Release Oilpan heap singletons prior to LSan leak detection.

Make Oilpan and LSan cooperate better. As Persistent<> references
created via DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL() and similar will be reachable to
LSan's leak detection pass, the objects they refer to outside of
the Oilpan heap will be reported as leaking.

(This is in contrast to what happens in the non-Oilpan setting,
where the (leaked) pointer created via DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL() is
stored in a local "static"; such non-global references are not
considered roots to LSan and hence the objects reachable from
those will not be reported as leaking.)

Address the problem on the Oilpan side by having such "static"
Persistent<>ly-held singletons be registered and tracked such
that we're able to release them all just before shutting down
and performing an extra round of GCs. Leaving a cleaner heap
for LSan to work over. And to report no leaks over, ideally.

As part of the changes needed to support this for Oilpan,
wtf/LeakAnnotations.h offerings has been renamed and changed
a bit:

   (but see LeakAnnotations.h for macro to use local to wtf/.)


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Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#363591}
16 files changed