[lucicfg] Implement lucicfg.var().

Vars can be used to implicitly propagate information down 'exec' call stack,
but not up or "sideways".

Useful for declaring module-level default values for fields instead of plumbing
them through all calls explicitly.

Subject to following rules:

1. Only modules that are invoked via 'exec' can set or get variables. Libraries
   (modules loaded via 'load') can only declare them. This is because libraries
   are loaded lazily (so essentially at unpredictable moments) and their module
   dict is cached and reused. The state inside library's module dict must not
   depend on whatever state variables had when the library was loaded.
2. Each 'exec' call opens a new scope for variables. Variables set within a
   scope are "forgotten" when exiting the scope. Variable value lookup start
   with the innermost scope, and goes up to the top scope. Thus variable values
   propagate down 'exec' call stack, but not up or "sideways".
3. Variables are set-only. If a variable was set in the current scope or any
   of parent scopes, assigning a new value to it is an error.


Change-Id: Idaf44866125c7cf8ef63247587b5b67eabf0782f
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/1451101
Commit-Queue: Vadim Shtayura <vadimsh@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Andrii Shyshkalov <tandrii@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Robbie Iannucci <iannucci@chromium.org>
12 files changed
tree: a4f45034765b8ad7f5f4a53a8570b6626ebd64df
  1. appengine/
  2. auth/
  3. buildbucket/
  4. cipd/
  5. client/
  6. common/
  7. config/
  8. cq/
  9. dm/
  10. examples/
  11. gce/
  12. grpc/
  13. hardcoded/
  14. infra/
  15. logdog/
  16. luci_notify/
  17. lucicfg/
  18. lucictx/
  19. machine-db/
  20. milo/
  21. mmutex/
  22. mp/
  23. scheduler/
  24. scripts/
  25. server/
  26. starlark/
  27. swarming/
  28. tokenserver/
  29. tools/
  30. tumble/
  31. vpython/
  32. web/
  33. .gitattributes
  34. .travis.yml
  36. codereview.settings
  40. OWNERS
  41. pre-commit-go.yml
  42. PRESUBMIT.py
  43. README.md

luci-go: LUCI services and tools in Go



LUCI Go code is meant to be worked on from an Chromium infra.git checkout, which enforces packages versions and Go toolchain version. First get fetch via depot_tools.git then run:

fetch infra
cd infra/go
eval `./env.py`
cd src/go.chromium.org/luci


Contributing uses the same flow as Chromium contributions.