blob: d4ac563d5fe0cd57d110ecf63a9f2b6fe07373b3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2013 The LUCI Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# that can be found in the LICENSE file.
from recipe_engine import recipe_api, config, post_process
DEPS = [
'bad_return': recipe_api.Property(default=False),
'access_invalid_data': recipe_api.Property(default=False),
'access_deep_invalid_data': recipe_api.Property(default=False),
'assign_extra_junk': recipe_api.Property(default=False),
'timeout': recipe_api.Property(default=0, kind=int),
def RunSteps(api, bad_return, access_invalid_data, access_deep_invalid_data,
assign_extra_junk, timeout):
if timeout:
# Timeout causes the recipe engine to raise an exception if your step takes
# longer to run than you allow. Units are seconds.
if timeout == 1:
api.step('timeout', ['sleep', '20'], timeout=1)
elif timeout == 2:
api.step('caught timeout', ['sleep', '20'], timeout=1)
except api.step.StepFailure:
# TODO(martiniss) change this
# The api.step object is directly callable.
api.step('hello', ['echo', 'Hello World'])
api.step('hello', ['echo', 'Why hello, there.'])
# You can change the current working directory as well.
api.step('mk subdir', ['mkdir', '-p', 'something'])
with api.context(cwd=api.path['start_dir'].join('something')):
api.step('something', ['bash', '-c', 'echo Why hello, there, in a subdir.'])
# By default, all steps run in 'start_dir', or the cwd of the recipe engine
# when the recipe begins. Because of this, setting cwd to start_dir doesn't
# show anything in particular in the expectations.
with api.context(cwd=api.path['start_dir']):
api.step('start_dir ignored', ['bash', '-c', 'echo what happen'])
# You can also manipulate various aspects of the step, such as env.
# These are passed straight through to subprocess.Popen.
# Also, abusing bash -c in this way is a TERRIBLE IDEA DON'T DO IT.
with api.context(env={'friend': 'Darth Vader'}):
api.step('goodbye', ['bash', '-c', 'echo Good bye, $friend.'])
# You can modify the environment in terms of old environment. Environment
# variables are substituted in for expressions of the form %(VARNAME)s.
with api.context(env={'PATH': api.path.pathsep.join(
[str(api.step.repo_resource()), '%(PATH)s'])}):
api.step('recipes help', ['', '--help'])
# Finally, you can make your step accept any return code.
api.step('anything is cool', ['bash', '-c', 'exit 3'],
# We can manipulate the step presentation arbitrarily until we run
# the next step.
step_result = api.step('hello', ['echo', 'hello'])
step_result.presentation.status = api.step.EXCEPTION
step_result.presentation.logs['the reason'] = ['The reason\nit failed']
# Without a command, a step can be used to present some data from the recipe.
step_result = api.step('Just print stuff', cmd=None)
step_result.presentation.logs['more'] = ['More stuff']
api.step('goodbye', ['echo', 'goodbye'])
# Modifying step_result now would raise an AssertionError.
except api.step.StepFailure:
# Raising anything besides StepFailure or StepWarning causes the build to go
# purple.
raise ValueError('goodbye must exit 0!')
api.step('warning', ['echo', 'warning'])
except api.step.StepFailure as e:
e.result.presentation.status = api.step.WARNING
raise api.step.StepWarning(e.message)
# Aggregate failures from tests!
with recipe_api.defer_results():
api.step('testa', ['echo', 'testa'])
api.step('testb', ['echo', 'testb'], infra_step=True)
except recipe_api.AggregatedStepFailure as f:
# You can raise aggregated step failures.
raise f
# Some steps are needed from an infrastructure point of view. If these
# steps fail, the build stops, but doesn't get turned red because it's
# not the developers' fault.
api.step('cleanup', ['echo', 'cleaning', 'up', 'build'], infra_step=True)
except api.step.InfraFailure as f:
assert f.result.presentation.status == api.step.EXCEPTION
# Run a step through a made-up wrapper program.
api.step('application', ['echo', 'main', 'application'],
wrapper=['python', '-c', 'import sys; print sys.argv'])
if access_invalid_data:
result = api.step('no-op', ['echo', 'I', 'do', 'nothing'])
# Trying to access non-existent attributes on the result should raise.
_ = result.json.output
if access_deep_invalid_data:
result = api.step('no-op', ['echo', api.json.output()])
# Trying to access deep, non-existent attributes on the result should raise.
_ = result.json.outpurt
if assign_extra_junk:
result = api.step('no-op', ['echo', 'I', 'do', 'nothing'])
# Assigning extra junk to the result raises ValueError.
result.json = "hi"
def GenTests(api):
yield (
api.test('basic') +
api.step_data('anything is cool', retcode=3)
# If you don't have the expect_exception in this test, you will get something
# like this output.
# ======================================================================
# ERROR: step:example.exceptional (..../exceptional.json)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Traceback (most recent call last):
# <full stack trace ommitted>
# File "", line 537, in run
# retcode = steps_function(api)
# File "recipe_modules/step/examples/", line 39, in RunSteps
# raise ValueError('goodbye must exit 0!')
# ValueError: goodbye must exit 0!
yield (
api.test('exceptional') +
api.step_data('goodbye (2)', retcode=1) +
api.expect_exception('ValueError') +
"Uncaught Exception: ValueError('goodbye must exit 0!',)") +
yield (
api.test('warning') +
api.step_data('warning', retcode=1)
yield (
api.test('defer_results') +
api.step_data('testa', retcode=1)
yield (
api.test('defer_results_with_infra_failure') +
api.step_data('testa', retcode=1) +
api.step_data('testb', retcode=1)
yield (
api.test('invalid_access') + +
api.expect_exception('AttributeError') +
"Uncaught Exception: AttributeError(\"StepData from step 'no-op' "
"has no attribute \'json\'.\",)") +
yield (
api.test('deep_invalid_access') + +
api.expect_exception('AttributeError') +
"Uncaught Exception: AttributeError(\"StepData('no-op').json "
"has no attribute 'outpurt'.\",)") +
yield (
api.test('extra_junk') + +
api.expect_exception('ValueError') +
"Uncaught Exception: ValueError(\"Cannot assign to 'json' on "
"finalized StepData from step 'no-op'\",)") +
yield (
api.test('infra_failure') +
api.step_data('cleanup', retcode=1)
yield (
api.test('timeout') + +
api.step_data('timeout', times_out_after=20)
yield (
api.test('catch_timeout') + +
api.step_data('caught timeout', times_out_after=20)