these
// lists fit together.
// Holds the complete set of touches on the screen.
TouchList* touches = TouchList::create();
// A different view on the 'touches' list above, filtered and grouped by
// event target. Used for the |targetTouches| list in the JS event.
using TargetTouchesHeapMap = HeapHashMap<EventTarget*, Member<TouchList>>;
TargetTouchesHeapMap touchesByTarget;
// Array of touches per state, used to assemble the |changedTouches| list.
ChangedTouches changedTouches[PlatformTouchPoint::TouchStateEnd];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < touchInfos.size(); ++i) {
const TouchInfo& touchInfo = touchInfos[i];
const PlatformTouchPoint& point = touchInfo.point;
PlatformTouchPoint::TouchState pointState = point.state();
Touch* touch = Touch::create(
// Ensure this target's touch list exists, even if it ends up empty, so
// it can always be passed to TouchEvent::Create below.
TargetTouchesHeapMap::iterator targetTouchesIterator = touchesByTarget.find(touchInfo.touchNode.get());
if (targetTouchesIterator == touchesByTarget.end()) {
touchesByTarget.set(touchInfo.touchNode.get(), TouchList::create());
targetTouchesIterator = touchesByTarget.find(touchInfo.touchNode.get());
// |touches| and |targetTouches| should only contain information about
// touches still on the screen, so if this point is released or
// cancelled it will only appear in the |changedTouches| list.
if (pointState != PlatformTouchPoint::TouchReleased && pointState != PlatformTouchPoint::TouchCancelled) {
// Now build up the correct list for |changedTouches|.
// Note that any touches that are in the TouchStationary state (e.g. if
// the user had several points touched but did not move them all) should
// never be in the |changedTouches| list so we do not handle them
// explicitly here. See
// for further discussion about the TouchStationary state.
if (pointState != PlatformTouchPoint::TouchStationary && touchInfo.knownTarget) {
ASSERT(pointState < PlatformTouchPoint::TouchStateEnd);
if (!changedTouches[pointState].m_touches)
changedTouches[pointState].m_touches = TouchList::create();
if (allTouchesReleased) {
WebInputEventResult eventResult = WebInputEventResult::NotHandled;
// Now iterate through the |changedTouches| list and |m_targets| within it,
// sending TouchEvents to the targets as required.
for (unsigned state = 0; state != PlatformTouchPoint::TouchStateEnd; ++state) {
if (!changedTouches[state].m_touches)
const AtomicString& eventName(touchEventNameForTouchPointState(static_cast<PlatformTouchPoint::TouchState>(state)));
for (const auto& eventTarget : changedTouches[state].m_targets) {
EventTarget* touchEventTarget = eventTarget;
TouchEvent* touchEvent = TouchEvent::create(
touches, touchesByTarget.get(touchEventTarget), changedTouches[state].m_touches.get(),
eventName, touchEventTarget->toNode()->document().domWindow(),
event.getModifiers(), event.cancelable(), event.causesScrollingIfUncanceled(), event.touchStartOrFirstTouchMove(), event.timestamp());
DispatchEventResult domDispatchResult = touchEventTarget->dispatchEvent(touchEvent);
// Only report for top level documents with a single touch on
// touch-start or the first touch-move.
if (event.touchStartOrFirstTouchMove() && touchInfos.size() == 1 && m_frame->isMainFrame()) {
// Record the disposition and latency of touch starts and first touch moves before and after the page is fully loaded respectively.
