blob: 5c5b29fb2a2e5f45021bf611d10d3e51486aff56 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "chrome/common/page_load_metrics/page_load_timing.h"
#include "components/data_reduction_proxy/core/browser/data_reduction_proxy_data.h"
#include "content/public/browser/navigation_handle.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebInputEvent.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace page_load_metrics {
// This enum represents how a page load ends. If the action occurs before the
// page load finishes (or reaches some point like first paint), then we consider
// the load to be aborted.
enum PageEndReason {
// Page lifetime has not yet ended (page is still active).
// The page was reloaded, possibly by the user.
// The page was navigated away from, via a back or forward navigation.
// The navigation is replaced with a navigation with the qualifier
// ui::PAGE_TRANSITION_CLIENT_REDIRECT, which is caused by Javascript, or the
// meta refresh tag.
// If the page load is replaced by a new navigation. This includes link
// clicks, typing in the omnibox (not a reload), and form submissions.
// The page load was stopped (e.g. the user presses the stop X button).
// Page load ended due to closing the tab or browser.
// The provisional load for this page load failed before committing.
// The render process hosting the page terminated unexpectedly.
// We don't know why the page load ended. This is the value we assign to a
// terminated provisional load if the only signal we get is the load finished
// without committing, either without error or with net::ERR_ABORTED.
// Information related to failed provisional loads.
struct FailedProvisionalLoadInfo {
FailedProvisionalLoadInfo(base::TimeDelta interval, net::Error error);
base::TimeDelta time_to_failed_provisional_load;
net::Error error;
// Information related to whether an associated action, such as a navigation or
// an abort, was initiated by a user. Clicking a link or tapping on a UI
// element are examples of user initiation actions.
struct UserInitiatedInfo {
static UserInitiatedInfo NotUserInitiated() {
return UserInitiatedInfo(false, false, false);
static UserInitiatedInfo BrowserInitiated() {
return UserInitiatedInfo(true, false, false);
static UserInitiatedInfo RenderInitiated(bool user_gesture,
bool user_input_event) {
return UserInitiatedInfo(false, user_gesture, user_input_event);
// Whether the associated action was initiated from the browser process, as
// opposed to from the render process. We generally assume that all actions
// initiated from the browser process are user initiated.
bool browser_initiated;
// Whether the associated action was initiated by a user, according to user
// gesture tracking in content and Blink, as reported by NavigationHandle.
bool user_gesture;
// Whether the associated action was initiated by a user, based on our
// heuristic-driven implementation that tests to see if there was an input
// event that happened shortly before the given action.
bool user_input_event;
UserInitiatedInfo(bool browser_initiated,
bool user_gesture,
bool user_input_event)
: browser_initiated(browser_initiated),
user_input_event(user_input_event) {}
struct PageLoadExtraInfo {
base::TimeTicks navigation_start,
const base::Optional<base::TimeDelta>& first_background_time,
const base::Optional<base::TimeDelta>& first_foreground_time,
bool started_in_foreground,
UserInitiatedInfo user_initiated_info,
const GURL& url,
const GURL& start_url,
bool did_commit,
PageEndReason page_end_reason,
UserInitiatedInfo page_end_user_initiated_info,
const base::Optional<base::TimeDelta>& page_end_time,
const PageLoadMetadata& main_frame_metadata,
const PageLoadMetadata& child_frame_metadata);
// Simplified version of the constructor, intended for use in tests.
static PageLoadExtraInfo CreateForTesting(const GURL& url,
bool started_in_foreground);
PageLoadExtraInfo(const PageLoadExtraInfo& other);
// The time the navigation was initiated.
const base::TimeTicks navigation_start;
// The first time that the page was backgrounded since the navigation started.
const base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> first_background_time;
// The first time that the page was foregrounded since the navigation started.
const base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> first_foreground_time;
// True if the page load started in the foreground.
const bool started_in_foreground;
// Whether the page load was initiated by a user.
const UserInitiatedInfo user_initiated_info;
// Most recent URL for this page. Can be updated at navigation start, upon
// redirection, and at commit time.
const GURL url;
// The URL that started the navigation, before redirects.
const GURL start_url;
// Whether the navigation for this page load committed.
const bool did_commit;
// The reason the page load ended. If the page is still active,
// |page_end_reason| will be |END_NONE|. |page_end_time| contains the duration
// of time until the cause of the page end reason was encountered.
const PageEndReason page_end_reason;
// Whether the end reason for this page load was user initiated. For example,
// if
// this page load was ended due to a new navigation, this field tracks whether
// that new navigation was user-initiated. This field is only useful if this
// page load's end reason is a value other than END_NONE. Note that this
// value is currently experimental, and is subject to change. In particular,
// this field is not currently set for some end reasons, such as stop and
// close, since we don't yet have sufficient instrumentation to know if a stop
// or close was caused by a user action.
