Revert of Switch chrome_elf exception handling from breakpad to crashpad. (patchset #21 id:400001 of )

Reason for revert:
Broke build:

Seems likely the component build is broken by this change.

Original issue's description:
> Switch chrome_elf exception handling from breakpad to crashpad.
> Changes in this patch are as below:
> 1. chrome_elf: Removing breakpad and corresponding exception initialization using breakpad. Registering
>    crashpad as the exception handling mechanism in chrome_elf. We continue to handle exceptions in chrome_elf
>    DllMain and in the blacklist interception code as before, i.e. we use crashpad to grab the dump and pass
>    the exception to the next handler in the chain. I also added support in chrome_elf to not initialize
>    crashpad if it is being loaded in some tests. For e.g. the ELFImportsTest. This is via the exe name check.
> 2. chrome.exe:- Removing crashpad exception registration. Also we need to retrieve current exception reports information
>    from chrome_elf instead of chrome.
> 3. Intercept the SetUnhandledExceptionFilter API in chrome_elf via IAT patching on the exe and disallow the call. This
>    is to prevent CRT from overwriting crashpads exception filter. I added a TODO to see if we can use EAT patching or
>    possibly sidestep if we can support 64 bit with it.
> 4. Added a function RegisterCrashKeysForDebugging to the ChromeCrashReporterClient class on Windows
>    to register crash keys. This is currently invoked from chrome_elf for debugging purposes.
> 5. Changed the browser lib target to depend on chrome_elf:blacklist instead of chrome_elf. This prevents chrome_elf
>    from being implicitly loaded in processes other than chrome.exe
> BUG=604923,crashpad:106, 568664
> TBR=robertshield
> Committed:
> Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#403048},,,
# Skipping CQ checks because original CL landed less than 1 days ago.
BUG=604923,crashpad:106, 568664

Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#403062}
23 files changed