int64_t latencyInMicros = static_cast<int64_t>((monotonicallyIncreasingTime() - event.timestamp()) * 1000000.0);
if (event.cancelable()) {
if (m_frame->document()->isLoadCompleted()) {
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(EnumerationHistogram, touchDispositionsAfterPageLoadHistogram, ("Event.Touch.TouchDispositionsAfterPageLoad", TouchEventDispatchResultTypeMax));
touchDispositionsAfterPageLoadHistogram.count((domDispatchResult != DispatchEventResult::NotCanceled) ? HandledTouches : UnhandledTouches);
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(CustomCountHistogram, eventLatencyAfterPageLoadHistogram, ("Event.Touch.TouchLatencyAfterPageLoad", 1, 100000000, 50));
} else {
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(EnumerationHistogram, touchDispositionsBeforePageLoadHistogram, ("Event.Touch.TouchDispositionsBeforePageLoad", TouchEventDispatchResultTypeMax));
touchDispositionsBeforePageLoadHistogram.count((domDispatchResult != DispatchEventResult::NotCanceled) ? HandledTouches : UnhandledTouches);
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(CustomCountHistogram, eventLatencyBeforePageLoadHistogram, ("Event.Touch.TouchLatencyBeforePageLoad", 1, 100000000, 50));
// Report the touch disposition there is no active fling animation.
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(EnumerationHistogram, touchDispositionsOutsideFlingHistogram, ("Event.Touch.TouchDispositionsOutsideFling2", TouchEventDispatchResultTypeMax));
touchDispositionsOutsideFlingHistogram.count((domDispatchResult != DispatchEventResult::NotCanceled) ? HandledTouches : UnhandledTouches);
// Report the touch disposition when there is an active fling animation.
if (event.dispatchType() == PlatformEvent::ListenersForcedNonBlockingDueToFling) {
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(EnumerationHistogram, touchDispositionsDuringFlingHistogram, ("Event.Touch.TouchDispositionsDuringFling2", TouchEventDispatchResultTypeMax));
touchDispositionsDuringFlingHistogram.count(touchEvent->preventDefaultCalledOnUncancelableEvent() ? HandledTouches : UnhandledTouches);
eventResult = EventHandler::mergeEventResult(eventResult,
if (allTouchesReleased)
m_touchScrollStarted = false;
return eventResult;
void TouchEventManager::updateTargetAndRegionMapsForTouchStarts(
HeapVector<TouchInfo>& touchInfos)
for (auto& touchInfo : touchInfos) {
// Touch events implicitly capture to the touched node, and don't change
// active/hover states themselves (Gesture events do). So we only need
// to hit-test on touchstart and when the target could be different than
// the corresponding pointer event target.
if (touchInfo.point.state() == PlatformTouchPoint::TouchPressed) {
HitTestRequest::HitTestRequestType hitType = HitTestRequest::TouchEvent | HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active;
HitTestResult result;
// For the touchPressed points hit-testing is done in
// PointerEventManager. If it was the second touch there is a
// capturing documents for the touch and |m_touchSequenceDocument|
// is not null. So if PointerEventManager should hit-test again
// against |m_touchSequenceDocument| if the target set by
// PointerEventManager was either null or not in
// |m_touchSequenceDocument|.
if (m_touchSequenceDocument && (!touchInfo.touchNode
|| &touchInfo.touchNode->document() != m_touchSequenceDocument)) {
if (m_touchSequenceDocument->frame()) {
LayoutPoint framePoint = roundedLayoutPoint(m_touchSequenceDocument->frame()->view()->rootFrameToContents(touchInfo.point.pos()));
result = EventHandler::hitTestResultInFrame(m_touchSequenceDocument->frame(), framePoint, hitType);
Node* node = result.innerNode();
if (!node)
if (isHTMLCanvasElement(node)) {
std::pair<Element*, String> regionInfo = toHTMLCanvasElement(node)->getControlAndIdIfHitRegionExists(result.pointInInnerNodeFrame());
if (regionInfo.first)
node = regionInfo.first;
touchInfo.region = regionInfo.second;
// Touch events should not go to text nodes.
if (node->isTextNode())
node = FlatTreeTraversal::parent(*node);
touchInfo.touchNode = node;
} else {
if (!touchInfo.touchNode)
if (!m_touchSequenceDocument) {
// Keep track of which document should receive all touch events
// in the active sequence. This must be a single document to
// ensure we don't leak Nodes between documents.
m_touchSequenceDocument = &(touchInfo.touchNode->document());
// Ideally we'd ASSERT(!m_targetForTouchID.contains(
// since we shouldn't get a touchstart for a touch that's already
// down. However EventSender allows this to be violated and there's
// some tests that take advantage of it. There may also be edge
// cases in the browser where this happens.
