blob: adbdbc8dfa97cf42508c9ddcf315c30f7ee64eb8 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 2004-2005 Allan Sandfeld Jensen (
* Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Nicholas Shanks (
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 Apple Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) 2007 Alexey Proskuryakov <>
* Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Eric Seidel <>
* Copyright (C) 2008, 2009 Torch Mobile Inc. All rights reserved.
* (
* Copyright (c) 2011, Code Aurora Forum. All rights reserved.
* Copyright (C) Research In Motion Limited 2011. All rights reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "core/css/SelectorChecker.h"
#include "core/HTMLNames.h"
#include "core/css/CSSSelectorList.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/dom/Element.h"
#include "core/dom/ElementTraversal.h"
#include "core/dom/Fullscreen.h"
#include "core/dom/NodeComputedStyle.h"
#include "core/dom/NthIndexCache.h"
#include "core/dom/StyleEngine.h"
#include "core/dom/Text.h"
#include "core/dom/shadow/FlatTreeTraversal.h"
#include "core/dom/shadow/InsertionPoint.h"
#include "core/dom/shadow/ShadowRoot.h"
#include "core/editing/FrameSelection.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLDocument.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLFrameElementBase.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLInputElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLOptionElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLSelectElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLSlotElement.h"
#include "core/html/parser/HTMLParserIdioms.h"
#include "core/html/track/vtt/VTTElement.h"
#include "core/inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.h"
#include "core/page/FocusController.h"
#include "core/page/Page.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyle.h"
#include "platform/scroll/ScrollableArea.h"
#include "platform/scroll/ScrollbarTheme.h"
#include "wtf/AutoReset.h"
namespace blink {
using namespace HTMLNames;
static bool isFrameFocused(const Element& element) {
return element.document().frame() &&
static bool matchesSpatialNavigationFocusPseudoClass(const Element& element) {
return isHTMLOptionElement(element) &&
toHTMLOptionElement(element).spatialNavigationFocused() &&
static bool matchesListBoxPseudoClass(const Element& element) {
return isHTMLSelectElement(element) &&
static bool matchesTagName(const Element& element,
const QualifiedName& tagQName) {
if (tagQName == anyQName())
return true;
const AtomicString& localName = tagQName.localName();
if (localName != starAtom && localName != element.localName()) {
if (element.isHTMLElement() || !element.document().isHTMLDocument())
return false;
// Non-html elements in html documents are normalized to their camel-cased
// version during parsing if applicable. Yet, type selectors are lower-cased
// for selectors in html documents. Compare the upper case converted names
// instead to allow matching SVG elements like foreignObject.
if (element.tagQName().localNameUpper() != tagQName.localNameUpper())
return false;
const AtomicString& namespaceURI = tagQName.namespaceURI();
return namespaceURI == starAtom || namespaceURI == element.namespaceURI();
static Element* parentElement(
const SelectorChecker::SelectorCheckingContext& context) {
// - If context.scope is a shadow root, we should walk up to its shadow host.
// - If context.scope is some element in some shadow tree and querySelector
// initialized the context, e.g. shadowRoot.querySelector(':host *'),
// (a) context.element has the same treescope as context.scope, need to walk
// up to its shadow host.
// (b) Otherwise, should not walk up from a shadow root to a shadow host.
if (context.scope &&
(context.scope == context.element->containingShadowRoot() ||
context.scope->treeScope() == context.element->treeScope()))
return context.element->parentOrShadowHostElement();
return context.element->parentElement();
static const HTMLSlotElement* findSlotElementInScope(
const SelectorChecker::SelectorCheckingContext& context) {
if (!context.scope)
return nullptr;
const HTMLSlotElement* slot = context.element->assignedSlot();
while (slot) {
if (slot->treeScope() == context.scope->treeScope())
return slot;
slot = slot->assignedSlot();
return nullptr;
static bool scopeContainsLastMatchedElement(
const SelectorChecker::SelectorCheckingContext& context) {
// If this context isn't scoped, skip checking.
if (!context.scope)
return true;
if (context.scope->treeScope() == context.element->treeScope())
return true;
// Because Blink treats a shadow host's TreeScope as a separate one from its
// descendent shadow roots, if the last matched element is a shadow host, the
// condition above isn't met, even though it should be.