// TODO(csharrison): If more metadata for end reasons is needed we should
// provide a
// better abstraction. Note that this is an approximation.
UserInitiatedInfo page_end_user_initiated_info;
// Total lifetime of the page from the user standoint, starting at navigation
// start. The page lifetime ends when the first of the following events
// happen:
// * the load of the main resource fails
// * the page load is stopped
// * the tab hosting the page is closed
// * the render process hosting the page goes away
// * a new navigation which later commits is initiated in the same tab
// This field will not be set if the page is still active and hasn't yet
// finished.
const base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> page_end_time;
// Extra information supplied to the page load metrics system from the
// renderer for the main frame.
const PageLoadMetadata main_frame_metadata;
// PageLoadMetadata for child frames of the current page load.
const PageLoadMetadata child_frame_metadata;
// Container for various information about a request within a page load.
struct ExtraRequestInfo {
ExtraRequestInfo(bool was_cached,
int64_t raw_body_bytes,
int64_t original_network_content_length,
// True if the resource was loaded from cache.
const bool was_cached;
// The number of body (not header) prefilter bytes.
const int64_t raw_body_bytes;
// The number of body (not header) bytes that the data reduction proxy saw
// before it compressed the requests.
const int64_t original_network_content_length;
// Data related to data saver.
const std::unique_ptr<data_reduction_proxy::DataReductionProxyData>
// Interface for PageLoadMetrics observers. All instances of this class are
// owned by the PageLoadTracker tracking a page load.
class PageLoadMetricsObserver {
// ObservePolicy is used as a return value on some PageLoadMetricsObserver
// callbacks to indicate whether the observer would like to continue observing
// metric callbacks. Observers that wish to continue observing metric
// callbacks should return CONTINUE_OBSERVING; observers that wish to stop
// observing callbacks should return STOP_OBSERVING. Observers that return
// STOP_OBSERVING may be deleted.
enum ObservePolicy {
virtual ~PageLoadMetricsObserver() {}
// The page load started, with the given navigation handle.
// currently_committed_url contains the URL of the committed page load at the
// time the navigation for navigation_handle was initiated, or the empty URL
// if there was no committed page load at the time the navigation was
// initiated.
virtual ObservePolicy OnStart(content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle,
const GURL& currently_committed_url,
bool started_in_foreground);
// OnRedirect is triggered when a page load redirects to another URL.
// The navigation handle holds relevant data for the navigation, but will
// be destroyed soon after this call. Don't hold a reference to it. This can
// be called multiple times.
virtual ObservePolicy OnRedirect(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
// OnCommit is triggered when a page load commits, i.e. when we receive the
// first data for the request. The navigation handle holds relevant data for
// the navigation, but will be destroyed soon after this call. Don't hold a
// reference to it.
// Observers that return STOP_OBSERVING will not receive any additional
// callbacks, and will be deleted after invocation of this method returns.
virtual ObservePolicy OnCommit(content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle);
// OnHidden is triggered when a page leaves the foreground. It does not fire
// when a foreground page is permanently closed; for that, listen to
// OnComplete instead.
virtual ObservePolicy OnHidden(const PageLoadTiming& timing,
const PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info);
// OnShown is triggered when a page is brought to the foreground. It does not
// fire when the page first loads; for that, listen for OnStart instead.
virtual ObservePolicy OnShown();
// Called before OnCommit. The observer should return whether it wishes to
// observe navigations whose main resource has MIME type |mine_type|. The
// default is to observe HTML and XHTML only. Note that PageLoadTrackers only
// track XHTML, HTML, and MHTML (related/multipart).
virtual ObservePolicy ShouldObserveMimeType(
const std::string& mime_type) const;
// The callbacks below are only invoked after a navigation commits, for
// tracked page loads. Page loads that don't meet the criteria for being
// tracked at the time a navigation commits will not receive any of the
// callbacks below.
