blob: 34c920007e70e13b6530e12af441b1a37db318c2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef CueTimeline_h
#define CueTimeline_h
#include "core/html/track/TextTrackCue.h"
#include "core/html/track/vtt/VTTCue.h"
#include "platform/PODIntervalTree.h"
#include "platform/heap/Handle.h"
#include "wtf/Vector.h"
namespace blink {
class HTMLMediaElement;
class TextTrackCueList;
// TODO(Oilpan): This needs to be PODIntervalTree<double, Member<TextTrackCue>>.
// However, it is not easy to move PODIntervalTree to the heap (for a
// C++-template reason) so we leave it as a raw pointer at the moment. This is
// safe because CueTimeline and TextTrackCue are guaranteed to die at the same
// time when the owner HTMLMediaElement dies. Thus the raw TextTrackCue* cannot
// become stale pointers.
typedef PODIntervalTree<double, TextTrackCue*> CueIntervalTree;
typedef CueIntervalTree::IntervalType CueInterval;
typedef Vector<CueInterval> CueList;
// This class manages the timeline and rendering updates of cues associated
// with TextTracks. Owned by a HTMLMediaElement.
class CueTimeline final : public GarbageCollectedFinalized<CueTimeline> {
void addCues(TextTrack*, const TextTrackCueList*);
void addCue(TextTrack*, TextTrackCue*);
void removeCues(TextTrack*, const TextTrackCueList*);
void removeCue(TextTrack*, TextTrackCue*);
void hideCues(TextTrack*, const TextTrackCueList*);
void updateActiveCues(double);
bool ignoreUpdateRequests() const { return m_ignoreUpdate > 0; }
void beginIgnoringUpdateRequests();
void endIgnoringUpdateRequests();
const CueList& currentlyActiveCues() const { return m_currentlyActiveCues; }
HTMLMediaElement& mediaElement() const { return *m_mediaElement; }
void addCueInternal(TextTrackCue*);
void removeCueInternal(TextTrackCue*);
Member<HTMLMediaElement> m_mediaElement;
CueIntervalTree m_cueTree;
CueList m_currentlyActiveCues;
double m_lastUpdateTime;
int m_ignoreUpdate;
class TrackDisplayUpdateScope {
TrackDisplayUpdateScope(CueTimeline& cueTimeline) {
m_cueTimeline = &cueTimeline;
~TrackDisplayUpdateScope() {
Member<CueTimeline> m_cueTimeline;
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Template specializations required by PodIntervalTree in debug mode.
template <>
struct ValueToString<double> {
static String toString(const double value) { return String::number(value); }
template <>
struct ValueToString<TextTrackCue*> {
static String toString(TextTrackCue* const& cue) { return cue->toString(); }
} // namespace blink
#endif // CueTimeline_h