return context.element == context.scope->ownerShadowHost() &&
(!context.previousElement ||
static inline bool nextSelectorExceedsScope(
const SelectorChecker::SelectorCheckingContext& context) {
if (context.scope && context.scope->isInShadowTree())
return context.element == context.scope->ownerShadowHost();
return false;
static bool shouldMatchHoverOrActive(
const SelectorChecker::SelectorCheckingContext& context) {
// If we're in quirks mode, then :hover and :active should never match anchors
// with no href and *:hover and *:active should not match anything. This is
// specified in
if (!context.element->document().inQuirksMode())
return true;
if (context.isSubSelector)
return true;
if (context.element->isLink())
return true;
const CSSSelector* selector = context.selector;
while (selector->relation() == CSSSelector::SubSelector &&
selector->tagHistory()) {
selector = selector->tagHistory();
if (selector->match() != CSSSelector::PseudoClass)
return true;
if (selector->getPseudoType() != CSSSelector::PseudoHover &&
selector->getPseudoType() != CSSSelector::PseudoActive)
return true;
return false;
static bool isFirstChild(Element& element) {
return !ElementTraversal::previousSibling(element);
static bool isLastChild(Element& element) {
return !ElementTraversal::nextSibling(element);
static bool isFirstOfType(Element& element, const QualifiedName& type) {
return !ElementTraversal::previousSibling(element, HasTagName(type));
static bool isLastOfType(Element& element, const QualifiedName& type) {
return !ElementTraversal::nextSibling(element, HasTagName(type));
// Recursive check of selectors and combinators
// It can return 4 different values:
// * SelectorMatches - the selector matches the element e
// * SelectorFailsLocally - the selector fails for the element e
// * SelectorFailsAllSiblings - the selector fails for e and any sibling of e
// * SelectorFailsCompletely - the selector fails for e and any sibling or
// ancestor of e
SelectorChecker::Match SelectorChecker::matchSelector(
const SelectorCheckingContext& context,
MatchResult& result) const {
MatchResult subResult;
if (!checkOne(context, subResult))
return SelectorFailsLocally;
if (subResult.dynamicPseudo != PseudoIdNone)
result.dynamicPseudo = subResult.dynamicPseudo;
if (context.selector->isLastInTagHistory()) {
if (scopeContainsLastMatchedElement(context)) {
result.specificity += subResult.specificity;
return SelectorMatches;
return SelectorFailsLocally;
Match match;
if (context.selector->relation() != CSSSelector::SubSelector) {
if (nextSelectorExceedsScope(context))
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
if (context.pseudoId != PseudoIdNone &&
context.pseudoId != result.dynamicPseudo)
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
AutoReset<PseudoId> dynamicPseudoScope(&result.dynamicPseudo, PseudoIdNone);
match = matchForRelation(context, result);
} else {
match = matchForSubSelector(context, result);
if (match == SelectorMatches)
result.specificity += subResult.specificity;
return match;
static inline SelectorChecker::SelectorCheckingContext
const SelectorChecker::SelectorCheckingContext& context) {
SelectorChecker::SelectorCheckingContext nextContext(context);
nextContext.selector = context.selector->tagHistory();
return nextContext;
SelectorChecker::Match SelectorChecker::matchForSubSelector(
const SelectorCheckingContext& context,
MatchResult& result) const {
SelectorCheckingContext nextContext = prepareNextContextForRelation(context);
PseudoId dynamicPseudo = result.dynamicPseudo;
nextContext.hasScrollbarPseudo =
dynamicPseudo != PseudoIdNone &&
(m_scrollbar || dynamicPseudo == PseudoIdScrollbarCorner ||
dynamicPseudo == PseudoIdResizer);
nextContext.hasSelectionPseudo = dynamicPseudo == PseudoIdSelection;
nextContext.isSubSelector = true;
return matchSelector(nextContext, result);
static inline bool isV0ShadowRoot(const Node* node) {
return node && node->isShadowRoot() &&
toShadowRoot(node)->type() == ShadowRootType::V0;
SelectorChecker::Match SelectorChecker::matchForPseudoShadow(
const SelectorCheckingContext& context,
const ContainerNode* node,
MatchResult& result) const {
if (!isV0ShadowRoot(node))
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
if (!context.previousElement)
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
return matchSelector(context, result);
static inline Element* parentOrV0ShadowHostElement(const Element& element) {
if (element.parentNode() && element.parentNode()->isShadowRoot()) {
if (toShadowRoot(element.parentNode())->type() != ShadowRootType::V0)
return nullptr;
return element.parentOrShadowHostElement();
static inline Element* parentOrOpenShadowHostElement(const Element& element) {
if (element.parentNode() && element.parentNode()->isShadowRoot()) {
if (toShadowRoot(element.parentNode())->type() != ShadowRootType::Open)
return nullptr;
return element.parentOrShadowHostElement();
SelectorChecker::Match SelectorChecker::matchForRelation(
const SelectorCheckingContext& context,
MatchResult& result) const {
SelectorCheckingContext nextContext = prepareNextContextForRelation(context);
CSSSelector::RelationType relation = context.selector->relation();
// Disable :visited matching when we see the first link or try to match
// anything else than an ancestors.
