blob: c7a0214f579055e3765ace7fdc67c8068f480106 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import datetime
from dashboard.api import api_request_handler
from dashboard.common import datastore_hooks
from dashboard.common import namespaced_stored_object
from dashboard.common import utils
from dashboard.models import graph_data
class BadRequestError(Exception):
class TimeseriesHandler(api_request_handler.ApiRequestHandler):
"""API handler for getting timeseries data."""
def _CheckUser(self):
def Post(self, *args):
"""Returns timeseries data in response to API requests.
test_path: Full path of test timeseries
JSON timeseries data for the test_path, see
days = int(self.request.get('num_days', 30))
except ValueError:
raise api_request_handler.BadRequestError(
'Invalid num_days parameter %s' % self.request.get('num_days'))
if days <= 0:
raise api_request_handler.BadRequestError(
'num_days cannot be negative (%s)' % days)
before = - datetime.timedelta(days=days)
test_path = args[0]
test_key = utils.TestKey(test_path)
test = test_key.get()
if not test:
raise api_request_handler.BadRequestError(
'Invalid test_path %s' % test_path)
datastore_hooks.IsUnalteredQueryPermitted() or not test.internal_only)
q = graph_data.Row.query()
q = q.filter(graph_data.Row.parent_test == utils.OldStyleTestKey(test_key))
q = q.filter(graph_data.Row.timestamp > before)
rows = q.fetch()
if not rows:
return []
revisions = [rev for rev in rows[0].to_dict() if rev.startswith('r_')]
header = ['revision', 'value', 'timestamp'] + revisions
timeseries = [header]
for row in sorted(rows, key=lambda r: r.revision):
timeseries.append([self._GetValue(row, a) for a in header])
return {
'timeseries': timeseries,
'test_path': test_path,
'revision_logs': namespaced_stored_object.Get('revision_info'),
'improvement_direction': test.improvement_direction,
def _GetValue(self, row, attr):
value = getattr(row, attr, None)
if attr == 'timestamp':
return value.isoformat()
return value