blob: 0b15072004c618b690a09593e376b633cd8e69e7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/strings/string16.h"
#include "components/sync/base/model_type.h"
#include "components/sync/model/metadata_batch.h"
#include "components/sync/model/sync_metadata_store.h"
#include "components/webdata/common/web_database_table.h"
class WebDatabase;
namespace base {
class Time;
namespace autofill {
class AutofillChange;
class AutofillEntry;
struct AutofillMetadata;
class AutofillProfile;
class AutofillTableEncryptor;
class AutofillTableTest;
class CreditCard;
struct FormFieldData;
struct PaymentsCustomerData;
// This class manages the various Autofill tables within the SQLite database
// passed to the constructor. It expects the following schemas:
// Note: The database stores time in seconds, UTC.
// autofill This table contains autocomplete history data (not
// structured information).
// name The name of the input as specified in the html.
// value The literal contents of the text field.
// value_lower The contents of the text field made lower_case.
// date_created The date on which the user first entered the string
// |value| into a field of name |name|.
// date_last_used The date on which the user last entered the string
// |value| into a field of name |name|.
// count How many times the user has entered the string |value|
// in a field of name |name|.
// autofill_profiles This table contains Autofill profile data added by the
// user with the Autofill dialog. Most of the columns are
// standard entries in a contact information form.
// guid A guid string to uniquely identify the profile.
// Added in version 31.
// company_name
// street_address The combined lines of the street address.
// Added in version 54.
// dependent_locality
// A sub-classification beneath the city, e.g. an
// inner-city district or suburb. Added in version 54.
// city
// state
// zipcode
// sorting_code Similar to the zipcode column, but used for businesses
// or organizations that might not be geographically
// contiguous. The canonical example is CEDEX in France.
// Added in version 54.
// country_code
// use_count The number of times this profile has been used to fill
// a form. Added in version 61.
// use_date The date this profile was last used to fill a form,
// in time_t. Added in version 61.
// date_modified The date on which this profile was last modified, in
// time_t. Added in version 30.
// origin The domain of origin for this profile.
// Added in version 50.
// language_code The BCP 47 language code used to format the address for
// display. For example, a JP address with "ja" language
// code starts with the postal code, but a JP address with
// "ja-latn" language code starts with the recipient name.
// Added in version 56.
// validity_bitfield A bitfield representing the validity state of different
// fields in the profile.
// Added in version 75.
// is_client_validity_states_updated
// A flag indicating whether the validity states of
// different fields according to the client validity api is
// updated or not. Added in version 80.
// autofill_profile_names
// This table contains the multi-valued name fields
// associated with a profile.
// guid The guid string that identifies the profile to which
// the name belongs.
// first_name
// middle_name
// last_name
// full_name
// autofill_profile_emails
// This table contains the multi-valued email fields
// associated with a profile.
// guid The guid string that identifies the profile to which
// the email belongs.
// email
// autofill_profile_phones
// This table contains the multi-valued phone fields
// associated with a profile.
// guid The guid string that identifies the profile to which the
// phone number belongs.
// number
// autofill_profiles_trash
// This table contains guids of "trashed" autofill
// profiles. When a profile is removed its guid is added
// to this table so that Sync can perform deferred removal.
// guid The guid string that identifies the trashed profile.
// credit_cards This table contains credit card data added by the user
// with the Autofill dialog. Most of the columns are
// standard entries in a credit card form.
// guid A guid string to uniquely identify the credit card.
// Added in version 31.
// name_on_card
// expiration_month
// expiration_year
// card_number_encrypted
// Stores encrypted credit card number.
// use_count The number of times this card has been used to fill
// a form. Added in version 61.
// use_date The date this card was last used to fill a form,
// in time_t. Added in version 61.
// date_modified The date on which this entry was last modified, in
// time_t. Added in version 30.
// origin The domain of origin for this profile.
// Added in version 50.
// billing_address_id The guid string that identifies the local profile which
// is the billing address for this card. Can be null in the
// database, but always returned as an empty string in
// CreditCard. Added in version 66.
// masked_credit_cards
// This table contains "masked" credit card information
// about credit cards stored on the server. It consists
// of a short description and an ID, but not full payment
// information. Writing to this table is done by sync and
// on successful save of card to the server.
// When a server card is unmasked, it will stay here and
// will additionally be added in unmasked_credit_cards.