if (!context.isSubSelector &&
(context.element->isLink() ||
(relation != CSSSelector::Descendant && relation != CSSSelector::Child)))
nextContext.visitedMatchType = VisitedMatchDisabled;
nextContext.inRightmostCompound = false;
nextContext.isSubSelector = false;
nextContext.previousElement = context.element;
nextContext.pseudoId = PseudoIdNone;
switch (relation) {
case CSSSelector::Descendant:
if (context.selector->relationIsAffectedByPseudoContent()) {
for (Element* element = context.element; element;
element = element->parentElement()) {
if (matchForPseudoContent(nextContext, *element, result) ==
return SelectorMatches;
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
if (nextContext.selector->getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoShadow)
return matchForPseudoShadow(
nextContext, context.element->containingShadowRoot(), result);
for (nextContext.element = parentElement(context); nextContext.element;
nextContext.element = parentElement(nextContext)) {
Match match = matchSelector(nextContext, result);
if (match == SelectorMatches || match == SelectorFailsCompletely)
return match;
if (nextSelectorExceedsScope(nextContext))
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
case CSSSelector::Child: {
if (context.selector->relationIsAffectedByPseudoContent())
return matchForPseudoContent(nextContext, *context.element, result);
if (nextContext.selector->getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoShadow)
return matchForPseudoShadow(nextContext, context.element->parentNode(),
nextContext.element = parentElement(context);
if (!nextContext.element)
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
return matchSelector(nextContext, result);
case CSSSelector::DirectAdjacent:
// Shadow roots can't have sibling elements
if (nextContext.selector->getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoShadow)
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (ContainerNode* parent =
nextContext.element = ElementTraversal::previousSibling(*context.element);
if (!nextContext.element)
return SelectorFailsAllSiblings;
return matchSelector(nextContext, result);
case CSSSelector::IndirectAdjacent:
// Shadow roots can't have sibling elements
if (nextContext.selector->getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoShadow)
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (ContainerNode* parent =
nextContext.element = ElementTraversal::previousSibling(*context.element);
for (; nextContext.element;
nextContext.element =
ElementTraversal::previousSibling(*nextContext.element)) {
Match match = matchSelector(nextContext, result);
if (match == SelectorMatches || match == SelectorFailsAllSiblings ||
match == SelectorFailsCompletely)
return match;
return SelectorFailsAllSiblings;
case CSSSelector::ShadowPseudo: {
if (!m_isUARule && !m_isQuerySelector &&
context.selector->getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoShadow)
// If we're in the same tree-scope as the scoping element, then following
// a shadow descendant combinator would escape that and thus the scope.
if (context.scope && context.scope->ownerShadowHost() &&
context.scope->ownerShadowHost()->treeScope() ==
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
Element* shadowHost = context.element->ownerShadowHost();
if (!shadowHost)
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
nextContext.element = shadowHost;
return matchSelector(nextContext, result);
case CSSSelector::ShadowDeep: {
if (!m_isUARule && !m_isQuerySelector)
if (ShadowRoot* root = context.element->containingShadowRoot()) {
if (root->type() == ShadowRootType::UserAgent)
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
if (context.selector->relationIsAffectedByPseudoContent()) {
// TODO(kochi): closed mode tree should be handled as well for
// ::content.
for (Element* element = context.element; element;
element = element->parentOrShadowHostElement()) {
if (matchForPseudoContent(nextContext, *element, result) ==
SelectorMatches) {
if (context.element->isInShadowTree())
return SelectorMatches;
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
for (nextContext.element = parentOrV0ShadowHostElement(*context.element);
nextContext.element =
parentOrV0ShadowHostElement(*nextContext.element)) {
Match match = matchSelector(nextContext, result);
if (match == SelectorMatches && context.element->isInShadowTree())
if (match == SelectorMatches || match == SelectorFailsCompletely)
return match;
if (nextSelectorExceedsScope(nextContext))
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
case CSSSelector::ShadowPiercingDescendant: {
// TODO(kochi): parentOrOpenShadowHostElement() is necessary because
// SelectorQuery can pass V0 shadow roots. All closed shadow roots are
// already filtered out, thus once V0 is removed this logic can use
// parentOrShadowHostElement() instead.
for (nextContext.element =
nextContext.element =
parentOrOpenShadowHostElement(*nextContext.element)) {
Match match = matchSelector(nextContext, result);
if (match == SelectorMatches || match == SelectorFailsCompletely)
return match;
if (nextSelectorExceedsScope(nextContext))
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
case CSSSelector::ShadowSlot: {
const HTMLSlotElement* slot = findSlotElementInScope(context);
if (!slot)
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
nextContext.element = const_cast<HTMLSlotElement*>(slot);
return matchSelector(nextContext, result);
case CSSSelector::SubSelector:
return SelectorFailsCompletely;
SelectorChecker::Match SelectorChecker::matchForPseudoContent(
const SelectorCheckingContext& context,
const Element& element,
MatchResult& result) const {
HeapVector<Member<InsertionPoint>, 8> insertionPoints;
collectDestinationInsertionPoints(element, insertionPoints);
SelectorCheckingContext nextContext(context);
for (const auto& insertionPoint : insertionPoints) {
nextContext.element = insertionPoint;
// TODO(esprehn): Why does SharingRules have a special case?
if (m_mode == SharingRules)
nextContext.scope = insertionPoint->containingShadowRoot();
if (match(nextContext, result))
return SelectorMatches;
return SelectorFailsLocally;
static bool attributeValueMatches(const Attribute& attributeItem,
CSSSelector::MatchType match,
const AtomicString& selectorValue,
TextCaseSensitivity caseSensitivity) {
// TODO(esprehn): How do we get here with a null value?
