blob: cf0325b0135c1ad735a5446de525a1d446661aef [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "cc/paint/skia_paint_canvas.h"
#include "cc/raster/playback_image_provider.h"
#include "services/viz/public/interfaces/compositing/compositor_frame_sink.mojom-blink.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/geometry/int_size.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/canvas_color_params.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/canvas_resource.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/graphics/web_graphics_context_3d_provider_wrapper.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/ref_counted.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/vector.h"
#include "third_party/khronos/GLES2/gl2.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkSurface.h"
class GrContext;
class SkCanvas;
namespace cc {
class ImageDecodeCache;
class PaintCanvas;
namespace gpu {
namespace gles2 {
class GLES2Interface;
} // namespace gles2
} // namespace gpu
namespace blink {
class CanvasResourceDispatcher;
class WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper;
// CanvasResourceProvider
// This is an abstract base class that encapsulates a drawable graphics
// resource. Subclasses manage specific resource types (Gpu Textures,
// GpuMemoryBuffer, Bitmap in RAM). CanvasResourceProvider serves as an
// abstraction layer for these resource types. It is designed to serve
// the needs of Canvas2DLayerBridge, but can also be used as a general purpose
// provider of drawable surfaces for 2D rendering with skia.
// General usage:
// 1) Use the Create() static method to create an instance
// 2) use Canvas() to get a drawing interface
// 3) Call Snapshot() to acquire a bitmap with the rendered image in it.
class PLATFORM_EXPORT CanvasResourceProvider
: public WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper::DestructionObserver {
enum ResourceUsage {
enum PresentationMode {
kDefaultPresentationMode, // GPU Texture or shared memory bitmap
kAllowImageChromiumPresentationMode // Use CHROMIUM_image gl extension
static std::unique_ptr<CanvasResourceProvider> Create(
const IntSize&,
unsigned msaa_sample_count,
const CanvasColorParams&,
// Use this method for capturing a frame that is intended to be displayed via
// the compositor. Cases that need to acquire a snaptshot that is not destined
// to be transfered via TransferableResource should call Snapshot() instead.
virtual scoped_refptr<CanvasResource> ProduceFrame() = 0;
scoped_refptr<StaticBitmapImage> Snapshot();
// WebGraphicsContext3DProvider::DestructionObserver implementation.
void OnContextDestroyed() override;
cc::PaintCanvas* Canvas();
void ReleaseLockedImages();
void FlushSkia() const;
const CanvasColorParams& ColorParams() const { return color_params_; }
void SetFilterQuality(SkFilterQuality quality) { filter_quality_ = quality; }
const IntSize& Size() const { return size_; }
virtual bool IsValid() const = 0;
virtual bool IsAccelerated() const = 0;
virtual bool SupportsDirectCompositing() const = 0;
virtual bool SupportsSingleBuffering() const { return false; }
uint32_t ContentUniqueID() const;
CanvasResourceDispatcher* ResourceDispatcher() {
return resource_dispatcher_.get();
// Indicates that the compositing path is single buffered, meaning that
// ProduceFrame() return a reference to the same resource each time, which
// implies that Producing an animation frame may overwrite the resource used
// by the previous frame. This results in graphics updates skipping the
// queue, thus reducing latency, but with the possible side effects of
// tearring (in cases where the resource is scanned out directly) and
// irregular frame rate.
bool IsSingleBuffered() { return is_single_buffered_; }
// Attempt to enable single buffering mode on this resource provider. May
// fail if the CanvasResourcePRovider subclass does not support this mode of
// operation.
void TryEnableSingleBuffering();
void RecycleResource(scoped_refptr<CanvasResource>);
void SetResourceRecyclingEnabled(bool);
void ClearRecycledResources();
scoped_refptr<CanvasResource> NewOrRecycledResource();
SkSurface* GetSkSurface() const;
bool IsGpuContextLost() const;
bool WritePixels(const SkImageInfo& orig_info,
const void* pixels,
size_t row_bytes,
int x,
int y);
virtual GLuint GetBackingTextureHandleForOverwrite() {
return 0;
virtual void* GetPixelBufferAddressForOverwrite() {
return nullptr;
void Clear();
~CanvasResourceProvider() override;
gpu::gles2::GLES2Interface* ContextGL() const;
GrContext* GetGrContext() const;
base::WeakPtr<WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper> ContextProviderWrapper() {
return context_provider_wrapper_;
SkFilterQuality FilterQuality() const { return filter_quality_; }
base::WeakPtr<CanvasResourceProvider> CreateWeakPtr() {
return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
// Called by subclasses when the backing resource has changed and resources
// are not managed by skia, signaling that a new surface needs to be created.
void InvalidateSurface();
CanvasResourceProvider(const IntSize&,
const CanvasColorParams&,
class CanvasImageProvider : public cc::ImageProvider {
const gfx::ColorSpace& target_color_space);
~CanvasImageProvider() override;
// cc::ImageProvider implementation.
ScopedDecodedDrawImage GetDecodedDrawImage(const cc::DrawImage&) override;
void ReleaseLockedImages();
void CanUnlockImage(ScopedDecodedDrawImage);
std::vector<ScopedDecodedDrawImage> locked_images_;
cc::PlaybackImageProvider playback_image_provider_;
virtual sk_sp<SkSurface> CreateSkSurface() const = 0;
virtual scoped_refptr<CanvasResource> CreateResource();
cc::ImageDecodeCache* ImageDecodeCache();
base::WeakPtr<WebGraphicsContext3DProviderWrapper> context_provider_wrapper_;
base::WeakPtr<CanvasResourceDispatcher> resource_dispatcher_;
IntSize size_;
CanvasColorParams color_params_;
base::Optional<CanvasImageProvider> canvas_image_provider_;
std::unique_ptr<cc::SkiaPaintCanvas> canvas_;
mutable sk_sp<SkSurface> surface_; // mutable for lazy init
std::unique_ptr<SkCanvas> xform_canvas_;
SkFilterQuality filter_quality_;
const cc::PaintImage::Id snapshot_paint_image_id_;
cc::PaintImage::ContentId snapshot_paint_image_content_id_ =
uint32_t snapshot_sk_image_id_ = 0u;
WTF::Vector<scoped_refptr<CanvasResource>> recycled_resources_;
bool resource_recycling_enabled_ = true;
bool is_single_buffered_ = false;
scoped_refptr<CanvasResource> single_buffer_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CanvasResourceProvider> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace blink