blob: 5b6ebb9318fe8c8c5afe081f2607dbd9f10df228 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (
* (C) 1997 Torben Weis (
* (C) 1998 Waldo Bastian (
* (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
* (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, 2013 Apple Inc. All rights
* reserved.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#ifndef LayoutTableSection_h
#define LayoutTableSection_h
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTable.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTableBoxComponent.h"
#include "platform/wtf/Vector.h"
namespace blink {
// This variable is used to balance the memory consumption vs the paint
// invalidation time on big tables.
const float kGMaxAllowedOverflowingCellRatioForFastPaintPath = 0.1f;
// Helper class for paintObject.
class CellSpan {
CellSpan(unsigned start, unsigned end) : start_(start), end_(end) {}
unsigned Start() const { return start_; }
unsigned end() const { return end_; }
void DecreaseStart() { --start_; }
void IncreaseEnd() { ++end_; }
void EnsureConsistency(const unsigned);
unsigned start_;
unsigned end_;
inline bool operator==(const CellSpan& s1, const CellSpan& s2) {
return s1.Start() == s2.Start() && s1.end() == s2.end();
inline bool operator!=(const CellSpan& s1, const CellSpan& s2) {
return !(s1 == s2);
class LayoutTableCell;
class LayoutTableRow;
// LayoutTableSection is used to represent table row group (display:
// table-row-group), header group (display: table-header-group) and footer group
// (display: table-footer-group).
// The object holds the internal representation of the rows (m_grid). See
// recalcCells() below for some extra explanation.
// A lot of the complexity in this class is related to handling rowspan, colspan
// or just non-regular tables.
// Example of rowspan / colspan leading to overlapping cells (rowspan and
// colspan are overlapping):
// <table>
// <tr>
// <td>first row</td>
// <td rowspan="2">rowspan</td>
// </tr>
// <tr>
// <td colspan="2">colspan</td>
// </tr>
// </table>
// Example of non-regular table (missing one cell in the first row):
// <!DOCTYPE html>
// <table>
// <tr><td>First row only child.</td></tr>
// <tr>
// <td>Second row first child</td>
// <td>Second row second child</td>
// </tr>
// </table>
// LayoutTableSection is responsible for laying out LayoutTableRows and
// LayoutTableCells (see layoutRows()). However it is not their containing
// block, the enclosing LayoutTable (this object's parent()) is. This is why
// this class inherits from LayoutTableBoxComponent and not LayoutBlock.
class CORE_EXPORT LayoutTableSection final : public LayoutTableBoxComponent {
explicit LayoutTableSection(Element*);
~LayoutTableSection() override;
LayoutTableRow* FirstRow() const;
LayoutTableRow* LastRow() const;
void AddChild(LayoutObject* child,
LayoutObject* before_child = nullptr) override;
int FirstLineBoxBaseline() const override;
void AddCell(LayoutTableCell*, LayoutTableRow*);
int VBorderSpacingBeforeFirstRow() const;
int CalcRowLogicalHeight();
void LayoutRows();
void ComputeOverflowFromDescendants();
bool RecalcChildOverflowAfterStyleChange();
void MarkAllCellsWidthsDirtyAndOrNeedsLayout(LayoutTable::WhatToMarkAllCells);
LayoutTable* Table() const { return ToLayoutTable(Parent()); }
typedef Vector<LayoutTableCell*, 2> SpanningLayoutTableCells;
// CellStruct represents the cells that occupy an (N, M) position in the
// table grid.
struct CellStruct {
// All the cells that fills this grid "slot".
// Due to colspan / rowpsan, it is possible to have overlapping cells
// (see class comment about an example).
// This Vector is sorted in DOM order.
Vector<LayoutTableCell*, 1> cells;
bool in_col_span; // true for columns after the first in a colspan
// This is the cell in the grid "slot" that is on top of the others
// (aka the last cell in DOM order for this slot).
