Make ComputedStyleBase internal pointer setters move-only.

This patch removes the const ref overload for setters on pointer types.
This means that the internal setter can only be used with an rvalue ref.

This has two consequences:
- We can generate code that works for RefPtrs and std::unique_ptrs
  (since std::unique_ptrs are not copyable, the const ref overload is
   meaningless [*]).
- RefPtrs are passed to internal setters using std::move, which avoids
  ref churn.

[*] Whilst we could make the const ref overload copy the unique_ptr, we
feel that this implicit copying behaviour is bad.

Diff of generated files:

This patch does not change behaviour, only the internal API for


Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#477111}
2 files changed