const AtomicString& value = attributeItem.value();
if (value.isNull())
return false;
switch (match) {
case CSSSelector::AttributeExact:
if (caseSensitivity == TextCaseSensitive)
return selectorValue == value;
return equalIgnoringASCIICase(selectorValue, value);
case CSSSelector::AttributeSet:
return true;
case CSSSelector::AttributeList: {
// Ignore empty selectors or selectors containing HTML spaces
if (selectorValue.isEmpty() ||
selectorValue.find(&isHTMLSpace<UChar>) != kNotFound)
return false;
unsigned startSearchAt = 0;
while (true) {
size_t foundPos =
value.find(selectorValue, startSearchAt, caseSensitivity);
if (foundPos == kNotFound)
return false;
if (!foundPos || isHTMLSpace<UChar>(value[foundPos - 1])) {
unsigned endStr = foundPos + selectorValue.length();
if (endStr == value.length() || isHTMLSpace<UChar>(value[endStr]))
break; // We found a match.
// No match. Keep looking.
startSearchAt = foundPos + 1;
return true;
case CSSSelector::AttributeContain:
if (selectorValue.isEmpty())
return false;
return value.contains(selectorValue, caseSensitivity);
case CSSSelector::AttributeBegin:
if (selectorValue.isEmpty())
return false;
return value.startsWith(selectorValue, caseSensitivity);
case CSSSelector::AttributeEnd:
if (selectorValue.isEmpty())
return false;
return value.endsWith(selectorValue, caseSensitivity);
case CSSSelector::AttributeHyphen:
if (value.length() < selectorValue.length())
return false;
if (!value.startsWith(selectorValue, caseSensitivity))
return false;
// It they start the same, check for exact match or following '-':
if (value.length() != selectorValue.length() &&
value[selectorValue.length()] != '-')
return false;
return true;
return false;
static bool anyAttributeMatches(Element& element,
CSSSelector::MatchType match,
const CSSSelector& selector) {
const QualifiedName& selectorAttr = selector.attribute();
// Should not be possible from the CSS grammar.
DCHECK_NE(selectorAttr.localName(), starAtom);
// Synchronize the attribute in case it is lazy-computed.
// Currently all lazy properties have a null namespace, so only pass
// localName().
const AtomicString& selectorValue = selector.value();
TextCaseSensitivity caseSensitivity =
(selector.attributeMatch() == CSSSelector::CaseInsensitive)
? TextCaseASCIIInsensitive
: TextCaseSensitive;
AttributeCollection attributes = element.attributesWithoutUpdate();
for (const auto& attributeItem : attributes) {
if (!attributeItem.matches(selectorAttr)) {
if (element.isHTMLElement() || !element.document().isHTMLDocument())
// Non-html attributes in html documents are normalized to their camel-
// cased version during parsing if applicable. Yet, attribute selectors
// are lower-cased for selectors in html documents. Compare the selector
// and the attribute local name insensitively to e.g. allow matching SVG
// attributes like viewBox.
if (!attributeItem.matchesCaseInsensitive(selectorAttr))
if (attributeValueMatches(attributeItem, match, selectorValue,
return true;
if (caseSensitivity == TextCaseASCIIInsensitive) {
if (selectorAttr.namespaceURI() != starAtom)
return false;
// Legacy dictates that values of some attributes should be compared in
// a case-insensitive manner regardless of whether the case insensitive
// flag is set or not.
bool legacyCaseInsensitive =
element.document().isHTMLDocument() &&
// If case-insensitive, re-check, and count if result differs.
// See
if (legacyCaseInsensitive &&
attributeValueMatches(attributeItem, match, selectorValue,
TextCaseASCIIInsensitive)) {
return true;
if (selectorAttr.namespaceURI() != starAtom)
return false;
return false;
bool SelectorChecker::checkOne(const SelectorCheckingContext& context,
MatchResult& result) const {
Element& element = *context.element;
const CSSSelector& selector = *context.selector;
// Only :host and :host-context() should match the host:
if (context.scope && context.scope->ownerShadowHost() == element &&
(!selector.isHostPseudoClass() && !context.treatShadowHostAsNormalScope &&
selector.match() != CSSSelector::PseudoElement))
return false;
switch (selector.match()) {
case CSSSelector::Tag:
return matchesTagName(element, selector.tagQName());
case CSSSelector::Class:
return element.hasClass() &&
case CSSSelector::Id:
return element.hasID() &&
element.idForStyleResolution() == selector.value();
// Attribute selectors
case CSSSelector::AttributeExact:
case CSSSelector::AttributeSet:
case CSSSelector::AttributeHyphen:
case CSSSelector::AttributeList:
case CSSSelector::AttributeContain:
case CSSSelector::AttributeBegin:
case CSSSelector::AttributeEnd:
return anyAttributeMatches(element, selector.match(), selector);
case CSSSelector::PseudoClass:
return checkPseudoClass(context, result);
case CSSSelector::PseudoElement:
return checkPseudoElement(context, result);
return false;
bool SelectorChecker::checkPseudoNot(const SelectorCheckingContext& context,
MatchResult& result) const {
const CSSSelector& selector = *context.selector;
SelectorCheckingContext subContext(context);
subContext.isSubSelector = true;
for (subContext.selector = selector.selectorList()->first();
subContext.selector = subContext.selector->tagHistory()) {
// :not cannot nest. I don't really know why this is a
// restriction in CSS3, but it is, so let's honor it.
