Change the video color space default.

Previously video without color space metadata was assumed to be in
Rec601. Now the default depends on the kind of playback. Normal src=
defaults to Rec601 for SD sized video (<720 pixels high), and Rec709 for
HD. MSE will always default to Rec709. Using a size based heuristic
doesn't make sense for MSE where it is common for the resolution to
change mid playback.

This CL doesn't change the meaning of COLOR_SPACE_UNSPECIFIED. Instead,
it adds a color space field to VideoDecoderConfig, and updates the video
decoders to use this as the default if they don't find a more
authoritative value in the bitstream.

This also fixes a (year old!) bug causing the blackwhite
tests to always succeed, renames the rec709 blackwhite test
file to match the name in blackwhite.html, and re-encodes it
to contain the color space metadata (previously it had none).


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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#338110}
25 files changed