blob: 4b55d90239d2c456e35b29bd68315e15c20a7d34 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_delegate.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace content {
class WebContents;
class BrowserContext;
namespace background_loader {
// This class maintains a WebContents used in the background. It can host
// a renderer but does not have any visible display.
class BackgroundLoaderContents : public content::WebContentsDelegate {
// Delegate to help with decision making.
class Delegate {
// Decide whether single-file (e.g. pdf) downloads should be allowed to
// start if a page initiates it. Callback can be called
// synchronously. Returning true to the callback will initiate
// the single file download. Assumes delegate will appropriately clean up.
virtual void CanDownload(const base::Callback<void(bool)>& callback) = 0;
// Creates BackgroundLoaderContents with specified |browser_context|. Uses
// default session storage space.
explicit BackgroundLoaderContents(content::BrowserContext* browser_context);
~BackgroundLoaderContents() override;
// Loads the URL in a WebContents. Will call observe on all current observers
// with the created WebContents.
virtual void LoadPage(const GURL& url);
// Cancels loading of the current page. Calls Close() on internal WebContents.
virtual void Cancel();
// Sets the delegate for this BackgroundLoaderContents; The delegate should
// outlive the contents, therefore, raw pointers are allowed.
void SetDelegate(Delegate* delegate);
// Returns the inner web contents.
content::WebContents* web_contents() { return web_contents_.get(); }
// content::WebContentsDelegate implementation:
bool IsNeverVisible(content::WebContents* web_contents) override;
void CloseContents(content::WebContents* source) override;
bool ShouldSuppressDialogs(content::WebContents* source) override;
bool ShouldFocusPageAfterCrash() override;
void CanDownload(const GURL& url,
const std::string& request_method,
const base::Callback<void(bool)>& callback) override;
bool ShouldCreateWebContents(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
content::RenderFrameHost* opener,
content::SiteInstance* source_site_instance,
int32_t route_id,
int32_t main_frame_route_id,
int32_t main_frame_widget_route_id,
content::mojom::WindowContainerType window_container_type,
const GURL& opener_url,
const std::string& frame_name,
const GURL& target_url,
const std::string& partition_id,
content::SessionStorageNamespace* session_storage_namespace) override;
void AddNewContents(content::WebContents* source,
std::unique_ptr<content::WebContents> new_contents,
WindowOpenDisposition disposition,
const gfx::Rect& initial_rect,
bool user_gesture,
bool* was_blocked) override;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
bool ShouldBlockMediaRequest(const GURL& url) override;
void RequestMediaAccessPermission(
content::WebContents* contents,
const content::MediaStreamRequest& request,
content::MediaResponseCallback callback) override;
bool CheckMediaAccessPermission(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host,
const GURL& security_origin,
content::MediaStreamType type) override;
void AdjustPreviewsStateForNavigation(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
content::PreviewsState* previews_state) override;
friend class BackgroundLoaderContentsTest;
friend class BackgroundLoaderContentsStub;
std::unique_ptr<content::WebContents> web_contents_;
content::BrowserContext* browser_context_;
Delegate* delegate_ = nullptr;
} // namespace background_loader