blob: 3e06b7f1e537b7d575bf136867cbca5b8ebe200b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/layout/ng/layout_ng_block_flow.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutAnalyzer.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/inline/ng_inline_node_data.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_constraint_space.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_layout_result.h"
#include "core/layout/ng/ng_length_utils.h"
#include "core/paint/ng/ng_block_flow_painter.h"
#include "platform/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
namespace blink {
LayoutNGBlockFlow::LayoutNGBlockFlow(Element* element)
: LayoutBlockFlow(element) {}
LayoutNGBlockFlow::~LayoutNGBlockFlow() {}
bool LayoutNGBlockFlow::IsOfType(LayoutObjectType type) const {
return type == kLayoutObjectNGBlockFlow || LayoutBlockFlow::IsOfType(type);
void LayoutNGBlockFlow::UpdateBlockLayout(bool relayout_children) {
LayoutAnalyzer::BlockScope analyzer(*this);
Optional<LayoutUnit> override_logical_width;
Optional<LayoutUnit> override_logical_height;
if (IsOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
// LegacyLayout and LayoutNG use different strategies to set size of
// an OOF positioned child. In Legacy lets child computes the size,
// in NG size is "forced" from parent to child.
// This is a compat layer that "forces" size computed by Legacy
// on an NG child.
LogicalExtentComputedValues computed_values;
const ComputedStyle& style = StyleRef();
bool logical_width_is_shrink_to_fit =
style.LogicalWidth().IsAuto() &&
(style.LogicalLeft().IsAuto() || style.LogicalRight().IsAuto());
// When logical_width_is_shrink_to_fit is true, correct size will be
// computed by standard layout, so there is no need to compute it here.
// This happens because NGConstraintSpace::CreateFromLayoutObject will
// always set shrink-to-fit flag to true if
// LayoutObject::SizesLogicalWidthToFitContent() is true.
if (!logical_width_is_shrink_to_fit) {
override_logical_width =
computed_values.extent_ - BorderAndPaddingLogicalWidth();
if (!style.LogicalHeight().IsAuto()) {
override_logical_height =
computed_values.extent_ - BorderAndPaddingLogicalHeight();
RefPtr<NGConstraintSpace> constraint_space =
NGConstraintSpace::CreateFromLayoutObject(*this, override_logical_width,
RefPtr<NGLayoutResult> result = NGBlockNode(this).Layout(*constraint_space);
if (IsOutOfFlowPositioned()) {
// In legacy layout, abspos differs from regular blocks in that abspos
// blocks position themselves in their own layout, instead of getting
// positioned by their parent. So it we are a positioned block in a legacy-
// layout containing block, we have to emulate this positioning.
// Additionally, until we natively support abspos in LayoutNG, this code
// will also be reached though the layoutPositionedObjects call in
// NGBlockNode::CopyFragmentDataToLayoutBox.
LogicalExtentComputedValues computed_values;
ComputeLogicalHeight(LogicalHeight(), LogicalTop(), computed_values);
// We need to update our margins as these are calculated once and stored in
// LayoutBox::margin_box_outsets_. Typically this happens within
// UpdateLogicalWidth and UpdateLogicalHeight.
// This primarily fixes cases where we are embedded inside another layout,
// for example LayoutView, LayoutFlexibleBox, etc.
for (NGOutOfFlowPositionedDescendant descendant :
NGPhysicalBoxFragment* fragment =
// This object has already been positioned in legacy layout by our containing
// block. Copy the position and place the fragment.
const LayoutBlock* containing_block = ContainingBlock();
NGPhysicalOffset physical_offset;
if (containing_block) {
NGPhysicalSize containing_block_size(containing_block->Size().Width(),
NGLogicalOffset logical_offset(LogicalLeft(), LogicalTop());
physical_offset = logical_offset.ConvertToPhysical(
constraint_space->WritingMode(), constraint_space->Direction(),
containing_block_size, fragment->Size());
physical_root_fragment_ = fragment;
void LayoutNGBlockFlow::UpdateMargins(
const NGConstraintSpace& constraint_space) {
NGBoxStrut margins =
ComputeMargins(constraint_space, StyleRef(),
constraint_space.WritingMode(), StyleRef().Direction());
NGInlineNodeData* LayoutNGBlockFlow::GetNGInlineNodeData() const {
return ng_inline_node_data_.get();
void LayoutNGBlockFlow::ResetNGInlineNodeData() {
ng_inline_node_data_ = WTF::MakeUnique<NGInlineNodeData>();
LayoutUnit LayoutNGBlockFlow::FirstLineBoxBaseline() const {
// TODO(kojii): Implement. This will stop working once we stop creating line
// boxes.
return LayoutBlockFlow::FirstLineBoxBaseline();
LayoutUnit LayoutNGBlockFlow::InlineBlockBaseline(
LineDirectionMode line_direction) const {
// TODO(kojii): Implement. This will stop working once we stop creating line
// boxes.
return LayoutBlockFlow::InlineBlockBaseline(line_direction);
RefPtr<NGLayoutResult> LayoutNGBlockFlow::CachedLayoutResult(
const NGConstraintSpace& constraint_space,
NGBreakToken* break_token) const {
if (!cached_result_ || break_token || NeedsLayout())
return nullptr;
if (constraint_space != *cached_constraint_space_)
return nullptr;
return cached_result_->CloneWithoutOffset();
void LayoutNGBlockFlow::SetCachedLayoutResult(
const NGConstraintSpace& constraint_space,
NGBreakToken* break_token,
RefPtr<NGLayoutResult> layout_result) {
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::LayoutNGFragmentCachingEnabled())
if (break_token || constraint_space.UnpositionedFloats().size() ||
layout_result->UnpositionedFloats().size() ||
layout_result->Status() != NGLayoutResult::kSuccess) {
// We can't cache these yet
cached_constraint_space_ = &constraint_space;
cached_result_ = layout_result;
void LayoutNGBlockFlow::PaintObject(const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& paint_offset) const {
// TODO(eae): This logic should go in Paint instead and it should drive the
// full paint logic for LayoutNGBlockFlow.
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::LayoutNGPaintFragmentsEnabled())
NGBlockFlowPainter(*this).PaintContents(paint_info, paint_offset);
LayoutBlockFlow::PaintObject(paint_info, paint_offset);
} // namespace blink