Fix flakey SnapshotBrowserTest.SyncMultiWindowTest on Mac

This is a race between navigation and surfaces on their way to the

Here is the way that things work when the test passes:
 1. Renderer process navigates
    a. Renderer calls RenderFrameImpl::DidCommitNavigationInternal
       - This will go more-or-less directly to the browser process
    b. Renderer calls SubmitCompositorFrame with the current surface id
       - This goes off to the viz process, and eventually will land
         back in the browser
 2. The browser process gets the message from [1.a.]
    a. Comes in as RWHI::DidNavigate
    b. Calls RWHV::DidNavigate
       - This will skip allocating a new surface id, because this is the
         first navigation
    c. STARTS the NewContentRenderTimeout (at the end of
 3. The browser process gets notified of the frame sent in [1.b.]
    a. Comes in as DelegatedFrameHost::OnFirstSurfaceActivation
    b. STOPS the NewContentRenderTimeout (in
So we stop the timer, and so we don't evict our frame.

But notice how we're relying on [1.a.] arriving at the browser before
[1.b.], even though they take completely independent routes?

What ends up happening to us when we get a flake is:
 1. Renderer process navigates
    a. Renderer calls RenderFrameImpl::DidCommitNavigationInternal
    b. Renderer calls SubmitCompositorFrame with the current surface id
 2. The browser process gets notified of the frame sent in [1.b.]
    a. Comes in as DelegatedFrameHost::OnFirstSurfaceActivation
    b. In RHWI::DidReceiveFirstFrameAfterNavigation, we don't stop the
       NewContentRenderTimeout, because we never started it.
 3. The browser process gets the message from [1.a.]
    a. Comes in as RWHI::DidNavigate
    b. Calls RWHV::DidNavigate
       - This will skip allocating a new surface id, because this is the
         first navigation
    c. STARTS the new NewContentRenderTimeout (at the end of
We'll never hit OnFirstSurfaceActivation for this surface id again
(because we already hit it), and so the timeout will always fire.

The fix is to change RHWI::DidNavigate to only start the timer when
RWHV::DidNavigate changes the surface id. Two reasons:
  - If we didn't change the surface id, it was because this was the
    first navigation, and so we don't need to clear the frame.
  - If we allocate a new surface id, then that will kick the renderer
    to trigger OnFirstSurfaceActivation that will tell us to stop the
    timer (and if we don't allocate a new id, we won't necessarily hit
    OnFirstSurfaceActivation, and we won't stop the timer).

R=samans, kbr
TBR=piman (for content/ OWNERship)

Bug: 853651
Change-Id: I25a8fbf5f6b618b64d764546056fd342e8fc50f9
Reviewed-by: Kenneth Russell <>
Reviewed-by: Saman Sami <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#569513}
3 files changed