blob: 3148b2561d881ea96bfe950a11fabbd0762f9f3a [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="../resources/testharness.js"></script>
<script src="../resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
<script src="resources/comparisons.js"></script>
let EPSILON = 1e-6;
var testParams = [
// 2D translations
input: new CSSTranslation(CSS.px(0), CSS.px(0)),
x: CSS.px(0), y: CSS.px(0),
is2D: true,
cssText: "translate(0px, 0px)"
input: new CSSTranslation(CSS.px(1.1), CSS.em(-2.2)),
x: CSS.px(1.1), y: CSS.em(-2.2),
is2D: true,
cssText: "translate(1.1px, -2.2em)"
input: new CSSTranslation(CSS.percent(10), CSS.px(0)),
x: CSS.percent(10), y: CSS.px(0),
is2D: true,
cssText: "translate(10%, 0px)"
// 3D translations
input: new CSSTranslation(CSS.px(0), CSS.px(0), CSS.px(0)),
x: CSS.px(0), y: CSS.px(0), z: CSS.px(0),
is2D: false,
cssText: "translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px)"
input: new CSSTranslation(CSS.px(0), CSS.px(1.1), CSS.em(-2.2)),
x: CSS.px(0), y: CSS.px(1.1), z: CSS.em(-2.2),
is2D: false,
cssText: "translate3d(0px, 1.1px, -2.2em)"
input: new CSSTranslation(CSS.percent(10), CSS.px(1.1), CSS.px(0)),
x: CSS.percent(10), y: CSS.px(1.1), z: CSS.px(0),
is2D: false,
cssText: "translate3d(10%, 1.1px, 0px)"
for (let params of testParams) {
test(() => {
assert_equals(params.input.x.value, params.x.value);
assert_equals(params.input.x.unit, params.x.unit);
assert_equals(params.input.y.value, params.y.value);
assert_equals(params.input.y.unit, params.y.unit);
if (params.is2D) {
assert_equals(params.input.z.value, 0);
} else {
assert_equals(params.input.z.value, params.z.value);
assert_equals(params.input.z.unit, params.z.unit);
}, "x, y, and z values are correct for " + params.cssText);
test(() => {
assert_equals(params.input.is2D, params.is2D);
}, "is2D value is correct for " + params.cssText);
test(() => {
assert_equals(params.input.toString(), params.cssText);
}, "toString value is correct for " + params.cssText);
test(() => {
let translation = new CSSTranslation(
new CSSUnitValue(10, 'percent'),
new CSSUnitValue(20, 'percent'));
assert_equals(translation.x.value, 10);
assert_equals(translation.x.unit, 'percent');
assert_equals(translation.y.value, 20);
assert_equals(translation.y.unit, 'percent');
assert_equals(translation.z.value, 0);
let translation3d = new CSSTranslation(
new CSSUnitValue(30, 'percent'),
new CSSUnitValue(40, 'percent'),
assert_equals(translation3d.x.value, 30);
assert_equals(translation3d.x.unit, 'percent');
assert_equals(translation3d.y.value, 40);
assert_equals(translation3d.y.unit, 'percent');
assert_equals(translation3d.z.value, 0);
}, "Constructor accepts percent for x and y");
test(() => {
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
new CSSTranslation(new CSSUnitValue(10, 'deg'), CSS.px(0));
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
new CSSTranslation(CSS.px(0), new CSSUnitValue(10, 'deg'));
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
new CSSTranslation(new CSSUnitValue(10, 'deg'), CSS.px(0), CSS.px(0));
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
new CSSTranslation(CSS.px(0), new CSSUnitValue(10, 'deg'), CSS.px(0));
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
new CSSTranslation(CSS.px(0), CSS.px(0), new CSSUnitValue(10, 'deg'));
}, "Constructor throws when invalid numeric values are given to each argument");
test(() => {
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
new CSSTranslation(CSS.px(0), CSS.px(0), CSS.percent(10));
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
new CSSTranslation(CSS.percent(10), CSS.percent(10), CSS.percent(10));
}, "Constructor throws when z argument contains percent.");
test(() => {
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => { new CSSTranslation(); });
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => { new CSSTranslation(CSS.px(0)); });
}, "Invalid number of arguments to constructor throws an exception.");
for (let attribute of ["x", "y"]) {
test(() => {
let validLength = new CSSUnitValue(5, 'px');
let translation = new CSSTranslation(validLength, validLength, validLength);
let newValue = new CSSUnitValue(10, 'percent');
assert_equals(translation[attribute].value, 5);
assert_equals(translation[attribute].unit, 'px');
translation[attribute] = newValue;
assert_equals(translation[attribute].value, 10);
assert_equals(translation[attribute].unit, 'percent');
}, attribute + " can be set to a percent");
for (let attribute of ["x", "y", "z"]) {
let validLength = new CSSUnitValue(5, 'px');
test(() => {
let translation = new CSSTranslation(validLength, validLength, validLength);
let newValue = new CSSUnitValue(10, 'em');
assert_equals(translation[attribute].value, 5);
assert_equals(translation[attribute].unit, 'px');
translation[attribute] = newValue;
assert_equals(translation[attribute].value, 10);
assert_equals(translation[attribute].unit, 'em');
}, attribute + " can be set to a valid numeric value");
test(() => {
let translation = new CSSTranslation(validLength, validLength, validLength);
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
translation[attribute] = new CSSUnitValue(20, 'deg');
}, attribute + " throws when set to an invalid numeric value");
test(() => {
let translation = new CSSTranslation(CSS.px(0), CSS.px(0));
assert_throws(new TypeError(), () => {
translation.z = new CSSUnitValue(30, 'percent');
}, "Setting z throws for length containing percentage");
test(() => {
let expectedMatrix = (new DOMMatrixReadOnly()).translate(1, 2, 3);
let transformValue = new CSSTransformValue(
[new CSSTranslation(CSS.px(1), CSS.px(2), CSS.px(3))]);
transformValue.toMatrix(), expectedMatrix, EPSILON);
}, "toMatrix when used in a CSSTransformValue produces correct matrix");
test(() => {
let expectedMatrix = new DOMMatrixReadOnly();
let transformValue = new CSSTransformValue(
[new CSSTranslation(CSS.em(1), CSS.px(2), CSS.px(3))]);
transformValue.toMatrix(), expectedMatrix, EPSILON);
}, "toMatrix is the identity (instead of crashing) when relative lengths " +
"are used");