// OnTimingUpdate is triggered when an updated PageLoadTiming is
// available. This method may be called multiple times over the course of the
// page load. This method is currently only intended for use in testing. Most
// implementers should implement one of the On* callbacks, such as
// OnFirstContentfulPaint or OnDomContentLoadedEventStart. Please email
// if you intend to override this method.
virtual void OnTimingUpdate(const PageLoadTiming& timing,
const PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info) {}
// OnUserInput is triggered when a new user input is passed in to
// web_contents. Contains a TimeDelta from navigation start.
virtual void OnUserInput(const blink::WebInputEvent& event) {}
// The following methods are invoked at most once, when the timing for the
// associated event first becomes available.
virtual void OnDomContentLoadedEventStart(
const PageLoadTiming& timing,
const PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info) {}
virtual void OnLoadEventStart(const PageLoadTiming& timing,
const PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info) {}
virtual void OnFirstLayout(const PageLoadTiming& timing,
const PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info) {}
virtual void OnFirstPaint(const PageLoadTiming& timing,
const PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info) {}
virtual void OnFirstTextPaint(const PageLoadTiming& timing,
const PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info) {}
virtual void OnFirstImagePaint(const PageLoadTiming& timing,
const PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info) {}
virtual void OnFirstContentfulPaint(const PageLoadTiming& timing,
const PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info) {}
virtual void OnFirstMeaningfulPaint(const PageLoadTiming& timing,
const PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info) {}
virtual void OnParseStart(const PageLoadTiming& timing,
const PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info) {}
virtual void OnParseStop(const PageLoadTiming& timing,
const PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info) {}
// Invoked when there is a change in either the main_frame_metadata or the
// child_frame_metadata's loading behavior_flags.
virtual void OnLoadingBehaviorObserved(
const page_load_metrics::PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info) {}
// Invoked when a media element starts playing.
virtual void MediaStartedPlaying(
const content::WebContentsObserver::MediaPlayerInfo& video_type,
bool is_in_main_frame) {}
// Invoked on navigations where a navigation delay was added by the
// DelayNavigationThrottle. This is a temporary method that will be removed
// once the experiment is complete.
virtual void OnNavigationDelayComplete(base::TimeDelta scheduled_delay,
base::TimeDelta actual_delay) {}
// Invoked when the UMA metrics subsystem is persisting metrics as the
// application goes into the background, on platforms where the browser
// process may be killed after backgrounding (Android). Implementers should
// persist any metrics that have been buffered in memory in this callback, as
// the application may be killed at any time after this method is invoked
// without further notification. Note that this may be called both for
// provisional loads as well as committed loads. Implementations that only
// want to track committed loads should check whether extra_info.committed_url
// is empty to determine if the load had committed. If the implementation
// returns CONTINUE_OBSERVING, this method may be called multiple times per
// observer, once for each time that the application enters the backround.
// The default implementation does nothing, and returns CONTINUE_OBSERVING.
virtual ObservePolicy FlushMetricsOnAppEnterBackground(
const PageLoadTiming& timing,
const PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info);
// One of OnComplete or OnFailedProvisionalLoad is invoked for tracked page
// loads, immediately before the observer is deleted. These callbacks will not
// be invoked for page loads that did not meet the criteria for being tracked
// at the time the navigation completed. The PageLoadTiming struct contains
// timing data and the PageLoadExtraInfo struct contains other useful data
// collected over the course of the page load. Most observers should not need
// to implement these callbacks, and should implement the On* timing callbacks
// instead.
// OnComplete is invoked for tracked page loads that committed, immediately
// before the observer is deleted. Observers that implement OnComplete may
// also want to implement FlushMetricsOnAppEnterBackground, to avoid loss of
// data if the application is killed while in the background (this happens
// frequently on Android).
virtual void OnComplete(const PageLoadTiming& timing,
const PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info) {}
// OnFailedProvisionalLoad is invoked for tracked page loads that did not
// commit, immediately before the observer is deleted.
virtual void OnFailedProvisionalLoad(
const FailedProvisionalLoadInfo& failed_provisional_load_info,
const PageLoadExtraInfo& extra_info) {}
// Called whenever a request is loaded for this page load.
virtual void OnLoadedResource(const ExtraRequestInfo& extra_request_info) {}
} // namespace page_load_metrics