blob: b82f15b69a158435e38488025c08ceff67b7797c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/network_session_configurator/switches.h"
namespace switches {
// Disables the HTTP/2 and SPDY/3.1 protocols.
const char kDisableHttp2[] = "disable-http2";
// Disables the QUIC protocol.
const char kDisableQuic[] = "disable-quic";
// Disable use of Chromium's port selection for the ephemeral port via bind().
// This only has an effect if QUIC protocol is enabled.
const char kDisableQuicPortSelection[] = "disable-quic-port-selection";
// Enables the QUIC protocol. This is a temporary testing flag.
const char kEnableQuic[] = "enable-quic";
// Enable use of Chromium's port selection for the ephemeral port via bind().
// This only has an effect if the QUIC protocol is enabled.
const char kEnableQuicPortSelection[] = "enable-quic-port-selection";
// Ignores certificate-related errors.
const char kIgnoreCertificateErrors[] = "ignore-certificate-errors";
// Causes net::URLFetchers to ignore requests for SSL client certificates,
// causing them to attempt an unauthenticated SSL/TLS session. This is intended
// for use when testing various service URLs (eg: kPromoServerURL, kSbURLPrefix,
// kSyncServiceURL, etc)
const char kIgnoreUrlFetcherCertRequests[] = "ignore-urlfetcher-cert-requests";
// Specifies a comma separated list of host-port pairs to force use of QUIC on.
const char kOriginToForceQuicOn[] = "origin-to-force-quic-on";
// Specifies a comma separated list of QUIC connection options to send to
// the server.
const char kQuicConnectionOptions[] = "quic-connection-options";
// Specifies a comma separated list of hosts to whitelist QUIC for.
const char kQuicHostWhitelist[] = "quic-host-whitelist";
// Specifies the maximum length for a QUIC packet.
const char kQuicMaxPacketLength[] = "quic-max-packet-length";
// Specifies the version of QUIC to use.
const char kQuicVersion[] = "quic-version";
// Allows for forcing socket connections to http/https to use fixed ports.
const char kTestingFixedHttpPort[] = "testing-fixed-http-port";
const char kTestingFixedHttpsPort[] = "testing-fixed-https-port";
} // namespace switches