blob: 9221e963f21b6fa465820f4f871b75d5482e7939 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package frontend
import (
bb ""
buildbucketpb ""
milo ""
// Run sets up all the routes and runs the server.
func Run(templatePath string) {
// Register plain ol' http handlers.
r := router.New()
baseMW := standard.Base()
apiMW := baseMW.Extend(
htmlMW := baseMW.Extend(
withAccessClientMiddleware, // This must be called after the auth.Authenticate middleware.
devHtmlMW := baseMW.Extend(
projectMW := htmlMW.Extend(projectACLMiddleware)
backendMW := baseMW.Extend(middleware.WithContextTimeout(10 * time.Minute))
cronMW := backendMW.Extend(gaemiddleware.RequireCron)
r.GET("/", htmlMW, frontpageHandler)
r.GET("/p", baseMW, movedPermanently("/"))
r.GET("/search", htmlMW, searchHandler)
r.GET("/opensearch.xml", baseMW, searchXMLHandler)
// Admin and cron endpoints.
r.GET("/admin/configs", htmlMW, ConfigsHandler)
// Dev endpoints.
r.GET("/admin/debug/build/:name", devHtmlMW, handleError(handleDevBuild))
// Cron endpoints
r.GET("/internal/cron/stats", cronMW, cronHandler(buildbot.StatsHandler))
r.GET("/internal/cron/update-config", cronMW, UpdateConfigHandler)
r.GET("/internal/cron/update-pools", cronMW, cronHandler(buildbucket.UpdatePools))
// Builds.
r.GET("/b/:id", htmlMW, handleError(redirectLUCIBuild))
r.GET("/p/:project/builds/b:id", baseMW, movedPermanently("/b/:id"))
r.GET("/p/:project/builders/:bucket/:builder/:numberOrId", projectMW, handleError(handleLUCIBuild))
// Console
r.GET("/p/:project", projectMW, handleError(func(c *router.Context) error {
return ConsolesHandler(c, c.Params.ByName("project"))
r.GET("/p/:project/", baseMW, movedPermanently("/p/:project"))
r.GET("/p/:project/g", baseMW, movedPermanently("/p/:project"))
r.GET("/p/:project/g/:group/console", projectMW, handleError(ConsoleHandler))
r.GET("/p/:project/g/:group", projectMW, redirect("/p/:project/g/:group/console", http.StatusFound))
r.GET("/p/:project/g/:group/", baseMW, movedPermanently("/p/:project/g/:group"))
// Builder list
r.GET("/p/:project/builders", projectMW, handleError(func(c *router.Context) error {
return BuildersRelativeHandler(c, c.Params.ByName("project"), "")
r.GET("/p/:project/g/:group/builders", projectMW, handleError(func(c *router.Context) error {
return BuildersRelativeHandler(c, c.Params.ByName("project"), c.Params.ByName("group"))
// Swarming
r.GET(swarming.URLBase+"/:id/steps/*logname", htmlMW, handleError(HandleSwarmingLog))
r.GET(swarming.URLBase+"/:id", htmlMW, handleError(handleSwarmingBuild))
// Backward-compatible URLs for Swarming:
r.GET("/swarming/prod/:id/steps/*logname", htmlMW, handleError(HandleSwarmingLog))
r.GET("/swarming/prod/:id", htmlMW, handleError(handleSwarmingBuild))
// Buildbucket
// If these routes change, also change links in common/model/build_summary.go:getLinkFromBuildID
// and common/model/builder_summary.go:SelfLink.
r.GET("/p/:project/builders/:bucket/:builder", projectMW, handleError(func(c *router.Context) error {
// Handle either v1 or v2 bucket name.