// the parser enforces that this never occurs
DCHECK_NE(subContext.selector->getPseudoType(), CSSSelector::PseudoNot);
// We select between :visited and :link when applying. We don't know which
// one applied (or not) yet.
if (subContext.selector->getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoVisited ||
(subContext.selector->getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoLink &&
subContext.visitedMatchType == VisitedMatchEnabled))
return true;
if (m_mode == SharingRules) {
// context.scope is not available if m_mode == SharingRules.
// We cannot determine whether :host or :scope matches a given element or
// not.
if (subContext.selector->isHostPseudoClass() ||
subContext.selector->getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoScope)
return true;
// :hover, :active, :focus, :-webkit-drag relies on setting flags on
// ComputedStyle even if the whole selector may not match. That
// means we cannot share style between elements which may fail
// matching the same selector for different reasons. An example is
// [attr]:hover which both fail for :hover, but an element without
// attr won't reach the :hover selector, hence not setting the bit.
if (subContext.selector->isUserActionPseudoClass())
return true;
if (!checkOne(subContext, result))
return true;
return false;
bool SelectorChecker::checkPseudoClass(const SelectorCheckingContext& context,
MatchResult& result) const {
Element& element = *context.element;
const CSSSelector& selector = *context.selector;
if (context.hasScrollbarPseudo) {
// CSS scrollbars match a specific subset of pseudo classes, and they have
// specialized rules for each
// (since there are no elements involved).
return checkScrollbarPseudoClass(context, result);
switch (selector.getPseudoType()) {
case CSSSelector::PseudoNot:
return checkPseudoNot(context, result);
case CSSSelector::PseudoEmpty: {
bool result = true;
for (Node* n = element.firstChild(); n; n = n->nextSibling()) {
if (n->isElementNode()) {
result = false;
if (n->isTextNode()) {
Text* textNode = toText(n);
if (!textNode->data().isEmpty()) {
result = false;
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (context.inRightmostCompound)
else if (element.computedStyle() &&
(element.document().styleEngine().usesSiblingRules() ||
return result;
case CSSSelector::PseudoFirstChild:
if (ContainerNode* parent = element.parentElementOrDocumentFragment()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
return isFirstChild(element);
case CSSSelector::PseudoFirstOfType:
if (ContainerNode* parent = element.parentElementOrDocumentFragment()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle)
return isFirstOfType(element, element.tagQName());
case CSSSelector::PseudoLastChild:
if (ContainerNode* parent = element.parentElementOrDocumentFragment()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (!m_isQuerySelector && !parent->isFinishedParsingChildren())
return false;
return isLastChild(element);
case CSSSelector::PseudoLastOfType:
if (ContainerNode* parent = element.parentElementOrDocumentFragment()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle)
if (!m_isQuerySelector && !parent->isFinishedParsingChildren())
return false;
return isLastOfType(element, element.tagQName());
case CSSSelector::PseudoOnlyChild:
if (ContainerNode* parent = element.parentElementOrDocumentFragment()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (!m_isQuerySelector && !parent->isFinishedParsingChildren())
return false;
return isFirstChild(element) && isLastChild(element);
case CSSSelector::PseudoOnlyOfType:
// FIXME: This selector is very slow.