// id String assigned by the server to identify this card.
// This is opaque to the client.
// status Server's status of this card.
// TODO(brettw) define constants for this.
// name_on_card
// network Issuer network of the card. For example, "VISA". Renamed
// from "type" in version 72.
// type Card type. One of CreditCard::CardType enum values.
// Added in version 74.
// last_four Last four digits of the card number. For de-duping
// with locally stored cards and generating descriptions.
// exp_month Expiration month: 1-12
// exp_year Four-digit year: 2017
// bank_name Issuer bank name of the credit card.
// unmasked_credit_cards
// When a masked credit credit card is unmasked and the
// full number is downloaded or when the full number is
// available upon saving card to server, it will be stored
// here.
// id Server ID. This can be joined with the id in the
// masked_credit_cards table to get the rest of the data.
// card_number_encrypted
// Full card number, encrypted.
// use_count DEPRECATED in version 65. See server_card_metadata.
// use_date DEPRECATED in version 65. See server_card_metadata.
// TODO( Remove deprecated columns.
// unmask_date The date this card was unmasked in units of
// Time::ToInternalValue. Added in version 64.
// server_card_metadata
// Metadata (currently, usage data) about server credit
// cards. This will be synced.
// id The server ID, which matches an ID from the
// masked_credit_cards table.
// use_count The number of times this card has been used to fill
// a form.
// use_date The date this card was last used to fill a form,
// in internal t.
// billing_address_id The string that identifies the profile which is the
// billing address for this card. Can be null in the
// database, but always returned as an empty string in
// CreditCard. Added in version 71.
// server_addresses This table contains Autofill address data synced from
// the wallet server. It's basically the same as the
// autofill_profiles table but locally immutable.
// id String assigned by the server to identify this address.
// This is opaque to the client.
// recipient_name Added in v63.
// company_name
// street_address The combined lines of the street address.
// address_1 Also known as "administrative area". This is normally
// the state or province in most countries.
// address_2 Also known as "locality". In the US this is the city.
// address_3 A sub-classification beneath the city, e.g. an
// inner-city district or suburb. Also known as
// "dependent_locality".
// address_4 Used in certain countries. Also known as
// "sub_dependent_locality".
// postal_code
// sorting_code Similar to the zipcode column, but used for businesses
// or organizations that might not be geographically
// contiguous. The canonical example is CEDEX in France.
// country_code
// language_code The BCP 47 language code used to format the address for
// display. For example, a JP address with "ja" language
// code starts with the postal code, but a JP address with
// "ja-latn" language code starts with the recipient name.
// phone_number Phone number. This is a string and has no formatting
// constraints. Added in version 64.
// server_address_metadata
// Metadata (currently, usage data) about server addresses.
// This will be synced.
// id The server ID, which matches an ID from the
// server_addresses table.
// use_count The number of times this address has been used to fill
// a form.
// use_date The date this address was last used to fill a form,
// in internal t.
// has_converted Whether this server address has been converted to a
// local autofill profile.
// autofill_sync_metadata
// Sync-specific metadata for autofill records.
// model_type An int value corresponding to syncer::ModelType enum.
// Added in version 78.
// storage_key A string that uniquely identifies the metadata record
// as well as the corresponding autofill record.
// value The serialized EntityMetadata record.
// autofill_model_type_state
// Contains sync ModelTypeStates for autofill model types.
// model_type An int value corresponding to syncer::ModelType enum.
// Added in version 78. Previously, the table was used only
// for one model type, there was an id column with value 1
// for the single entry.
// value The serialized ModelTypeState record.
// payments_customer_data
// Contains Google Payments customer data.
// customer_id A string representing the Google Payments customer id.
class AutofillTable : public WebDatabaseTable,
public syncer::SyncMetadataStore {
~AutofillTable() override;
// Retrieves the AutofillTable* owned by |db|.
static AutofillTable* FromWebDatabase(WebDatabase* db);
// WebDatabaseTable:
WebDatabaseTable::TypeKey GetTypeKey() const override;
bool CreateTablesIfNecessary() override;
bool IsSyncable() override;
bool MigrateToVersion(int version, bool* update_compatible_version) override;
// Records the form elements in |elements| in the database in the
// autofill table. A list of all added and updated autofill entries
// is returned in the changes out parameter.