// Multiple grid slots can have the same primary cell if the cell spans
// into the grid slots. The slot having the smallest row index and
// smallest effective column index is the originating slot of the cell.
// The concept of a primary cell is dubious at most as it doesn't
// correspond to a DOM or rendering concept. Also callers should be
// careful about assumptions about it. For example, even though the
// primary cell is visibly the top most, it is not guaranteed to be
// the only one visible for this slot due to different visual
// overflow rectangles.
LayoutTableCell* PrimaryCell() {
return HasCells() ? cells[cells.size() - 1] : 0;
const LayoutTableCell* PrimaryCell() const {
return HasCells() ? cells[cells.size() - 1] : 0;
bool HasCells() const { return cells.size() > 0; }
// The index is effective column index.
typedef Vector<CellStruct> Row;
struct RowStruct {
RowStruct() : row_layout_object(nullptr), baseline(-1) {}
Row row;
LayoutTableRow* row_layout_object;
int baseline;
Length logical_height;
struct SpanningRowsHeight {
: total_rows_height(0),
is_any_row_with_only_spanning_cells(false) {}
Vector<int> row_height;
int total_rows_height;
int spanning_cell_height_ignoring_border_spacing;
bool is_any_row_with_only_spanning_cells;
BorderValue BorderAdjoiningTableStart() const {
if (HasSameDirectionAs(Table()))
return Style()->BorderStart();
return Style()->BorderEnd();
BorderValue BorderAdjoiningTableEnd() const {
if (HasSameDirectionAs(Table()))
return Style()->BorderEnd();
return Style()->BorderStart();
BorderValue BorderAdjoiningStartCell(const LayoutTableCell*) const;
BorderValue BorderAdjoiningEndCell(const LayoutTableCell*) const;
const LayoutTableCell* FirstRowCellAdjoiningTableStart() const;
const LayoutTableCell* FirstRowCellAdjoiningTableEnd() const;
CellStruct& CellAt(unsigned row, unsigned effective_column) {
return grid_[row].row[effective_column];
const CellStruct& CellAt(unsigned row, unsigned effective_column) const {
return grid_[row].row[effective_column];
LayoutTableCell* PrimaryCellAt(unsigned row, unsigned effective_column) {
Row& row_vector = grid_[row].row;
if (effective_column >= row_vector.size())
return nullptr;
return row_vector[effective_column].PrimaryCell();
const LayoutTableCell* PrimaryCellAt(unsigned row,
unsigned effective_column) const {
return const_cast<LayoutTableSection*>(this)->PrimaryCellAt(
row, effective_column);
// Returns the primary cell at (row, effectiveColumn) if the cell exists and
// originates from (instead of spanning into) the grid slot, or nullptr.
LayoutTableCell* OriginatingCellAt(unsigned row, unsigned effective_column);
const LayoutTableCell* OriginatingCellAt(unsigned row,
unsigned effective_column) const {
return const_cast<LayoutTableSection*>(this)->OriginatingCellAt(
row, effective_column);
unsigned NumCols(unsigned row) const { return grid_[row].row.size(); }
// Returns null for cells with a rowspan that exceed the last row. Possibly
// others.
LayoutTableRow* RowLayoutObjectAt(unsigned row) {
return grid_[row].row_layout_object;
const LayoutTableRow* RowLayoutObjectAt(unsigned row) const {
return grid_[row].row_layout_object;
void AppendEffectiveColumn(unsigned pos);
void SplitEffectiveColumn(unsigned pos, unsigned first);
enum BlockBorderSide { kBorderBefore, kBorderAfter };
int CalcBlockDirectionOuterBorder(BlockBorderSide) const;
enum InlineBorderSide { kBorderStart, kBorderEnd };
int CalcInlineDirectionOuterBorder(InlineBorderSide) const;
void RecalcOuterBorder();
int OuterBorderBefore() const { return outer_border_before_; }
int OuterBorderAfter() const { return outer_border_after_; }
int OuterBorderStart() const { return outer_border_start_; }
int OuterBorderEnd() const { return outer_border_end_; }
unsigned NumRows() const {
return grid_.size();
unsigned NumEffectiveColumns() const;
// recalcCells() is used when we are not sure about the section's structure
// and want to do an expensive (but safe) reconstruction of m_grid from
// scratch.
