blob: 49905ecf5bc6b31e351c6f23d196995802ac45ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/wm/pip/pip_window_resizer.h"
#include "ash/wm/pip/pip_positioner.h"
#include "ash/wm/widget_finder.h"
#include "ash/wm/window_util.h"
#include "ash/wm/wm_event.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/compositor/scoped_layer_animation_settings.h"
#include "ui/display/screen.h"
#include "ui/views/widget/widget.h"
#include "ui/wm/core/coordinate_conversion.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// Radius in which the touch can move in a non-dismiss direction before we
// no longer consider this gesture as a candidate for swipe-to-dismiss.
const int kPipDismissSlop = 8;
// How much area by proportion needs to be off-screen to consider this
// a dismissal during swipe-to-dismiss.
const float kPipDismissFraction = 0.5f;
// TODO(edcourtney): Consider varying the animation duration based on how far
// the pip window has to move.
const int kPipSnapToEdgeAnimationDurationMs = 50;
bool IsAtTopOrBottomEdge(const gfx::Rect& bounds, const gfx::Rect& area) {
return (bounds.y() < area.y() + kPipDismissSlop && bounds.y() >= area.y()) ||
(bounds.bottom() > area.bottom() - kPipDismissSlop &&
bounds.bottom() <= area.bottom());
bool IsPastTopOrBottomEdge(const gfx::Rect& bounds, const gfx::Rect& area) {
return bounds.y() < area.y() || bounds.bottom() > area.bottom();
bool IsAtLeftOrRightEdge(const gfx::Rect& bounds, const gfx::Rect& area) {
return (bounds.x() < area.x() + kPipDismissSlop && bounds.x() >= area.x()) ||
(bounds.right() > area.right() - kPipDismissSlop &&
bounds.right() <= area.right());
bool IsPastLeftOrRightEdge(const gfx::Rect& bounds, const gfx::Rect& area) {
return bounds.x() < area.x() || bounds.right() > area.right();
} // namespace
PipWindowResizer::PipWindowResizer(wm::WindowState* window_state)
: WindowResizer(window_state) {
bool is_resize = details().bounds_change & kBoundsChange_Resizes;
// Don't allow swipe-to-dismiss for resizes.
if (!is_resize) {
gfx::Rect area = PipPositioner::GetMovementArea(window_state->GetDisplay());
// Check in which directions we can dismiss. Usually this is only in one
// direction, except when the PIP window is in the corner. In that case,
// we initially mark both directions as viable, and later choose one based
// on the direction of drag.
may_dismiss_horizontally_ =
IsAtLeftOrRightEdge(GetTarget()->GetBoundsInScreen(), area);
may_dismiss_vertically_ =
IsAtTopOrBottomEdge(GetTarget()->GetBoundsInScreen(), area);
PipWindowResizer::~PipWindowResizer() {}
// TODO(edcourtney): Implement swipe-to-dismiss on fling.
void PipWindowResizer::Drag(const gfx::Point& location_in_parent,
int event_flags) {
last_location_in_screen_ = location_in_parent;
::wm::ConvertPointToScreen(GetTarget()->parent(), &last_location_in_screen_);
gfx::Vector2d movement_direction =
location_in_parent - details().initial_location_in_parent;
// If we are not sure if this is a swipe or not yet, don't modify any bounds.
int movement_distance2 = movement_direction.x() * movement_direction.x() +
movement_direction.y() * movement_direction.y();
if ((may_dismiss_horizontally_ || may_dismiss_vertically_) &&
movement_distance2 <= kPipDismissSlop * kPipDismissSlop) {
gfx::Rect new_bounds = CalculateBoundsForDrag(location_in_parent);
display::Display display = window_state()->GetDisplay();
gfx::Rect area = PipPositioner::GetMovementArea(display);
// If the PIP window is at a corner, lock swipe to dismiss to the axis
// of movement. Require that the direction of movement is mainly in the
// direction of dismissing to start a swipe-to-dismiss gesture.
if (dismiss_fraction_ == 1.f) {
bool swipe_is_horizontal =
std::abs(movement_direction.x()) > std::abs(movement_direction.y());
may_dismiss_horizontally_ =
may_dismiss_horizontally_ && swipe_is_horizontal;
may_dismiss_vertically_ = may_dismiss_vertically_ && !swipe_is_horizontal;
// Lock to the axis if we've started the swipe-to-dismiss, or, if the PIP
// window is no longer poking outside of the movement area, disable any
// further swipe-to-dismiss gesture for this drag. Use the initial bounds
// to decide the locked axis position.
if (may_dismiss_horizontally_) {
if (IsPastLeftOrRightEdge(new_bounds, area))
else if (!IsAtLeftOrRightEdge(new_bounds, area))
may_dismiss_horizontally_ = false;
} else if (may_dismiss_vertically_) {
if (IsPastTopOrBottomEdge(new_bounds, area))
else if (!IsAtTopOrBottomEdge(new_bounds, area))
may_dismiss_vertically_ = false;
// If we aren't dismissing, make sure to collide with objects.
if (!may_dismiss_horizontally_ && !may_dismiss_vertically_) {
// Reset opacity if it's not a dismiss gesture.
::wm::ConvertRectToScreen(GetTarget()->parent(), &new_bounds);
new_bounds = PipPositioner::GetBoundsForDrag(display, new_bounds);
::wm::ConvertRectFromScreen(GetTarget()->parent(), &new_bounds);
} else {
gfx::Rect dismiss_bounds = new_bounds;
float bounds_area = new_bounds.width() * new_bounds.height();
float dismiss_area = dismiss_bounds.width() * dismiss_bounds.height();
if (bounds_area != 0.f) {
dismiss_fraction_ = dismiss_area / bounds_area;
// If the user has dragged the PIP window more than kPipDismissSlop distance
// and no dismiss gesture has begun, make it impossible to initiate one for
// the rest of the drag.
if (dismiss_fraction_ == 1.f &&
movement_distance2 > kPipDismissSlop * kPipDismissSlop) {
may_dismiss_horizontally_ = false;
may_dismiss_vertically_ = false;
if (new_bounds != GetTarget()->bounds()) {
moved_or_resized_ = true;
void PipWindowResizer::CompleteDrag() {
if (dismiss_fraction_ < kPipDismissFraction) {
// Close the widget. This will trigger an animation dismissing the PIP
// window.
auto* widget = GetInternalWidgetForWindow(window_state()->window());
if (widget)
} else {
// Animate the PIP window to its resting position.
gfx::Rect bounds = PipPositioner::GetRestingPosition(
window_state()->GetDisplay(), GetTarget()->GetBoundsInScreen());
base::TimeDelta duration =
wm::SetBoundsEvent event(wm::WM_EVENT_SET_BOUNDS, bounds, /*animate=*/true,
// Animate opacity back to normal opacity:
ui::Layer* layer = GetTarget()->layer();
ui::ScopedLayerAnimationSettings settings(layer->GetAnimator());
// If the pip work area changes (e.g. message center, virtual keyboard),
// we want to restore to the last explicitly set position.
// TODO(edcourtney): This may not be the best place for this. Consider
// doing this a different way or saving these bounds at a later point when
// the work area changes.
void PipWindowResizer::RevertDrag() {
// Handle cancel as a complete drag for pip. Having the PIP window
// go back to where it was on cancel looks strange, so instead just
// will just stop it where it is and animate to the edge of the screen.
void PipWindowResizer::FlingOrSwipe(ui::GestureEvent* event) {
} // namespace ash