blob: f09b1f9ff216da0f657a23ce10ba99fc9e88827c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import json
from dashboard.api import api_request_handler
from dashboard.common import bot_configurations
from dashboard.common import utils
from dashboard.pinpoint.models import change
from dashboard.pinpoint.models import job as job_module
from dashboard.pinpoint.models import quest as quest_module
_ERROR_BUG_ID = 'Bug ID must be an integer.'
_ERROR_TAGS_DICT = 'Tags must be a dict of key/value string pairs.'
class New(api_request_handler.ApiRequestHandler):
"""Handler that cooks up a fresh Pinpoint job."""
def _CheckUser(self):
if not utils.IsTryjobUser():
raise api_request_handler.ForbiddenError()
def Post(self):
job = _CreateJob(self.request)
return {
'jobId': job.job_id,
'jobUrl': job.url,
def _CreateJob(request):
"""Creates a new Pinpoint job from WebOb request arguments."""
original_arguments = request.params.mixed()
arguments = _ArgumentsWithConfiguration(original_arguments)
# Validate arguments and convert them to canonical internal representation.
quests = _GenerateQuests(arguments)
changes = _ValidateChanges(arguments)
bug_id = _ValidateBugId(arguments.get('bug_id'))
comparison_mode = _ValidateComparisonMode(arguments.get('comparison_mode'))
comparison_magnitude = _ValidateComparisonMagnitude(
gerrit_server, gerrit_change_id = _ValidatePatch(arguments.get('patch'))
name = arguments.get('name')
pin = _ValidatePin(arguments.get('pin'))
tags = _ValidateTags(arguments.get('tags'))
user = _ValidateUser(arguments.get('user'))
# Create job.
return job_module.Job.New(
quests, changes, arguments=original_arguments, bug_id=bug_id,
comparison_magnitude=comparison_magnitude, gerrit_server=gerrit_server,
name=name, pin=pin, tags=tags, user=user)
def _ArgumentsWithConfiguration(original_arguments):
# "configuration" is a special argument that maps to a list of preset
# arguments. Pull any arguments from the specified "configuration", if any.
configuration = original_arguments.get('configuration')
if configuration:
new_arguments = bot_configurations.Get(configuration)
new_arguments = {}
# Override the configuration arguments with the API-provided arguments.
return new_arguments
def _ValidateBugId(bug_id):
if not bug_id:
return None
return int(bug_id)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(_ERROR_BUG_ID)
def _ValidateChanges(arguments):
changes = arguments.get('changes')
if changes:
# FromData() performs input validation.
return [change.Change.FromData(c) for c in json.loads(changes)]
commit_1 = change.Commit.FromDict({
'repository': arguments.get('repository'),
'git_hash': arguments.get('start_git_hash'),
commit_2 = change.Commit.FromDict({
'repository': arguments.get('repository'),
'git_hash': arguments.get('end_git_hash'),
if 'patch' in arguments:
patch = change.GerritPatch.FromUrl(arguments['patch'])
patch = None
change_1 = change.Change(commits=(commit_1,))
change_2 = change.Change(commits=(commit_2,), patch=patch)
return change_1, change_2
def _ValidatePatch(patch_data):
if patch_data:
patch_details = change.GerritPatch.FromData(patch_data)
return patch_details.server, patch_details.change
return None, None
def _ValidateComparisonMode(comparison_mode):
if comparison_mode and comparison_mode not in job_module.COMPARISON_MODES:
raise ValueError('`comparison_mode` should be one of %s. Got "%s".' %
(job_module.COMPARISON_MODES + (None,), comparison_mode))
return comparison_mode
def _ValidateComparisonMagnitude(comparison_magnitude):
if not comparison_magnitude:
return 1.0
return float(comparison_magnitude)
def _GenerateQuests(arguments):
"""Generate a list of Quests from a dict of arguments.
GenerateQuests uses the arguments to infer what types of Quests the user wants
to run, and creates a list of Quests with the given configuration.
arguments: A dict or MultiDict containing arguments.
A tuple of (arguments, quests), where arguments is a dict containing the
request arguments that were used, and quests is a list of Quests.
quests = arguments.get('quests')
if quests:
if isinstance(quests, basestring):
quests = quests.split(',')
quest_classes = []
for quest in quests:
if not hasattr(quest_module, quest):
raise ValueError('Unknown quest: "%s"' % quest)
quest_classes.append(getattr(quest_module, quest))
target = arguments.get('target')
if target in ('performance_test_suite', 'performance_webview_test_suite',
'telemetry_perf_tests', 'telemetry_perf_webview_tests'):
quest_classes = (quest_module.FindIsolate, quest_module.RunTelemetryTest,
quest_classes = (quest_module.FindIsolate, quest_module.RunGTest,
quest_instances = []
for quest_class in quest_classes:
# FromDict() performs input validation.
quest = quest_class.FromDict(arguments)
if not quest:
return quest_instances
def _ValidatePin(pin):
if not pin:
return None
return change.Change.FromData(pin)
def _ValidateTags(tags):
if not tags:
return {}
tags_dict = json.loads(tags)
if not isinstance(tags_dict, dict):
raise ValueError(_ERROR_TAGS_DICT)
for k, v in tags_dict.iteritems():
if not isinstance(k, basestring) or not isinstance(v, basestring):
raise ValueError(_ERROR_TAGS_DICT)
return tags_dict
def _ValidateUser(user):
return user or utils.GetEmail()