if (ContainerNode* parent = element.parentElementOrDocumentFragment()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (!m_isQuerySelector && !parent->isFinishedParsingChildren())
return false;
return isFirstOfType(element, element.tagQName()) &&
isLastOfType(element, element.tagQName());
case CSSSelector::PseudoPlaceholderShown:
if (isTextControlElement(element))
return toTextControlElement(element).isPlaceholderVisible();
case CSSSelector::PseudoNthChild:
if (ContainerNode* parent = element.parentElementOrDocumentFragment()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle)
return selector.matchNth(NthIndexCache::nthChildIndex(element));
case CSSSelector::PseudoNthOfType:
if (ContainerNode* parent = element.parentElementOrDocumentFragment()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle)
return selector.matchNth(NthIndexCache::nthOfTypeIndex(element));
case CSSSelector::PseudoNthLastChild:
if (ContainerNode* parent = element.parentElementOrDocumentFragment()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle)
if (!m_isQuerySelector && !parent->isFinishedParsingChildren())
return false;
return selector.matchNth(NthIndexCache::nthLastChildIndex(element));
case CSSSelector::PseudoNthLastOfType:
if (ContainerNode* parent = element.parentElementOrDocumentFragment()) {
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle)
if (!m_isQuerySelector && !parent->isFinishedParsingChildren())
return false;
return selector.matchNth(NthIndexCache::nthLastOfTypeIndex(element));
case CSSSelector::PseudoTarget:
return element == element.document().cssTarget();
case CSSSelector::PseudoAny: {
SelectorCheckingContext subContext(context);
subContext.isSubSelector = true;
for (subContext.selector = selector.selectorList()->first();
subContext.selector = CSSSelectorList::next(*subContext.selector)) {
if (match(subContext))
return true;
} break;
case CSSSelector::PseudoAutofill:
return element.isFormControlElement() &&
case CSSSelector::PseudoAnyLink:
case CSSSelector::PseudoLink:
return element.isLink();
case CSSSelector::PseudoVisited:
return element.isLink() &&
context.visitedMatchType == VisitedMatchEnabled;
case CSSSelector::PseudoDrag:
if (m_mode == SharingRules)
return true;
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (context.inRightmostCompound) {
} else {
return element.isDragged();
case CSSSelector::PseudoFocus:
if (m_mode == SharingRules)
return true;
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (context.inRightmostCompound) {
} else {
return matchesFocusPseudoClass(element);
case CSSSelector::PseudoHover:
if (m_mode == SharingRules)
return true;
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (context.inRightmostCompound) {
} else {
if (!shouldMatchHoverOrActive(context))
return false;
if (InspectorInstrumentation::forcePseudoState(&element,
return true;
return element.isHovered();
case CSSSelector::PseudoActive:
if (m_mode == SharingRules)
return true;
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle) {
if (context.inRightmostCompound) {
} else {
if (!shouldMatchHoverOrActive(context))
return false;
if (InspectorInstrumentation::forcePseudoState(&element,
return true;
return element.isActive();
case CSSSelector::PseudoEnabled:
return element.matchesEnabledPseudoClass();
case CSSSelector::PseudoFullPageMedia:
return element.document().isMediaDocument();
case CSSSelector::PseudoDefault:
return element.matchesDefaultPseudoClass();
case CSSSelector::PseudoDisabled:
return element.isDisabledFormControl();
case CSSSelector::PseudoReadOnly:
return element.matchesReadOnlyPseudoClass();
case CSSSelector::PseudoReadWrite:
return element.matchesReadWritePseudoClass();
case CSSSelector::PseudoOptional:
return element.isOptionalFormControl();
case CSSSelector::PseudoRequired:
return element.isRequiredFormControl();
case CSSSelector::PseudoValid:
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle)
return element.matchesValidityPseudoClasses() && element.isValidElement();
case CSSSelector::PseudoInvalid:
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle)
return element.matchesValidityPseudoClasses() &&
case CSSSelector::PseudoChecked: {
if (isHTMLInputElement(element)) {
HTMLInputElement& inputElement = toHTMLInputElement(element);
// Even though WinIE allows checked and indeterminate to
// co-exist, the CSS selector spec says that you can't be
// both checked and indeterminate. We will behave like WinIE
// behind the scenes and just obey the CSS spec here in the
// test for matching the pseudo.
if (inputElement.shouldAppearChecked() &&
return true;
} else if (isHTMLOptionElement(element) &&
toHTMLOptionElement(element).selected()) {
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoIndeterminate:
return element.shouldAppearIndeterminate();
case CSSSelector::PseudoRoot:
return element == element.document().documentElement();
case CSSSelector::PseudoLang: {
AtomicString value;
if (element.isVTTElement())
value = toVTTElement(element).language();
value = element.computeInheritedLanguage();
const AtomicString& argument = selector.argument();
if (value.isEmpty() ||
!value.startsWith(argument, TextCaseASCIIInsensitive))
if (value.length() != argument.length() &&
value[argument.length()] != '-')
return true;
case CSSSelector::PseudoFullScreen:
// While a Document is in the fullscreen state, and the document's current
// fullscreen element is an element in the document, the 'full-screen'
// pseudoclass applies to that element. Also, an <iframe>, <object> or
// <embed> element whose child browsing context's Document is in the
// fullscreen state has the 'full-screen' pseudoclass applied.
