blob: 9159df9814b0a2918c50d4f8efde15711ac86dc1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from dashboard.api import api_request_handler
from dashboard.api import utils as api_utils
from dashboard.common import datastore_hooks
from dashboard.common import utils
from dashboard.models import try_job
from import issue_tracker_service
class BugsHandler(api_request_handler.ApiRequestHandler):
"""API handler for bug requests.
Convenience methods for getting bug data; only available to internal users.
def _CheckUser(self):
if not datastore_hooks.IsUnalteredQueryPermitted():
raise api_request_handler.ForbiddenError()
def Post(self, *args):
"""Returns alert data in response to API requests.
bug_id: issue id on the chromium issue tracker
JSON data for the bug, see
bug_id = int(args[0])
except ValueError:
raise api_request_handler.BadRequestError(
'Invalid bug ID "%s".' % args[0])
include_comments = api_utils.ParseBool(
self.request.get('include_comments', None))
except ValueError:
raise api_request_handler.BadRequestError(
"value of |with_comments| should be 'true' or 'false'")
service = issue_tracker_service.IssueTrackerService(
issue = service.GetIssue(bug_id)
bisects = try_job.TryJob.query(try_job.TryJob.bug_id == bug_id).fetch()
def _FormatDate(d):
if not d:
return ''
return d.isoformat()
response = {'bug': {
'author': issue.get('author', {}).get('name'),
'owner': issue.get('owner', {}).get('name'),
'legacy_bisects': [{
'status': b.status,
'bug_id': b.bug_id,
'buildbucket_link': (
'' %
'command': b.GetConfigDict()['command'],
'culprit': self._GetCulpritInfo(b),
'metric': (b.results_data or {}).get('metric'),
'started_timestamp': _FormatDate(b.last_ran_timestamp),
} for b in bisects],
'cc': [cc.get('name') for cc in issue.get('cc', [])],
'components': issue.get('components', []),
'id': bug_id,
'labels': issue.get('labels', []),
'published': issue.get('published'),
'updated': issue.get('updated'),
'state': issue.get('state'),
'status': issue.get('status'),
'summary': issue.get('summary'),
if include_comments:
comments = service.GetIssueComments(bug_id)
response['bug']['comments'] = [{
'content': comment.get('content'),
'author': comment.get('author'),
'published': comment.get('published'),
} for comment in comments]
return response
def _GetCulpritInfo(self, try_job_entity):
if not try_job_entity.results_data:
return None
culprit = try_job_entity.results_data.get('culprit_data')
if not culprit:
return None
return {
'cl': culprit.get('cl'),
'subject': culprit.get('subject'),