// See
m_targetForTouchID.set(, touchInfo.touchNode);
m_regionForTouchID.set(, touchInfo.region);
TouchAction effectiveTouchAction =
if (effectiveTouchAction != TouchActionAuto)
void TouchEventManager::setAllPropertiesOfTouchInfos(
HeapVector<TouchInfo>& touchInfos)
for (auto& touchInfo : touchInfos) {
PlatformTouchPoint::TouchState pointState = touchInfo.point.state();
Node* touchNode = nullptr;
String regionID;
if (pointState == PlatformTouchPoint::TouchReleased
|| pointState == PlatformTouchPoint::TouchCancelled) {
// The target should be the original target for this touch, so get
// it from the hashmap. As it's a release or cancel we also remove
// it from the map.
touchNode = m_targetForTouchID.take(;
regionID = m_regionForTouchID.take(;
} else {
// No hittest is performed on move or stationary, since the target
// is not allowed to change anyway.
touchNode = m_targetForTouchID.get(;
regionID = m_regionForTouchID.get(;
LocalFrame* targetFrame = nullptr;
bool knownTarget = false;
if (touchNode) {
Document& doc = touchNode->document();
// If the target node has moved to a new document while it was being touched,
// we can't send events to the new document because that could leak nodes
// from one document to another. See
if (&doc == m_touchSequenceDocument.get()) {
targetFrame = doc.frame();
knownTarget = true;
if (!knownTarget) {
// If we don't have a target registered for the point it means we've
// missed our opportunity to do a hit test for it (due to some
// optimization that prevented blink from ever seeing the
// touchstart), or that the touch started outside the active touch
// sequence document. We should still include the touch in the
// Touches list reported to the application (eg. so it can
// differentiate between a one and two finger gesture), but we won't
// actually dispatch any events for it. Set the target to the
// Document so that there's some valid node here. Perhaps this
// should really be LocalDOMWindow, but in all other cases the target of
// a Touch is a Node so using the window could be a breaking change.
// Since we know there was no handler invoked, the specific target
// should be completely irrelevant to the application.
touchNode = m_touchSequenceDocument;
targetFrame = m_touchSequenceDocument->frame();
// pagePoint should always be in the target element's document coordinates.
FloatPoint pagePoint = targetFrame->view()->rootFrameToContents(
float scaleFactor = 1.0f / targetFrame->pageZoomFactor();
touchInfo.touchNode = touchNode;
touchInfo.targetFrame = targetFrame;
touchInfo.contentPoint = pagePoint.scaledBy(scaleFactor);
touchInfo.adjustedRadius = touchInfo.point.radius().scaledBy(scaleFactor);
touchInfo.knownTarget = knownTarget;
touchInfo.region = regionID;
bool TouchEventManager::reHitTestTouchPointsIfNeeded(
const PlatformTouchEvent& event,
HeapVector<TouchInfo>& touchInfos)
bool newTouchSequence = true;
bool allTouchesReleased = true;
for (const auto& point : event.touchPoints()) {
if (point.state() != PlatformTouchPoint::TouchPressed)
newTouchSequence = false;
if (point.state() != PlatformTouchPoint::TouchReleased && point.state() != PlatformTouchPoint::TouchCancelled)
allTouchesReleased = false;
if (newTouchSequence) {
// Ideally we'd ASSERT(!m_touchSequenceDocument) here since we should
// have cleared the active document when we saw the last release. But we
// have some tests that violate this, ClusterFuzz could trigger it, and
// there may be cases where the browser doesn't reliably release all
// touches. tracks this.
if (m_touchSequenceDocument && (!m_touchSequenceDocument->frame() || !m_touchSequenceDocument->frame()->view())) {
// If the active touch document has no frame or view, it's probably being destroyed
// so we can't dispatch events.
return false;
m_touchPressed = !allTouchesReleased;
// If there's no document receiving touch events, or no handlers on the
// document set to receive the events, then we can skip all the rest of
// this work.
