Option-click to download should not display "Save As" UI.

The download manager has a concept of a request originating from the "Save As..." contextual menu v.s. a direct download request from the renderer, however this was't hooked up.

The Download Manager uses boolean variables named "save_as" in various locations to track whether a download originated via a contextual menu selection (in which case the save panel should be displayed) or via a renderer request (in which case no UI should be displayed).

This CL contains 3 distinct changes:

1. DownloadFileManager::OnDownloadURL() is where downloads originating from the contextual menu are dispatched, set save_as to true if the download starts here.

2. ResourceMessageFilter::OnDownloadURL() is where downloads originating from the renderer are dispatched (e.g. option-click), don't display UI for these.

3. The "save_as" variable in the DownloadCreateInfo structure doesn't really reflect the origin of the request but whether the Save panel should be displayed. This can happen for example on a name collision or if the default download location isn't writeable regardless of the action that initiated the download.  Renamed the variable and added documentation to this effect.

TEST=Option-click an image, the image should be saved without prompting the user for a download locate.  Save an image via the "Save As..." context menu, you should be prompted for the save location.

Review URL: http://codereview.chromium.org/2927006

git-svn-id: svn://svn.chromium.org/chrome/trunk/src@52848 0039d316-1c4b-4281-b951-d872f2087c98
7 files changed