if (isHTMLFrameElementBase(element) &&
return true;
return Fullscreen::isCurrentFullScreenElement(element);
case CSSSelector::PseudoFullScreenAncestor:
return element.containsFullScreenElement();
case CSSSelector::PseudoInRange:
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle)
return element.isInRange();
case CSSSelector::PseudoOutOfRange:
if (m_mode == ResolvingStyle)
return element.isOutOfRange();
case CSSSelector::PseudoFutureCue:
return element.isVTTElement() && !toVTTElement(element).isPastNode();
case CSSSelector::PseudoPastCue:
return element.isVTTElement() && toVTTElement(element).isPastNode();
case CSSSelector::PseudoScope:
if (m_mode == SharingRules)
return true;
if (context.scope == &element.document())
return element == element.document().documentElement();
return context.scope == &element;
case CSSSelector::PseudoUnresolved:
return element.isUnresolvedV0CustomElement();
case CSSSelector::PseudoDefined:
return element.isDefined();
case CSSSelector::PseudoHost:
case CSSSelector::PseudoHostContext:
return checkPseudoHost(context, result);
case CSSSelector::PseudoSpatialNavigationFocus:
return m_isUARule && matchesSpatialNavigationFocusPseudoClass(element);
case CSSSelector::PseudoListBox:
return m_isUARule && matchesListBoxPseudoClass(element);
case CSSSelector::PseudoHostHasAppearance:
if (!m_isUARule)
return false;
if (ShadowRoot* root = element.containingShadowRoot()) {
if (root->type() != ShadowRootType::UserAgent)
return false;
const ComputedStyle* style = root->host().computedStyle();
return style && style->hasAppearance();
return false;
case CSSSelector::PseudoWindowInactive:
if (!context.hasSelectionPseudo)
return false;
return !element.document().page()->focusController().isActive();
case CSSSelector::PseudoHorizontal:
case CSSSelector::PseudoVertical:
case CSSSelector::PseudoDecrement:
case CSSSelector::PseudoIncrement:
case CSSSelector::PseudoStart:
case CSSSelector::PseudoEnd:
case CSSSelector::PseudoDoubleButton:
case CSSSelector::PseudoSingleButton:
case CSSSelector::PseudoNoButton:
case CSSSelector::PseudoCornerPresent:
return false;
case CSSSelector::PseudoUnknown:
return false;
bool SelectorChecker::checkPseudoElement(const SelectorCheckingContext& context,
MatchResult& result) const {
const CSSSelector& selector = *context.selector;
Element& element = *context.element;
switch (selector.getPseudoType()) {
case CSSSelector::PseudoCue: {
SelectorCheckingContext subContext(context);
subContext.isSubSelector = true;
subContext.scope = nullptr;
subContext.treatShadowHostAsNormalScope = false;
for (subContext.selector = selector.selectorList()->first();
subContext.selector = CSSSelectorList::next(*subContext.selector)) {
if (match(subContext))
return true;
return false;
case CSSSelector::PseudoPlaceholder:
if (ShadowRoot* root = element.containingShadowRoot()) {
return root->type() == ShadowRootType::UserAgent &&
element.shadowPseudoId() == "-webkit-input-placeholder";
return false;
case CSSSelector::PseudoWebKitCustomElement: {
if (ShadowRoot* root = element.containingShadowRoot())
return root->type() == ShadowRootType::UserAgent &&
element.shadowPseudoId() == selector.value();
return false;
case CSSSelector::PseudoBlinkInternalElement:
if (!m_isUARule)
return false;
if (ShadowRoot* root = element.containingShadowRoot())
return root->type() == ShadowRootType::UserAgent &&
element.shadowPseudoId() == selector.value();
return false;
case CSSSelector::PseudoSlotted: {
SelectorCheckingContext subContext(context);
subContext.isSubSelector = true;
subContext.scope = nullptr;
subContext.treatShadowHostAsNormalScope = false;
// ::slotted() only allows one compound selector.
subContext.selector = selector.selectorList()->first();
return match(subContext);
case CSSSelector::PseudoContent:
return element.isInShadowTree() && element.isInsertionPoint();
case CSSSelector::PseudoShadow:
return element.isInShadowTree() && context.previousElement;
if (m_mode == SharingRules)
return true;
DCHECK_NE(m_mode, QueryingRules);
result.dynamicPseudo = CSSSelector::pseudoId(selector.getPseudoType());
DCHECK_NE(result.dynamicPseudo, PseudoIdNone);
return true;
bool SelectorChecker::checkPseudoHost(const SelectorCheckingContext& context,
MatchResult& result) const {
const CSSSelector& selector = *context.selector;
Element& element = *context.element;
if (m_mode == SharingRules)
return true;
// :host only matches a shadow host when :host is in a shadow tree of the
// shadow host.
if (!context.scope)
return false;
const ContainerNode* shadowHost = context.scope->ownerShadowHost();
if (!shadowHost || shadowHost != element)
return false;
// For the case with no parameters, i.e. just :host.
if (!selector.selectorList())
return true;
SelectorCheckingContext subContext(context);
subContext.isSubSelector = true;
bool matched = false;
unsigned maxSpecificity = 0;
// If one of simple selectors matches an element, returns SelectorMatches.
// Just "OR".
for (subContext.selector = selector.selectorList()->first();
subContext.selector = CSSSelectorList::next(*subContext.selector)) {
subContext.treatShadowHostAsNormalScope = true;
subContext.scope = context.scope;
// Use FlatTreeTraversal to traverse a composed ancestor list of a given
// element.