bool AddFormFieldValues(const std::vector<FormFieldData>& elements,
std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes);
// Records a single form element in the database in the autofill table. A list
// of all added and updated autofill entries is returned in the changes out
// parameter.
bool AddFormFieldValue(const FormFieldData& element,
std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes);
// Retrieves a vector of all values which have been recorded in the autofill
// table as the value in a form element with name |name| and which start with
// |prefix|. The comparison of the prefix is case insensitive.
bool GetFormValuesForElementName(const base::string16& name,
const base::string16& prefix,
std::vector<base::string16>* values,
int limit);
// Removes rows from the autofill table if they were created on or after
// |delete_begin| and last used strictly before |delete_end|. For rows where
// the time range [date_created, date_last_used] overlaps with [delete_begin,
// delete_end), but is not entirely contained within the latter range, updates
// the rows so that their resulting time range [new_date_created,
// new_date_last_used] lies entirely outside of [delete_begin, delete_end),
// updating the count accordingly. A list of all changed keys and whether
// each was updater or removed is returned in the changes out parameter.
bool RemoveFormElementsAddedBetween(const base::Time& delete_begin,
const base::Time& delete_end,
std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes);
// Removes rows from the autofill table if they were last accessed strictly
// before |AutofillEntry::ExpirationTime()|.
bool RemoveExpiredFormElements(std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes);
// Removes the row from the autofill table for the given |name| |value| pair.
virtual bool RemoveFormElement(const base::string16& name,
const base::string16& value);
// Returns the number of unique values such that for all autofill entries with
// that value, the interval between creation date and last usage is entirely
// contained between [|begin|, |end|).
virtual int GetCountOfValuesContainedBetween(const base::Time& begin,
const base::Time& end);
// Retrieves all of the entries in the autofill table.
virtual bool GetAllAutofillEntries(std::vector<AutofillEntry>* entries);
// Retrieves a single entry from the autofill table.
virtual bool GetAutofillTimestamps(const base::string16& name,
const base::string16& value,
base::Time* date_created,
base::Time* date_last_used);
// Replaces existing autofill entries with the entries supplied in
// the argument. If the entry does not already exist, it will be
// added.
virtual bool UpdateAutofillEntries(const std::vector<AutofillEntry>& entries);
// Records a single Autofill profile in the autofill_profiles table.
virtual bool AddAutofillProfile(const AutofillProfile& profile);
// Updates the database values for the specified profile. Multi-value aware.
virtual bool UpdateAutofillProfile(const AutofillProfile& profile);
// Removes a row from the autofill_profiles table. |guid| is the identifier
// of the profile to remove.
virtual bool RemoveAutofillProfile(const std::string& guid);
// Retrieves a profile with guid |guid|.
std::unique_ptr<AutofillProfile> GetAutofillProfile(const std::string& guid);
// Retrieves local/server profiles in the database.
virtual bool GetAutofillProfiles(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AutofillProfile>>* profiles);
virtual bool GetServerProfiles(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AutofillProfile>>* profiles) const;
// Sets the server profiles. All old profiles are deleted and replaced with
// the given ones.
void SetServerProfiles(const std::vector<AutofillProfile>& profiles);
// Records a single credit card in the credit_cards table.
bool AddCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card);
// Updates the database values for the specified credit card.
bool UpdateCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card);
// Removes a row from the credit_cards table. |guid| is the identifier of the
// credit card to remove.
bool RemoveCreditCard(const std::string& guid);
// Adds to the masked_credit_cards and unmasked_credit_cards tables.
bool AddFullServerCreditCard(const CreditCard& credit_card);
// Retrieves a credit card with guid |guid|.
std::unique_ptr<CreditCard> GetCreditCard(const std::string& guid);
// Retrieves the local/server credit cards in the database.
virtual bool GetCreditCards(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CreditCard>>* credit_cards);
virtual bool GetServerCreditCards(
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<CreditCard>>* credit_cards) const;
// Replaces all server credit cards with the given vector. Unmasked cards
// present in the new list will be preserved (even if the input is MASKED).
void SetServerCreditCards(const std::vector<CreditCard>& credit_cards);
// Cards synced from the server may be "masked" (only last 4 digits
// available) or "unmasked" (everything is available). These functions set
// that state.
