blob: e2078f27f18d7e3de8267a42b4507216566e90ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/offline_pages/core/prefetch/tasks/stale_entry_finalizer_task.h"
#include <array>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/offline_pages/core/offline_clock.h"
#include "components/offline_pages/core/offline_store_utils.h"
#include "components/offline_pages/core/prefetch/prefetch_dispatcher.h"
#include "components/offline_pages/core/prefetch/prefetch_downloader.h"
#include "components/offline_pages/core/prefetch/prefetch_types.h"
#include "components/offline_pages/core/prefetch/store/prefetch_store.h"
#include "sql/database.h"
#include "sql/statement.h"
#include "sql/transaction.h"
namespace offline_pages {
using Result = StaleEntryFinalizerTask::Result;
namespace {
// Maximum amount of time into the future an item can has its freshness time set
// to after which it will be finalized (or deleted if in the zombie state).
constexpr base::TimeDelta kFutureItemTimeLimit = base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1);
// Expiration time delay for items entering the zombie state, after which they
// are permanently deleted.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kZombieItemLifetime = base::TimeDelta::FromDays(7);
// If this time changes, we need to update the desciption in histograms.xml
// for OfflinePages.Prefetching.StuckItemState.
const int kStuckTimeLimitInDays = 7;
const base::TimeDelta FreshnessPeriodForState(PrefetchItemState state) {
switch (state) {
// Bucket 1.
case PrefetchItemState::NEW_REQUEST:
return base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1);
// Bucket 2.
case PrefetchItemState::AWAITING_GCM:
case PrefetchItemState::RECEIVED_GCM:
case PrefetchItemState::RECEIVED_BUNDLE:
return base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1);
// Bucket 3.
case PrefetchItemState::DOWNLOADING:
case PrefetchItemState::IMPORTING:
return kPrefetchDownloadLifetime;
// The following states do not expire based on per bucket freshness so they
// are not expected to be passed into this function.
case PrefetchItemState::SENT_GENERATE_PAGE_BUNDLE:
case PrefetchItemState::SENT_GET_OPERATION:
case PrefetchItemState::DOWNLOADED:
case PrefetchItemState::FINISHED:
case PrefetchItemState::ZOMBIE:
return base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1);
PrefetchItemErrorCode ErrorCodeForState(PrefetchItemState state) {
switch (state) {
// Valid values.
case PrefetchItemState::NEW_REQUEST:
return PrefetchItemErrorCode::STALE_AT_NEW_REQUEST;
case PrefetchItemState::AWAITING_GCM:
return PrefetchItemErrorCode::STALE_AT_AWAITING_GCM;
case PrefetchItemState::RECEIVED_GCM:
return PrefetchItemErrorCode::STALE_AT_RECEIVED_GCM;
case PrefetchItemState::RECEIVED_BUNDLE:
return PrefetchItemErrorCode::STALE_AT_RECEIVED_BUNDLE;
case PrefetchItemState::DOWNLOADING:
return PrefetchItemErrorCode::STALE_AT_DOWNLOADING;
case PrefetchItemState::IMPORTING:
return PrefetchItemErrorCode::STALE_AT_IMPORTING;
// The following states do not expire based on per bucket freshness so they
// are not expected to be passed into this function.
case PrefetchItemState::SENT_GENERATE_PAGE_BUNDLE:
case PrefetchItemState::SENT_GET_OPERATION:
case PrefetchItemState::DOWNLOADED:
case PrefetchItemState::FINISHED:
case PrefetchItemState::ZOMBIE:
return PrefetchItemErrorCode::STALE_AT_UNKNOWN;
bool FinalizeStaleItems(PrefetchItemState state,
base::Time now,
sql::Database* db) {
static const char kSql[] =
"UPDATE prefetch_items SET state = ?, error_code = ?"
" WHERE state = ? AND freshness_time < ?";
const int64_t earliest_fresh_db_time =
store_utils::ToDatabaseTime(now - FreshnessPeriodForState(state));
sql::Statement statement(db->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt(0, static_cast<int>(PrefetchItemState::FINISHED));
statement.BindInt(1, static_cast<int>(ErrorCodeForState(state)));
statement.BindInt(2, static_cast<int>(state));
statement.BindInt64(3, earliest_fresh_db_time);
return statement.Run();
bool MoreWorkInQueue(sql::Database* db) {
static const char kSql[] =
"SELECT COUNT(*) FROM prefetch_items"
" WHERE state NOT IN (?, ?)";
sql::Statement statement(db->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt(0, static_cast<int>(PrefetchItemState::ZOMBIE));
statement.BindInt(1, static_cast<int>(PrefetchItemState::AWAITING_GCM));
// In event of failure, assume more work exists.
if (!statement.Step())
return true;
return statement.ColumnInt(0) > 0;
// If the user shifted the clock backwards too far, our items will stay around
// for a very long time. Don't allow that so we don't waste resources with
// potentially outdated content.
bool FinalizeFutureItems(PrefetchItemState state,
base::Time now,
sql::Database* db) {
static const char kSql[] =
"UPDATE prefetch_items SET state = ?, error_code = ?"