// An example of this is inserting a new cell in the middle of an existing
// row or removing a row.
// Accessing m_grid when m_needsCellRecalc is set is UNSAFE as pointers can
// be left dangling. Thus care should be taken in the code to check
// m_needsCellRecalc before accessing m_grid.
void RecalcCells();
void RecalcCellsIfNeeded() {
if (needs_cell_recalc_)
bool NeedsCellRecalc() const { return needs_cell_recalc_; }
void SetNeedsCellRecalc();
int RowBaseline(unsigned row) { return grid_[row].baseline; }
void RowLogicalHeightChanged(LayoutTableRow*);
// distributeExtraLogicalHeightToRows methods return the *consumed* extra
// logical height.
// FIXME: We may want to introduce a structure holding the in-flux layout
// information.
int DistributeExtraLogicalHeightToRows(int extra_logical_height);
static LayoutTableSection* CreateAnonymousWithParent(const LayoutObject*);
LayoutBox* CreateAnonymousBoxWithSameTypeAs(
const LayoutObject* parent) const override {
return CreateAnonymousWithParent(parent);
void Paint(const PaintInfo&, const LayoutPoint&) const override;
// Flip the rect so it aligns with the coordinates used by the rowPos and
// columnPos vectors.
LayoutRect LogicalRectForWritingModeAndDirection(const LayoutRect&) const;
// Returns a row or column span covering all grid slots from each of which
// a primary cell intersecting |visualRect| originates.
CellSpan DirtiedRows(const LayoutRect& visual_rect) const;
CellSpan DirtiedEffectiveColumns(const LayoutRect& visual_rect) const;
const HashSet<const LayoutTableCell*>& OverflowingCells() const {
return overflowing_cells_;
bool HasMultipleCellLevels() const { return has_multiple_cell_levels_; }
const char* GetName() const override { return "LayoutTableSection"; }
// Whether a section has opaque background depends on many factors, e.g.
// border spacing, border collapsing, missing cells, etc. For simplicity,
// just conservatively assume all table sections are not opaque.
bool ForegroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(const LayoutRect&,
unsigned) const override {
return false;
bool BackgroundIsKnownToBeOpaqueInRect(const LayoutRect&) const override {
return false;
int PaginationStrutForRow(LayoutTableRow*, LayoutUnit logical_offset) const;
bool MapToVisualRectInAncestorSpaceInternal(
const LayoutBoxModelObject* ancestor,
VisualRectFlags = kDefaultVisualRectFlags) const override;
bool IsRepeatingHeaderGroup() const;
void UpdateLayout() override;
CellSpan FullSectionRowSpan() const { return CellSpan(0, grid_.size()); }
CellSpan FullTableEffectiveColumnSpan() const {
return CellSpan(0, Table()->NumEffectiveColumns());
void StyleDidChange(StyleDifference, const ComputedStyle* old_style) override;
bool NodeAtPoint(HitTestResult&,
const HitTestLocation& location_in_container,
const LayoutPoint& accumulated_offset,
HitTestAction) override;
bool IsOfType(LayoutObjectType type) const override {
return type == kLayoutObjectTableSection || LayoutBox::IsOfType(type);
void WillBeRemovedFromTree() override;
int BorderSpacingForRow(unsigned row) const {
return grid_[row].row_layout_object ? Table()->VBorderSpacing() : 0;
void EnsureRows(unsigned num_rows) {
if (num_rows > grid_.size())
void EnsureCols(unsigned row_index, unsigned num_cols) {
if (num_cols > this->NumCols(row_index))
bool RowHasOnlySpanningCells(unsigned);
unsigned CalcRowHeightHavingOnlySpanningCells(unsigned,
void UpdateRowsHeightHavingOnlySpanningCells(LayoutTableCell*,
struct SpanningRowsHeight&,
