blob: c57d842e4b12c68e78339e99afc3287e0a98533f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGUnpositionedFloat_h
#define NGUnpositionedFloat_h
#include "core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_box_strut.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_logical_size.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_block_break_token.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_block_node.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_exclusion.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyleConstants.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Optional.h"
#include "platform/wtf/RefPtr.h"
namespace blink {
class NGPhysicalBoxFragment;
// Struct that keeps all information needed to position floats in LayoutNG.
struct CORE_EXPORT NGUnpositionedFloat
: public RefCounted<NGUnpositionedFloat> {
static RefPtr<NGUnpositionedFloat> Create(NGLogicalSize available_size,
NGLogicalSize percentage_size,
NGLogicalOffset origin_offset,
NGLogicalOffset from_offset,
NGBoxStrut margins,
NGBlockNode* node,
NGBlockBreakToken* token) {
return AdoptRef(new NGUnpositionedFloat(margins, available_size,
percentage_size, origin_offset,
from_offset, node, token));
Persistent<NGBlockNode> node;
RefPtr<NGBlockBreakToken> token;
// Available size of the constraint space that will be used by
// NGLayoutOpportunityIterator to position this floating object.
NGLogicalSize available_size;
NGLogicalSize percentage_size;
// To correctly position a float we need 2 offsets:
// - origin_offset which represents the layout point for this float.
// - from_offset which represents the point from where we need to calculate
// the relative logical offset for this float.
// Layout details:
// At the time when this float is created only *inline* offsets are known.
// Block offset will be set when we are about to place this float, i.e. when
// we resolved MarginStrut, adjusted the offset to clearance line etc.
NGLogicalOffset origin_offset;
NGLogicalOffset from_offset;
// To correctly **paint** a float we need to know the BFC offset of the
// container to which we are attaching this float. It's used to calculate
// {@code paint_offset}.
// In most situations {@code paint_offset} equals to float's logical
// offset except the cases where a float needs to be re-attached to a non-zero
// height parent.
// Example:
// <body>
// <p style="height: 60px">Example</p>
// <div id="zero-height-div"><float></div>
// Here the float's logical offset is 0 relative to its #zero-height-div
// parent. Because of the "zero height" div this float is re-attached to the
// 1st non-empty parent => body. To paint this float correctly we provide the
// modified {@code paint_offset} which is relative to the float's new
// parent.
// I.e. for our example {@code} ==
// #zero-height-div's BFC offset
// - body's BFC offset + float's logical offset
// For code safety reasons {@code parent_bfc_block_offset} is Optional here
// because the block's offset can be only determined before the actual float's
// placement event.
WTF::Optional<LayoutUnit> parent_bfc_block_offset;
// The margins are relative to the writing mode of the block formatting
// context. They are stored for convinence and could be recomputed with other
// data on this object.
NGBoxStrut margins;
// The fragment for this unpositioned float. This is only present if it's in
// a different writing mode than the BFC.
WTF::Optional<RefPtr<NGPhysicalBoxFragment>> fragment;
bool IsLeft() const;
bool IsRight() const;
EClear ClearType() const;
NGUnpositionedFloat(const NGBoxStrut& margins,
const NGLogicalSize& available_size,
const NGLogicalSize& percentage_size,
const NGLogicalOffset& origin_offset,
const NGLogicalOffset& from_offset,
NGBlockNode* node,
NGBlockBreakToken* token)
: node(node),
margins(margins) {}
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGUnpositionedFloat_h