" WHERE state = ? AND freshness_time > ?";
const int64_t future_fresh_db_time_limit =
store_utils::ToDatabaseTime(now + kFutureItemTimeLimit);
sql::Statement statement(db->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt(0, static_cast<int>(PrefetchItemState::FINISHED));
1, static_cast<int>(
statement.BindInt(2, static_cast<int>(state));
statement.BindInt64(3, future_fresh_db_time_limit);
return statement.Run();
bool DeleteExpiredAndFutureZombies(base::Time now, sql::Database* db) {
static const char kSql[] =
"DELETE FROM prefetch_items"
" WHERE state = ? "
" AND (freshness_time < ? OR freshness_time > ?)";
const int64_t earliest_zombie_db_time =
store_utils::ToDatabaseTime(now - kZombieItemLifetime);
const int64_t future_zombie_db_time =
store_utils::ToDatabaseTime(now + kFutureItemTimeLimit);
sql::Statement statement(db->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt(0, static_cast<int>(PrefetchItemState::ZOMBIE));
statement.BindInt64(1, earliest_zombie_db_time);
statement.BindInt64(2, future_zombie_db_time);
return statement.Run();
// If there is a bug in our code, an item might be stuck in the queue waiting
// on an event that didn't happen. If so, finalize that item and report it.
void ReportAndFinalizeStuckItems(base::Time now, sql::Database* db) {
const int64_t earliest_valid_creation_time = store_utils::ToDatabaseTime(
now - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(kStuckTimeLimitInDays));
// Report.
static constexpr char kSql[] =
"SELECT state FROM prefetch_items"
" WHERE creation_time < ?"
" AND state NOT IN (?, ?)"; // (ZOMBIE, FINISHED);
sql::Statement statement(db->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, earliest_valid_creation_time);
statement.BindInt64(1, static_cast<int>(PrefetchItemState::FINISHED));
statement.BindInt64(2, static_cast<int>(PrefetchItemState::ZOMBIE));
while (statement.Step()) {
// Finalize.
static constexpr char kSql[] =
"UPDATE prefetch_items SET state = ?, error_code = ?"
" WHERE creation_time < ?"
" AND state NOT IN (?, ?)"; // (ZOMBIE, FINISHED)
sql::Statement statement(db->GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, kSql));
statement.BindInt64(0, static_cast<int>(PrefetchItemState::FINISHED));
statement.BindInt64(1, static_cast<int>(PrefetchItemErrorCode::STUCK));
statement.BindInt64(2, earliest_valid_creation_time);
statement.BindInt64(3, static_cast<int>(PrefetchItemState::FINISHED));
statement.BindInt64(4, static_cast<int>(PrefetchItemState::ZOMBIE));
Result FinalizeStaleEntriesSync(sql::Database* db) {
sql::Transaction transaction(db);
if (!transaction.Begin())
return Result::NO_MORE_WORK;
// Only the following states are supposed to expire based on per bucket
// freshness.
static constexpr std::array<PrefetchItemState, 6> expirable_states = {{
// Bucket 1.
// Bucket 2.
PrefetchItemState::AWAITING_GCM, PrefetchItemState::RECEIVED_GCM,
// Bucket 3.
PrefetchItemState::DOWNLOADING, PrefetchItemState::IMPORTING,
base::Time now = OfflineTimeNow();
for (PrefetchItemState state : expirable_states) {
if (!FinalizeStaleItems(state, now, db))
return Result::NO_MORE_WORK;
if (!FinalizeFutureItems(state, now, db))
return Result::NO_MORE_WORK;
if (!DeleteExpiredAndFutureZombies(now, db))
return Result::NO_MORE_WORK;
// Items could also be stuck in a non-expirable state due to a bug, report
// them. This should always be the last step, coming after the regular
// freshness maintenance steps above are done.
ReportAndFinalizeStuckItems(now, db);
Result result = Result::MORE_WORK_NEEDED;
if (!MoreWorkInQueue(db))
result = Result::NO_MORE_WORK;
// If all FinalizeStaleItems calls succeeded the transaction is committed.
return transaction.Commit() ? result : Result::NO_MORE_WORK;
} // namespace
PrefetchDispatcher* prefetch_dispatcher,
PrefetchStore* prefetch_store)
: prefetch_dispatcher_(prefetch_dispatcher),
weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
StaleEntryFinalizerTask::~StaleEntryFinalizerTask() {}
void StaleEntryFinalizerTask::Run() {
void StaleEntryFinalizerTask::OnFinished(Result result) {
final_status_ = result;
if (final_status_ == Result::MORE_WORK_NEEDED)
DVLOG(1) << "Finalization task "
<< (result == Result::NO_MORE_WORK ? "not " : "")
<< "scheduling background processing.";
} // namespace offline_pages