void PopulateSpanningRowsHeightFromCell(LayoutTableCell*,
struct SpanningRowsHeight&);
void DistributeExtraRowSpanHeightToPercentRows(LayoutTableCell*,
void DistributeWholeExtraRowSpanHeightToPercentRows(LayoutTableCell*,
void DistributeExtraRowSpanHeightToAutoRows(LayoutTableCell*,
void DistributeExtraRowSpanHeightToRemainingRows(LayoutTableCell*,
void DistributeRowSpanHeightToRows(SpanningLayoutTableCells& row_span_cells);
void DistributeExtraLogicalHeightToPercentRows(int& extra_logical_height,
int total_percent);
void DistributeExtraLogicalHeightToAutoRows(int& extra_logical_height,
unsigned auto_rows_count);
void DistributeRemainingExtraLogicalHeight(int& extra_logical_height);
void UpdateBaselineForCell(LayoutTableCell*,
unsigned row,
int& baseline_descent);
bool HasOverflowingCell() const {
return overflowing_cells_.size() ||
// These two functions take a rectangle as input that has been flipped by
// logicalRectForWritingModeAndDirection.
// The returned span of rows or columns is end-exclusive, and empty if
// start==end.
CellSpan SpannedRows(const LayoutRect& flipped_rect) const;
CellSpan SpannedEffectiveColumns(const LayoutRect& flipped_rect) const;
void SetLogicalPositionForCell(LayoutTableCell*,
unsigned effective_column) const;
void RelayoutCellIfFlexed(LayoutTableCell&, int row_index, int row_height);
int LogicalHeightForRow(const LayoutTableRow&) const;
// Honor breaking restrictions inside the table row, and adjust position and
// size accordingly.
void AdjustRowForPagination(LayoutTableRow&, SubtreeLayoutScope&);
bool PaintedOutputOfObjectHasNoEffectRegardlessOfSize() const override;
// The representation of the rows and their cells (CellStruct).
Vector<RowStruct> grid_;
// The logical offset of each row from the top of the section.
// Note that this Vector has one more entry than the number of rows so that
// we can keep track of the final size of the section. That is,
// m_rowPos[m_grid.size()] is a valid entry.
// To know a row's height at |rowIndex|, use the formula:
// m_rowPos[rowIndex + 1] - m_rowPos[rowIndex]
Vector<int> row_pos_;
// The current insertion position in the grid.
// The position is used when inserting a new cell into the section to
// know where it should be inserted and expand our internal structure.
// The reason for them is that we process cells as we discover them
// during parsing or during recalcCells (ie in DOM order). This means
// that we can discover changes in the structure later (e.g. due to
// colspans, extra cells, ...).
// Do not use outside of recalcCells and addChild.
unsigned c_col_;
unsigned c_row_;
int outer_border_start_;
int outer_border_end_;
int outer_border_before_;
int outer_border_after_;
bool needs_cell_recalc_;
// This HashSet holds the overflowing cells for faster painting.
// If we have more than gMaxAllowedOverflowingCellRatio * total cells, it will
// be empty and m_forceSlowPaintPathWithOverflowingCell will be set to save
// memory.
HashSet<const LayoutTableCell*> overflowing_cells_;
bool force_slow_paint_path_with_overflowing_cell_;
// This boolean tracks if we have cells overlapping due to rowspan / colspan
// (see class comment above about when it could appear).
// The use is to disable a painting optimization where we just paint the
// invalidated cells.
bool has_multiple_cell_levels_;
// Whether any cell spans multiple rows or cols.
bool has_spanning_cells_;
DEFINE_LAYOUT_OBJECT_TYPE_CASTS(LayoutTableSection, IsTableSection());
} // namespace blink
#endif // LayoutTableSection_h