blob: d5913ea2c8da2c1e13d61dae174372df93752a23 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <base/files/file_path.h>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "smbprovider/samba_interface.h"
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
namespace smbprovider {
// Fake implementation of SambaInterface. Uses a map to simulate a fake file
// system that can open and close directories. It can also store entries through
// |FakeEntry| which hold entry metadata.
class FakeSambaInterface : public SambaInterface {
~FakeSambaInterface() {}
int32_t OpenDirectory(const std::string& directory_path,
int32_t* dir_id) override;
int32_t CloseDirectory(int32_t dir_id) override;
int32_t GetDirectoryEntries(int32_t dir_id,
smbc_dirent* dirp,
int32_t dirp_buffer_size,
int32_t* bytes_read) override;
int32_t GetEntryStatus(const std::string& entry_path,
struct stat* stat) override;
// Adds a directory that is able to be opened through OpenDirectory() by
// adding it to |directory_map_|. This also constructs the corresponding
// vector value in |entry_map_|.
// |path| is the directory path.
// Returns the directory id.
int32_t AddDirectory(const std::string& path);
// Adds a FakeEntry in entry_map_ with |name| as the key.
// |dir_id| is the id returned by AddDirectory().
// |name| is the name of the entry.
// |smbc_type| is the type of entry.
// |size| is the size of the entry.
void AddEntry(int32_t dir_id,
const std::string& name,
uint32_t smbc_type,
size_t size);
// Helper method to check if there are any leftover open directories in
// |directory_map_|.
bool HasOpenDirectories() const;
// Replacement struct for smbc_dirent within FakeSambaInterface.
struct FakeEntry {
std::string name;
uint32_t smbc_type;
size_t size;
FakeEntry(const std::string& entry_name, uint32_t type, size_t size)
: name(entry_name), smbc_type(type), size(size) {}
using EntryMap = std::map<std::string, FakeEntry>;
// This is used in |directory_map_| and is used as a fake file system.
struct FakeDirectory {
int32_t dir_id;
std::string path;
// Whether or not the current directory is currently opened through
// OpenDirectory().
bool is_open;
// Contains entries that can be found in this directory. It is a mapping of
// entry name to its |FakeEntry|.
EntryMap entries;
// Keeps track of the current key from |entries| that is being read from
// GetDirectoryEntries(). It will reset to the key of the first entry in
// |entries| when OpenDirectory() is called. On CloseDirectory(), this will
// be set to empty string.
std::string current_entry;
FakeDirectory(int32_t dir_id, const std::string& path)
: dir_id(dir_id), path(path), is_open(false) {}
// Finds an entry in |entries| based on its |full_path|.
// Returns entries.end() if the path does not match, or if the |full_path|
// is not found.
EntryMap::const_iterator FindEntryByFullPath(
const base::FilePath& full_path) const;
bool HasMoreEntries() const {
return entries.find(current_entry) != entries.end();
// Assigned as a directory id to a directory that is opened in
// OpenDirectory(). It is then incremented afterwards.
int dir_id_counter_ = 0;
// Keeps track of the directories that are able to be opened through
// OpenDirectory().
// Key: Directory ID of the share/directory.
// Value: FakeDirectory that corresponds with the key.
std::map<int32_t, FakeDirectory> directory_map_;
} // namespace smbprovider