blob: b268e97f1e627acab642b867083991271480daf7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "authpolicy/jail_helper.h"
#include <base/memory/ptr_util.h>
#include "authpolicy/platform_helper.h"
#include "authpolicy/process_executor.h"
namespace authpolicy {
JailHelper::JailHelper(const PathService* path_service)
: paths_(path_service) {}
bool JailHelper::SetupJailAndRun(ProcessExecutor* cmd,
Path seccomp_path_key,
TimerType timer_type) const {
// Limit the system calls that the process can do.
if (!disable_seccomp_filters_) {
if (log_seccomp_filters_)
// Required since we don't have the caps to wipe supplementary groups.
// Allows us to drop setgroups, setresgid and setresuid from seccomp filters.
// Execute as authpolicyd exec user. Don't use minijail to switch user. This
// would force us to run without preload library since saved UIDs are wiped by
// execve and the executed code wouldn't be able to switch user. Running with
// preload library has two main advantages:
// 1) Tighter seccomp filters, no need to allow execve and others.
// 2) Ability to log seccomp filter failures. Without this, it is hard to
// know which syscall has to be added to the filter policy file.
auto timer = timer_type != TIMER_NONE
? base::MakeUnique<ScopedTimerReporter>(timer_type)
: nullptr;
ScopedSwitchToSavedUid switch_scope;
return cmd->Execute();
void JailHelper::SetDebugFlags(bool disable_seccomp_filters,
bool log_seccomp_filters) {
disable_seccomp_filters_ = disable_seccomp_filters;
log_seccomp_filters_ = log_seccomp_filters;
} // namespace authpolicy