_, bucket := bb.BucketNameToV2(c.Params.ByName("bucket"))
if bucket == "" {
bucket = c.Params.ByName("bucket")
bid := buildbucket.BuilderID{
Project: c.Params.ByName("project"),
Bucket: bucket,
Builder: c.Params.ByName("builder"),
return BuilderHandler(c, buildsource.BuilderID(bid.String()))
// TODO(nodir): delete this redirect and the chromium project assumption with it
r.GET("/buildbucket/:bucket/:builder", baseMW, movedPermanently("/p/chromium/builders/:bucket/:builder"))
// Buildbot
// If these routes change, also change links in common/model/builder_summary.go:SelfLink.
r.GET("/buildbot/:master/:builder/:number", htmlMW.Extend(emulationMiddleware), handleError(handleBuildbotBuild))
r.GET("/buildbot/:master/:builder/", htmlMW.Extend(emulationMiddleware), handleError(func(c *router.Context) error {
return BuilderHandler(c, buildsource.BuilderID(
fmt.Sprintf("buildbot/%s/%s", c.Params.ByName("master"), c.Params.ByName("builder"))))
r.GET("/buildbot/:master/", baseMW, func(c *router.Context) {
u := *c.Request.URL
u.Path = "/search"
u.RawQuery = fmt.Sprintf("q=%s", c.Params.ByName("master"))
http.Redirect(c.Writer, c.Request, u.String(), http.StatusMovedPermanently)
// LogDog Milo Annotation Streams.
// This mimicks the `logdog://logdog_host/project/*path` url scheme seen on
// swarming tasks.
r.GET("/raw/build/:logdog_host/:project/*path", htmlMW, handleError(handleRawPresentationBuild))
// PubSub subscription endpoints.
r.POST("/_ah/push-handlers/buildbot", backendMW, buildbot.PubSubHandler)
r.POST("/_ah/push-handlers/buildbucket", backendMW, buildbucket.PubSubHandler)
// pRPC style endpoints.
api := prpc.Server{
UnaryServerInterceptor: grpcmon.NewUnaryServerInterceptor(nil),
milo.RegisterBuildbotServer(&api, &milo.DecoratedBuildbot{
Service: &buildbot.Service{},
Prelude: buildbotAPIPrelude,
milo.RegisterBuildInfoServer(&api, &rpc.BuildInfoService{})
api.InstallHandlers(r, apiMW)
http.DefaultServeMux.Handle("/", r)
func buildbotAPIPrelude(c context.Context, methodName string, req proto.Message) (context.Context, error) {
deprecatable, ok := req.(interface {
GetExcludeDeprecated() bool
if ok && !deprecatable.GetExcludeDeprecated() {
ua := "-"
if md, ok := metadata.FromIncomingContext(c); ok {
if m := md["user-agent"]; len(m) > 0 {
ua = m[0]
logging.Warningf(c, "user agent %q might be using deprecated API!", ua)
noemu, ok := req.(interface {
GetNoEmulation() bool
// Turn off emulation mode if the request sets the no emulation flag to true.
emulation := !(ok && noemu.GetNoEmulation())
return buildstore.WithEmulation(c, emulation), nil
// handleError is a wrapper for a handler so that the handler can return an error
// rather than call ErrorHandler directly.
// This should be used for handlers that render webpages.
func handleError(handler func(c *router.Context) error) func(c *router.Context) {
return func(c *router.Context) {
if err := handler(c); err != nil {
ErrorHandler(c, err)
// cronHandler is a wrapper for cron handlers which do not require template rendering.
func cronHandler(handler func(c context.Context) error) func(c *router.Context) {
return func(ctx *router.Context) {
if err := handler(ctx.Context); err != nil {
logging.WithError(err).Errorf(ctx.Context, "failed to run")
// redirect returns a handler that responds with given HTTP status
// with a location specified by the pathTemplate.
func redirect(pathTemplate string, status int) router.Handler {
if !strings.HasPrefix(pathTemplate, "/") {
panic("pathTemplate must start with /")
return func(c *router.Context) {
parts := strings.Split(pathTemplate, "/")
for i, p := range parts {
if strings.HasPrefix(p, ":") {
parts[i] = c.Params.ByName(p[1:])
u := *c.Request.URL
u.Path = strings.Join(parts, "/")
http.Redirect(c.Writer, c.Request, u.String(), status)
// movedPermanently is a special instance of redirect, returning a handler
// that responds with HTTP 301 (Moved Permanently) with a location specified
// by the pathTemplate.
// TODO(nodir,iannucci): delete all usages.
func movedPermanently(pathTemplate string) router.Handler {
return redirect(pathTemplate, http.StatusMovedPermanently)