if (!m_touchSequenceDocument || !m_touchSequenceDocument->frameHost() || !hasTouchHandlers(m_touchSequenceDocument->frameHost()->eventHandlerRegistry()) || !m_touchSequenceDocument->frame()) {
if (allTouchesReleased) {
return false;
return true;
// TODO(rbyers): Replace with AutoReset as base/WTF unification permits.
class CurrentEventHolder {
// Always stack allocated to ensure lifetime doesn't exceed that of target
CurrentEventHolder(PlatformEvent::EventType& target, PlatformEvent::EventType value)
: m_target(target)
m_target = value;
m_target = PlatformEvent::NoType;
PlatformEvent::EventType& m_target;
WebInputEventResult TouchEventManager::handleTouchEvent(
const PlatformTouchEvent& event,
HeapVector<TouchInfo>& touchInfos)
// Track the current event for the scope of this function.
CurrentEventHolder holder(m_currentEvent, event.type());
if (!reHitTestTouchPointsIfNeeded(event, touchInfos))
return WebInputEventResult::NotHandled;
bool allTouchesReleased = true;
for (const auto& point : event.touchPoints()) {
if (point.state() != PlatformTouchPoint::TouchReleased
&& point.state() != PlatformTouchPoint::TouchCancelled)
allTouchesReleased = false;
// Whether a touch should be considered a "user gesture" or not is a tricky question.
// The touchend corresponding to a tap is always a user gesture.
bool isTap = event.touchPoints().size() == 1
&& event.touchPoints()[0].state() == PlatformTouchPoint::TouchReleased
&& !event.causesScrollingIfUncanceled();
// For now, disallow dragging as a user gesture when the events are being sent to a
// cross-origin iframe (
bool isSameOrigin = false;
if (m_touchSequenceDocument && m_touchSequenceDocument->frame()) {
SecurityOrigin* securityOrigin = m_touchSequenceDocument->frame()->securityContext()->getSecurityOrigin();
Frame* top = m_frame->tree().top();
if (top && securityOrigin->canAccess(top->securityContext()->getSecurityOrigin()))
isSameOrigin = true;
std::unique_ptr<UserGestureIndicator> gestureIndicator;
if (isTap || isSameOrigin) {
UserGestureUtilizedCallback* callback = 0;
// These are cases we'd like to migrate to not hold a user gesture.
if (event.type() == PlatformEvent::TouchStart
|| event.type() == PlatformEvent::TouchMove
|| (event.type() == PlatformEvent::TouchEnd && m_touchScrollStarted)) {
// Collect metrics in userGestureUtilized().
callback = this;
if (m_touchSequenceUserGestureToken)
gestureIndicator = wrapUnique(new UserGestureIndicator(m_touchSequenceUserGestureToken.release(), callback));
gestureIndicator = wrapUnique(new UserGestureIndicator(DefinitelyProcessingUserGesture, callback));
m_touchSequenceUserGestureToken = UserGestureIndicator::currentToken();
return dispatchTouchEvents(event, touchInfos, allTouchesReleased);
void TouchEventManager::clear()
m_touchPressed = false;
m_touchScrollStarted = false;
m_currentEvent = PlatformEvent::NoType;
bool TouchEventManager::isAnyTouchActive() const
return m_touchPressed;
void TouchEventManager::userGestureUtilized()
// This is invoked for UserGestureIndicators created in TouchEventManger::handleTouchEvent which perhaps
// represent touch actions which shouldn't be considered a user-gesture. Trigger a UseCounter based
// on the touch event that's currently being dispatched.
UseCounter::Feature feature;
switch (m_currentEvent) {
case PlatformEvent::TouchStart:
feature = UseCounter::TouchStartUserGestureUtilized;
case PlatformEvent::TouchMove:
feature = UseCounter::TouchMoveUserGestureUtilized;
case PlatformEvent::TouchEnd:
feature = UseCounter::TouchEndDuringScrollUserGestureUtilized;
Deprecation::countDeprecation(m_frame, feature);
} // namespace blink