blob: b9111472f07ec2e22dfd9651b185a1f79febbb0d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef NGPhysicalTextFragment_h
#define NGPhysicalTextFragment_h
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_text_end_effect.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_physical_fragment.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/ng_text_fragment_paint_info.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shape_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/fonts/shaping/shape_result_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/string_view.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/wtf_string.h"
namespace blink {
struct NGPhysicalOffsetRect;
class NGTextFragmentBuilder;
enum class AdjustMidCluster;
// In CSS Writing Modes Levle 4, line orientation for layout and line
// orientation for paint are not always the same.
// Specifically, 'sideways-lr' typesets as if lines are horizontal flow, but
// rotates counterclockwise.
enum class NGLineOrientation {
// Lines are horizontal.
// Lines are vertical, rotated clockwise. Inside of the line, it may be
// typeset using vertical characteristics, horizontal characteristics, or
// mixed. Lines flow left to right, or right to left.
// Lines are vertical, rotated counterclockwise. Inside of the line is typeset
// as if horizontal flow. Lines flow left to right.
// When adding new values, ensure NGPhysicalTextFragment has enough bits.
class CORE_EXPORT NGPhysicalTextFragment final : public NGPhysicalFragment {
enum NGTextType {
// |text_| holds |NGNodeInlineData::text_content_|.
// Flow controls are not to be painted. In particular, a tabulation
// character and a soft-wrap opportunity.
// |text_| holds generated contents instead of |text_content_| in
// |NGNodeInlineData|, e.g. hyphen, and ellipsis.
// Note: Contents generated by CSS pseudo element, e.g. ::before, ::after,
// are not classified to this. See IsAnonymousText() for them.
// When adding new values, make sure the bit size of |sub_type_| is large
// enough to store.
NGTextType TextType() const { return static_cast<NGTextType>(sub_type_); }
// True if this is a generated text.
bool IsGeneratedText() const { return TextType() == kGeneratedText; }
// True if this is a forced line break.
bool IsLineBreak() const { return TextType() == kForcedLineBreak; }
// True if this is not for painting; i.e., a forced line break, a tabulation,
// or a soft-wrap opportunity.
bool IsFlowControl() const {
return IsLineBreak() || TextType() == kFlowControl;
const ComputedStyle& Style() const;
unsigned Length() const { return end_offset_ - start_offset_; }
StringView Text() const { return StringView(text_, start_offset_, Length()); }
const String& TextContent() const { return text_; }
// ShapeResult may be nullptr if |IsFlowControl()|.
const ShapeResultView* TextShapeResult() const { return shape_result_.get(); }
// Start/end offset to the text of the block container.
unsigned StartOffset() const { return start_offset_; }
unsigned EndOffset() const { return end_offset_; }
NGLineOrientation LineOrientation() const {
return static_cast<NGLineOrientation>(line_orientation_);
bool IsHorizontal() const {
return LineOrientation() == NGLineOrientation::kHorizontal;
// Compute the inline position from text offset, in logical coordinate
// relative to this fragment.
LayoutUnit InlinePositionForOffset(unsigned offset) const;
// The layout box of text in (start, end) range in local coordinate.
// Start and end offsets must be between StartOffset() and EndOffset().
NGPhysicalOffsetRect LocalRect(unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset) const;
using NGPhysicalFragment::LocalRect;
// The visual bounding box that includes glpyh bounding box and CSS
// properties, in local coordinates.
NGPhysicalOffsetRect SelfInkOverflow() const;
// Create a new fragment that has part of the text of this fragment.
// All other properties are the same as this fragment.
scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalFragment> TrimText(unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset) const;
scoped_refptr<const NGPhysicalFragment> CloneWithoutOffset() const;
NGTextFragmentPaintInfo PaintInfo() const {
return NGTextFragmentPaintInfo{text_, StartOffset(), EndOffset(),
// Returns true if the text is generated (from, e.g., list marker,
// pseudo-element, ...) instead of from a DOM text node.
bool IsAnonymousText() const { return is_anonymous_text_; }
// Returns the text offset in the fragment placed closest to the given point.
unsigned TextOffsetForPoint(const NGPhysicalOffset&) const;
UBiDiLevel BidiLevel() const;
TextDirection ResolvedDirection() const;
// Compute line-relative coordinates for given offsets, this is not
// flow-relative:
std::pair<LayoutUnit, LayoutUnit> LineLeftAndRightForOffsets(
unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset) const;
// For use by TrimText only
NGPhysicalTextFragment(const NGPhysicalTextFragment& source,
unsigned start_offset,
unsigned end_offset,
scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> shape_result);
struct RareData {
NGPhysicalOffsetRect self_ink_overflow_;
scoped_refptr<const ComputedStyle> style_; // Used only for ellipsis.
RareData* EnsureRareData();
LayoutUnit InlinePositionForOffset(unsigned offset,
LayoutUnit (*round)(float),
AdjustMidCluster) const;
NGPhysicalOffsetRect ConvertToLocal(const LayoutRect&) const;
void UpdateSelfInkOverflow();
void ClearSelfInkOverflow();
// The text of NGInlineNode; i.e., of a parent block. The text for this
// fragment is a substring(start_offset_, end_offset_) of this string.
const String text_;
// Start and end offset of the parent block text.
const unsigned start_offset_;
const unsigned end_offset_;
const scoped_refptr<const ShapeResultView> shape_result_;
std::unique_ptr<RareData> rare_data_;
} // namespace blink
#endif // NGPhysicalTextFragment_h