blob: 4de9d69d09fa8f7c2594e01b0586b89f7286e502 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "ui/events/platform/platform_event_dispatcher.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/wayland_object.h"
#include "ui/platform_window/platform_window.h"
#include "ui/platform_window/platform_window_delegate.h"
namespace ui {
class BitmapCursorOzone;
class PlatformWindowDelegate;
class WaylandConnection;
class XDGSurfaceWrapper;
namespace {
class XDGShellObjectFactory;
} // namespace
class WaylandWindow : public PlatformWindow, public PlatformEventDispatcher {
WaylandWindow(PlatformWindowDelegate* delegate,
WaylandConnection* connection,
const gfx::Rect& bounds);
~WaylandWindow() override;
static WaylandWindow* FromSurface(wl_surface* surface);
bool Initialize();
wl_surface* surface() { return surface_.get(); }
// Apply the bounds specified in the most recent configure event. This should
// be called after processing all pending events in the wayland connection.
void ApplyPendingBounds();
// Set whether this window has pointer focus and should dispatch mouse events.
void set_pointer_focus(bool focus) { has_pointer_focus_ = focus; }
// Set whether this window has keyboard focus and should dispatch key events.
void set_keyboard_focus(bool focus) { has_keyboard_focus_ = focus; }
// PlatformWindow
void Show() override;
void Hide() override;
void Close() override;
void PrepareForShutdown() override;
void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) override;
gfx::Rect GetBounds() override;
void SetTitle(const base::string16& title) override;
void SetCapture() override;
void ReleaseCapture() override;
void ToggleFullscreen() override;
void Maximize() override;
void Minimize() override;
void Restore() override;
void SetCursor(PlatformCursor cursor) override;
void MoveCursorTo(const gfx::Point& location) override;
void ConfineCursorToBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) override;
PlatformImeController* GetPlatformImeController() override;
// PlatformEventDispatcher
bool CanDispatchEvent(const PlatformEvent& event) override;
uint32_t DispatchEvent(const PlatformEvent& event) override;
void HandleSurfaceConfigure(int32_t widht,
int32_t height,
bool is_maximized,
bool is_fullscreen,
bool is_activated);
void OnCloseRequest();
bool IsMinimized() const;
bool IsMaximized() const;
bool IsFullscreen() const;
void SetPendingBounds(int32_t width, int32_t height);
// Creates a surface window, which is visible as a main window.
void CreateXdgSurface();
PlatformWindowDelegate* delegate_;
WaylandConnection* connection_;
// Creates xdg objects based on xdg shell version.
std::unique_ptr<XDGShellObjectFactory> xdg_shell_objects_factory_;
wl::Object<wl_surface> surface_;
// Wrapper around xdg v5 and xdg v6 objects. WaylandWindow doesn't
// know anything about the version.
std::unique_ptr<XDGSurfaceWrapper> xdg_surface_;
// The current cursor bitmap (immutable).
scoped_refptr<BitmapCursorOzone> bitmap_;
gfx::Rect bounds_;
gfx::Rect pending_bounds_;
// The bounds of our window before we were maximized or fullscreen.
gfx::Rect restored_bounds_;
bool has_pointer_focus_ = false;
bool has_keyboard_focus_ = false;
// Stores current states of the window.
ui::PlatformWindowState state_;
} // namespace ui