Element* nextElement = &element;
SelectorCheckingContext hostContext(subContext);
do {
MatchResult subResult;
hostContext.element = nextElement;
if (match(hostContext, subResult)) {
matched = true;
// Consider div:host(div:host(div:host(div:host...))).
maxSpecificity =
std::max(maxSpecificity, hostContext.selector->specificity() +
hostContext.treatShadowHostAsNormalScope = false;
hostContext.scope = nullptr;
if (selector.getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoHost)
hostContext.inRightmostCompound = false;
nextElement = FlatTreeTraversal::parentElement(*nextElement);
} while (nextElement);
if (matched) {
result.specificity += maxSpecificity;
return true;
// FIXME: this was a fallthrough condition.
return false;
bool SelectorChecker::checkScrollbarPseudoClass(
const SelectorCheckingContext& context,
MatchResult& result) const {
const CSSSelector& selector = *context.selector;
if (selector.getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoNot)
return checkPseudoNot(context, result);
// FIXME: This is a temporary hack for resizers and scrollbar corners.
// Eventually :window-inactive should become a real
// pseudo class and just apply to everything.
if (selector.getPseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoWindowInactive)
return !context.element->document().page()->focusController().isActive();
if (!m_scrollbar)
return false;
switch (selector.getPseudoType()) {
case CSSSelector::PseudoEnabled:
return m_scrollbar->enabled();
case CSSSelector::PseudoDisabled:
return !m_scrollbar->enabled();
case CSSSelector::PseudoHover: {
ScrollbarPart hoveredPart = m_scrollbar->hoveredPart();
if (m_scrollbarPart == ScrollbarBGPart)
return hoveredPart != NoPart;
if (m_scrollbarPart == TrackBGPart)
return hoveredPart == BackTrackPart ||
hoveredPart == ForwardTrackPart || hoveredPart == ThumbPart;
return m_scrollbarPart == hoveredPart;
case CSSSelector::PseudoActive: {
ScrollbarPart pressedPart = m_scrollbar->pressedPart();
if (m_scrollbarPart == ScrollbarBGPart)
return pressedPart != NoPart;
if (m_scrollbarPart == TrackBGPart)
return pressedPart == BackTrackPart ||
pressedPart == ForwardTrackPart || pressedPart == ThumbPart;
return m_scrollbarPart == pressedPart;
case CSSSelector::PseudoHorizontal:
return m_scrollbar->orientation() == HorizontalScrollbar;
case CSSSelector::PseudoVertical:
return m_scrollbar->orientation() == VerticalScrollbar;
case CSSSelector::PseudoDecrement:
return m_scrollbarPart == BackButtonStartPart ||
m_scrollbarPart == BackButtonEndPart ||
m_scrollbarPart == BackTrackPart;
case CSSSelector::PseudoIncrement:
return m_scrollbarPart == ForwardButtonStartPart ||
m_scrollbarPart == ForwardButtonEndPart ||
m_scrollbarPart == ForwardTrackPart;
case CSSSelector::PseudoStart:
return m_scrollbarPart == BackButtonStartPart ||
m_scrollbarPart == ForwardButtonStartPart ||
m_scrollbarPart == BackTrackPart;
case CSSSelector::PseudoEnd:
return m_scrollbarPart == BackButtonEndPart ||
m_scrollbarPart == ForwardButtonEndPart ||
m_scrollbarPart == ForwardTrackPart;
case CSSSelector::PseudoDoubleButton: {
WebScrollbarButtonsPlacement buttonsPlacement =
if (m_scrollbarPart == BackButtonStartPart ||
m_scrollbarPart == ForwardButtonStartPart ||
m_scrollbarPart == BackTrackPart)
return buttonsPlacement == WebScrollbarButtonsPlacementDoubleStart ||
buttonsPlacement == WebScrollbarButtonsPlacementDoubleBoth;
if (m_scrollbarPart == BackButtonEndPart ||
m_scrollbarPart == ForwardButtonEndPart ||
m_scrollbarPart == ForwardTrackPart)
return buttonsPlacement == WebScrollbarButtonsPlacementDoubleEnd ||
buttonsPlacement == WebScrollbarButtonsPlacementDoubleBoth;
return false;
case CSSSelector::PseudoSingleButton: {
WebScrollbarButtonsPlacement buttonsPlacement =
if (m_scrollbarPart == BackButtonStartPart ||
m_scrollbarPart == ForwardButtonEndPart ||
m_scrollbarPart == BackTrackPart ||
m_scrollbarPart == ForwardTrackPart)
return buttonsPlacement == WebScrollbarButtonsPlacementSingle;
return false;
case CSSSelector::PseudoNoButton: {
WebScrollbarButtonsPlacement buttonsPlacement =
if (m_scrollbarPart == BackTrackPart)
return buttonsPlacement == WebScrollbarButtonsPlacementNone ||
buttonsPlacement == WebScrollbarButtonsPlacementDoubleEnd;
if (m_scrollbarPart == ForwardTrackPart)
return buttonsPlacement == WebScrollbarButtonsPlacementNone ||
buttonsPlacement == WebScrollbarButtonsPlacementDoubleStart;
return false;
case CSSSelector::PseudoCornerPresent:
return m_scrollbar->getScrollableArea() &&
return false;
bool SelectorChecker::matchesFocusPseudoClass(const Element& element) {
if (InspectorInstrumentation::forcePseudoState(const_cast<Element*>(&element),
return true;
return element.isFocused() && isFrameFocused(element);
} // namespace blink