bool UnmaskServerCreditCard(const CreditCard& masked,
const base::string16& full_number);
bool MaskServerCreditCard(const std::string& id);
// Methods to add, update, remove and get the metadata for server cards and
// addresses.
bool AddServerCardMetadata(const AutofillMetadata& card_metadata);
bool UpdateServerCardMetadata(const CreditCard& credit_card);
bool UpdateServerCardMetadata(const AutofillMetadata& card_metadata);
bool RemoveServerCardMetadata(const std::string& id);
bool GetServerCardsMetadata(
std::map<std::string, AutofillMetadata>* cards_metadata) const;
bool AddServerAddressMetadata(const AutofillMetadata& address_metadata);
bool UpdateServerAddressMetadata(const AutofillProfile& profile);
bool UpdateServerAddressMetadata(const AutofillMetadata& address_metadata);
bool RemoveServerAddressMetadata(const std::string& id);
bool GetServerAddressesMetadata(
std::map<std::string, AutofillMetadata>* addresses_metadata) const;
// Methods to add the server cards and addresses data independently from the
// metadata.
void SetServerCardsData(const std::vector<CreditCard>& credit_cards);
void SetServerAddressesData(const std::vector<AutofillProfile>& profiles);
// Setters and getters related to the Google Payments customer data.
// Passing null to the setter will clear the data.
void SetPaymentsCustomerData(const PaymentsCustomerData* customer_data);
// Getter returns false if it could not execute the database statement, and
// may return true but leave |customer_data| untouched if there is no data.
bool GetPaymentsCustomerData(
std::unique_ptr<PaymentsCustomerData>* customer_data) const;
// Deletes all data from the server card and profile tables. Returns true if
// any data was deleted, false if not (so false means "commit not needed"
// rather than "error").
bool ClearAllServerData();
// Deletes all data from the local card and profiles table. Returns true if
// any data was deleted, false if not (so false means "commit not needed"
// rather than "error").
bool ClearAllLocalData();
// Removes rows from autofill_profiles and credit_cards if they were created
// on or after |delete_begin| and strictly before |delete_end|. Returns the
// list of deleted profile guids in |profile_guids|. Return value is true if
// all rows were successfully removed. Returns false on database error. In
// that case, the output vector state is undefined, and may be partially
// filled.
bool RemoveAutofillDataModifiedBetween(
const base::Time& delete_begin,
const base::Time& delete_end,
std::vector<std::string>* profile_guids,
std::vector<std::string>* credit_card_guids);
// Removes origin URLs from the autofill_profiles and credit_cards tables if
// they were written on or after |delete_begin| and strictly before
// |delete_end|. Returns the list of modified profiles in |profiles|. Return
// value is true if all rows were successfully updated. Returns false on
// database error. In that case, the output vector state is undefined, and
// may be partially filled.
bool RemoveOriginURLsModifiedBetween(
const base::Time& delete_begin,
const base::Time& delete_end,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<AutofillProfile>>* profiles);
// Retrieves all profiles in the database that have been deleted since last
// "empty" of the trash.
bool GetAutofillProfilesInTrash(std::vector<std::string>* guids);
// Empties the Autofill profiles "trash can".
bool EmptyAutofillProfilesTrash();
// Retrieves all profiles in the database that have been deleted since last
// "empty" of the trash.
bool AddAutofillGUIDToTrash(const std::string& guid);
// Clear all profiles.
bool ClearAutofillProfiles();
// Clear all credit cards.
bool ClearCreditCards();
// Read all the stored metadata for |model_type| and fill |metadata_batch|
// with it.
bool GetAllSyncMetadata(syncer::ModelType model_type,
syncer::MetadataBatch* metadata_batch);
// syncer::SyncMetadataStore implementation.
bool UpdateSyncMetadata(syncer::ModelType model_type,
const std::string& storage_key,
const sync_pb::EntityMetadata& metadata) override;
bool ClearSyncMetadata(syncer::ModelType model_type,
const std::string& storage_key) override;
bool UpdateModelTypeState(
syncer::ModelType model_type,
const sync_pb::ModelTypeState& model_type_state) override;
bool ClearModelTypeState(syncer::ModelType model_type) override;
// Removes the orphan rows in the autofill_profile_names,
// autofill_profile_emails and autofill_profile_phones table that were not
// removed in the previous implementation of
// RemoveAutofillDataModifiedBetween(see
bool RemoveOrphanAutofillTableRows();
// Table migration functions. NB: These do not and should not rely on other
// functions in this class. The implementation of a function such as
// GetCreditCard may change over time, but MigrateToVersionXX should never
// change.
