blob: 3029dd5c2b8021ca0749d538ba65dc40ea1f835f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
namespace headless {
class ManagedDispatchURLRequestJob;
class NavigationRequest;
// Interface to abstract and potentially reorder (for determinism) calls to
// ManagedDispatchUrlRequestJob::OnHeadersComplete and
// ManagedDispatchUrlRequestJob::NotifyStartError.
class URLRequestDispatcher {
URLRequestDispatcher() {}
virtual ~URLRequestDispatcher() {}
// Tells us a URLRequestJob was created. Can be called from any thread.
virtual void JobCreated(ManagedDispatchURLRequestJob* job) = 0;
// Tells us a URLRequestJob got killed. Can be called from any thread.
virtual void JobKilled(ManagedDispatchURLRequestJob* job) = 0;
// Tells us a URLRequestJob failed. Can be called from any thread.
virtual void JobFailed(ManagedDispatchURLRequestJob* job,
net::Error error) = 0;
// Tells us a URLRequestJob has fetched the data and is ready for the net
// stack to consume it. Can be called from any thread.
virtual void DataReady(ManagedDispatchURLRequestJob* job) = 0;
// Tells us the job has finished. Can be called from any thread.
virtual void JobDeleted(ManagedDispatchURLRequestJob* job) = 0;
// Tells us a navigation has been requested. Can be called from any thread.
virtual void NavigationRequested(
std::unique_ptr<NavigationRequest> navigation_request) = 0;
} // namespace headless