blob: d8be1dfebe62f6b88942e2bfe2f24d407dec5d7d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef WebFrameScheduler_h
#define WebFrameScheduler_h
#include "WebCommon.h"
#include <string>
namespace blink {
class WebSecurityOrigin;
class WebTaskRunner;
class WebViewScheduler;
class BLINK_PLATFORM_EXPORT WebFrameScheduler {
virtual ~WebFrameScheduler() {}
// The scheduler may throttle tasks associated with offscreen frames.
virtual void setFrameVisible(bool) {}
// Tells the scheduler that the page this frame belongs to is not visible.
// The scheduler may throttle tasks associated with pages that are not
// visible.
virtual void setPageVisible(bool) {}
// Set whether this frame is cross origin w.r.t. the top level frame. Cross
// origin frames may use a different scheduling policy from same origin
// frames.
virtual void setCrossOrigin(bool) {}
// Returns the WebTaskRunner for loading tasks.
// WebFrameScheduler owns the returned WebTaskRunner.
virtual WebTaskRunner* loadingTaskRunner() { return nullptr; }
// Returns the WebTaskRunner for timer tasks.
// WebFrameScheduler owns the returned WebTaskRunner.
virtual WebTaskRunner* timerTaskRunner() { return nullptr; }
// Returns the WebTaskRunner for tasks which should never get throttled.
// This is generally used for executing internal browser tasks which should
// never be throttled. Ideally only tasks whose performance characteristics
// are known should be posted to this task runner; for example user
// JavaScript is discouraged. WebFrameScheduler owns the returned
// WebTaskRunner.
virtual WebTaskRunner* unthrottledTaskRunner() { return nullptr; }
// Returns the parent WebViewScheduler.
virtual WebViewScheduler* webViewScheduler() { return nullptr; }
// Tells the scheduler a resource load has started. The scheduler may make
// policy decisions based on this.
virtual void didStartLoading(unsigned long identifier) {}
// Tells the scheduler a resource load has stopped. The scheduler may make
// policy decisions based on this.
virtual void didStopLoading(unsigned long identifier) {}
// Tells the scheduler if we are parsing a document on another thread. This
// tells the scheduler not to advance virtual time if it's using the
virtual void setDocumentParsingInBackground(bool) {}
} // namespace blink
#endif // WebFrameScheduler_h