blob: 420ae89e06b6da3aa6eb2cd4dcb61497ab4d363f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/script_promise.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/bindings/core/v8/script_value.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
namespace blink {
class UnderlyingSourceBase;
class ExceptionState;
class MessagePort;
class ScriptState;
// This class has various methods for ReadableStream[Reader] implemented with
// V8 Extras.
// All methods should be called in an appropriate V8 context. All ScriptValue
// arguments must not be empty.
// Boolean methods return an optional bool, where an empty value indicates that
// Javascript failed to return a value (ie. an exception occurred). Exceptions
// are not caught, so that they can be handled by user Javascript. This implicit
// exception passing is error-prone and bad.
// In methods which take an ExceptionState& parameter, exception passing is
// explicit. Callers must check exception_state.HadException() on
// return. Although these methods return base::nullopt if and only if an
// exception was thrown, outside of unit tests exception_state should always be
// used to determine failure.
// TODO(ricea): Add ExceptionState arguments to the rest of the non-Promise
// methods to make exception passing explicit.
class CORE_EXPORT ReadableStreamOperations {
// createReadableStreamWithExternalController
// Instantiates ReadableStream defined in the script and returns it.
// If the caller supplies an invalid strategy (e.g. one that returns
// negative sizes, or doesn't have appropriate properties), or an exception
// occurs for another reason, this will return an empty value.
static ScriptValue CreateReadableStream(ScriptState*,
ScriptValue strategy);
// createReadableStream
// Instantiates ReadableStream defined in the script and returns it.
static ScriptValue CreateReadableStream(ScriptState*,
ScriptValue underlying_source,
ScriptValue strategy,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
// createBuiltInCountQueuingStrategy
// If the constructor throws, this will return an empty value.
static ScriptValue CreateCountQueuingStrategy(ScriptState*,
size_t high_water_mark);
// AcquireReadableStreamDefaultReader
// This function assumes |IsReadableStream(stream)|.
static ScriptValue GetReader(ScriptState*,
ScriptValue stream,
// IsReadableStream, exception-catching version. Exceptions will be passed to
// |exception_state|.
static base::Optional<bool> IsReadableStream(ScriptState*,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
// Performs IsReadableStream.
// Catches exceptions, and returns false if there are any. Should only be used
// in a DCHECK statement that passes when the return value is true.
static bool IsReadableStreamForDCheck(ScriptState*, ScriptValue);
// IsReadableStreamDisturbed.
// This function assumes |IsReadableStream(stream)|.
static base::Optional<bool> IsDisturbed(ScriptState*,
ScriptValue stream,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
// Performs IsReadableStreamDisturbed.
// Catches exceptions, and returns false if there are any. Should only be used
// in a DCHECK statement that passes when the return value is false.
static bool IsDisturbedForDCheck(ScriptState*, ScriptValue stream);
// IsReadableStreamLocked.
// This function assumes |IsReadableStream(stream)|.
static base::Optional<bool> IsLocked(ScriptState*,
ScriptValue stream,
// Performs IsReadableStreamLocked.
// Catches exceptions, and returns false if there are any. Should only be used
// in a DCHECK statement that passes when the return value is false.
static bool IsLockedForDCheck(ScriptState*, ScriptValue stream);
// IsReadableStreamReadable.
// This function assumes |IsReadableStream(stream)|.
static base::Optional<bool> IsReadable(ScriptState*,
ScriptValue stream,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
// IsReadableStreamClosed.
// This function assumes |IsReadableStream(stream)|.
static base::Optional<bool> IsClosed(ScriptState*,
ScriptValue stream,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
// IsReadableStreamErrored.
// This function assumes |IsReadableStream(stream)|.
static base::Optional<bool> IsErrored(ScriptState*,
ScriptValue stream,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
// IsReadableStreamDefaultReader.
static base::Optional<bool> IsReadableStreamDefaultReader(
ExceptionState& exception_state);
// ReadableStreamDefaultReaderRead
// This function assumes |IsReadableStreamDefaultReader(reader)|.
// If an exception occurs, returns a rejected promise.
static ScriptPromise DefaultReaderRead(ScriptState*, ScriptValue reader);
// ReadableStreamTee
// This function assumes |IsReadableStream(stream)| and |!IsLocked(stream)|
static ScriptValue Tee(ScriptState*, ScriptValue stream, ExceptionState&);
// ReadableStreamSerialize. Returns a MessagePort which can be passed to
// ReadableStreamDeserialize to produce an equivalent ReadableStream in a
// different context.
static MessagePort* ReadableStreamSerialize(ScriptState*,
ScriptValue stream,
// ReadableStreamDeserialize returns a new ReadableStream in the current
// context given a MessagePort which has possibly be transferred from another
// context.
static ScriptValue ReadableStreamDeserialize(ScriptState*,
// ReadableStreamCancel
// This function assumes |IsReadableStream(stream)|
static ScriptPromise Cancel(ScriptState*,
ScriptValue stream,
ScriptValue reason,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
// ReadableStreamPipeTo
// This function assumes |IsReadableStream(stream)|, |!IsLocked(stream)|,
// |IsWritableStream(destination)| and |!IsLocked(destination)|.
static ScriptPromise PipeTo(ScriptState*,
ScriptValue stream,
ScriptValue destination,
ScriptValue options,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
// IsWritableStream
// TODO(yhirano): Move this function to somewhere else.
static base::Optional<bool> IsWritableStream(ScriptState*,
ExceptionState& exception_state);
// IsWritableStreamLocked.
// This function assumes |IsWritableStream(stream)|.
// TODO(yhirano): Move this function to somewhere else.
static base::Optional<bool> IsWritableStreamLocked(ScriptState*,
ScriptValue stream,
} // namespace blink