blob: aeecfa0916eaa064dd6b106b5e36c2a8374a52ee [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef WebRTCStats_h
#define WebRTCStats_h
#include "WebCommon.h"
#include "WebString.h"
#include "WebVector.h"
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace blink {
class WebRTCStats;
class WebRTCStatsMember;
enum WebRTCStatsMemberType {
WebRTCStatsMemberTypeInt32, // int32_t
WebRTCStatsMemberTypeUint32, // uint32_t
WebRTCStatsMemberTypeInt64, // int64_t
WebRTCStatsMemberTypeUint64, // uint64_t
WebRTCStatsMemberTypeDouble, // double
WebRTCStatsMemberTypeString, // WebString
WebRTCStatsMemberTypeSequenceInt32, // WebVector<int32_t>
WebRTCStatsMemberTypeSequenceUint32, // WebVector<uint32_t>
WebRTCStatsMemberTypeSequenceInt64, // WebVector<int64_t>
WebRTCStatsMemberTypeSequenceUint64, // WebVector<uint64_t>
WebRTCStatsMemberTypeSequenceDouble, // WebVector<double>
WebRTCStatsMemberTypeSequenceString, // WebVector<WebString>
class WebRTCStatsReport {
virtual ~WebRTCStatsReport() {}
// Creates a new report object that is a handle to the same underlying stats
// report (the stats are not copied). The new report's iterator is reset,
// useful when needing multiple iterators.
virtual std::unique_ptr<WebRTCStatsReport> copyHandle() const = 0;
// Gets stats object by |id|, or null if no stats with that |id| exists.
virtual std::unique_ptr<WebRTCStats> getStats(WebString id) const = 0;
// The next stats object, or null if the end has been reached.
virtual std::unique_ptr<WebRTCStats> next() = 0;
class WebRTCStats {
virtual ~WebRTCStats() {}
virtual WebString id() const = 0;
virtual WebString type() const = 0;
virtual double timestamp() const = 0;
virtual size_t membersCount() const = 0;
virtual std::unique_ptr<WebRTCStatsMember> getMember(size_t) const = 0;
class WebRTCStatsMember {
virtual ~WebRTCStatsMember() {}
virtual WebString name() const = 0;
virtual WebRTCStatsMemberType type() const = 0;
virtual bool isDefined() const = 0;
// Value getters. No conversion is performed; the function must match the
// member's |type|.
virtual int32_t valueInt32() const = 0;
virtual uint32_t valueUint32() const = 0;
virtual int64_t valueInt64() const = 0;
virtual uint64_t valueUint64() const = 0;
virtual double valueDouble() const = 0;
virtual WebString valueString() const = 0;
virtual WebVector<int32_t> valueSequenceInt32() const = 0;
virtual WebVector<uint32_t> valueSequenceUint32() const = 0;
virtual WebVector<int64_t> valueSequenceInt64() const = 0;
virtual WebVector<uint64_t> valueSequenceUint64() const = 0;
virtual WebVector<double> valueSequenceDouble() const = 0;
virtual WebVector<WebString> valueSequenceString() const = 0;
class WebRTCStatsReportCallback {
virtual ~WebRTCStatsReportCallback() {}
virtual void OnStatsDelivered(std::unique_ptr<WebRTCStatsReport>) = 0;
} // namespace blink
#endif // WebRTCStats_h