bool MigrateToVersion54AddI18nFieldsAndRemoveDeprecatedFields();
bool MigrateToVersion55MergeAutofillDatesTable();
bool MigrateToVersion56AddProfileLanguageCodeForFormatting();
bool MigrateToVersion57AddFullNameField();
bool MigrateToVersion60AddServerCards();
bool MigrateToVersion61AddUsageStats();
bool MigrateToVersion62AddUsageStatsForUnmaskedCards();
bool MigrateToVersion63AddServerRecipientName();
bool MigrateToVersion64AddUnmaskDate();
bool MigrateToVersion65AddServerMetadataTables();
bool MigrateToVersion66AddCardBillingAddress();
bool MigrateToVersion67AddMaskedCardBillingAddress();
bool MigrateToVersion70AddSyncMetadata();
bool MigrateToVersion71AddHasConvertedAndBillingAddressIdMetadata();
bool MigrateToVersion72RenameCardTypeToIssuerNetwork();
bool MigrateToVersion73AddMaskedCardBankName();
bool MigrateToVersion74AddServerCardTypeColumn();
bool MigrateToVersion75AddProfileValidityBitfieldColumn();
bool MigrateToVersion78AddModelTypeColumns();
bool MigrateToVersion80AddIsClientValidityStatesUpdatedColumn();
bool MigrateToVersion81CleanUpWrongModelTypeData();
// Max data length saved in the table, AKA the maximum length allowed for
// form data.
// Copied to components/autofill/ios/browser/resources/autofill_controller.js.
static const size_t kMaxDataLength;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, Autofill);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, Autofill_AddChanges);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, Autofill_RemoveBetweenChanges);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, Autofill_UpdateDontReplace);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, Autofill_AddFormFieldValues);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, AutofillProfile);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, UpdateAutofillProfile);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, AutofillProfileTrash);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, AutofillProfileTrashInteraction);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, CreditCard);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AutofillTableTest, UpdateCreditCard);
// Methods for adding autofill entries at a specified time. For
// testing only.
bool AddFormFieldValuesTime(const std::vector<FormFieldData>& elements,
std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes,
base::Time time);
bool AddFormFieldValueTime(const FormFieldData& element,
std::vector<AutofillChange>* changes,
base::Time time);
bool SupportsMetadataForModelType(syncer::ModelType model_type) const;
int GetKeyValueForModelType(syncer::ModelType model_type) const;
bool GetAllSyncEntityMetadata(syncer::ModelType model_type,
syncer::MetadataBatch* metadata_batch);
bool GetModelTypeState(syncer::ModelType model_type,
sync_pb::ModelTypeState* state);
// Insert a single AutofillEntry into the autofill table.
bool InsertAutofillEntry(const AutofillEntry& entry);
// Checks if the trash is empty.
bool IsAutofillProfilesTrashEmpty();
// Checks if the guid is in the trash.
bool IsAutofillGUIDInTrash(const std::string& guid);
// Adds to |masked_credit_cards| and updates |server_card_metadata|.
// Must already be in a transaction.
void AddMaskedCreditCards(const std::vector<CreditCard>& credit_cards);
// Adds to |unmasked_credit_cards|.
void AddUnmaskedCreditCard(const std::string& id,
const base::string16& full_number);
// Deletes server credit cards by |id|. Returns true if a row was deleted.
bool DeleteFromMaskedCreditCards(const std::string& id);
bool DeleteFromUnmaskedCreditCards(const std::string& id);
bool InitMainTable();
bool InitCreditCardsTable();
bool InitProfilesTable();
bool InitProfileNamesTable();
bool InitProfileEmailsTable();
bool InitProfilePhonesTable();
bool InitProfileTrashTable();
bool InitMaskedCreditCardsTable();
bool InitUnmaskedCreditCardsTable();
bool InitServerCardMetadataTable();
bool InitServerAddressesTable();
bool InitServerAddressMetadataTable();
bool InitAutofillSyncMetadataTable();
bool InitModelTypeStateTable();
bool InitPaymentsCustomerDataTable();
std::unique_ptr<AutofillTableEncryptor> autofill_table_encryptor_;
} // namespace autofill