blob: 7bc8fa70117a350f56299f6330c97d1c3b1842a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The LUCI Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Schemas for project configs.
syntax = "proto3";
package buildbucket;
option go_package = ";configpb";
import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
// A single access control rule.
message Acl {
// A buiildbucket user role.
// Defines what a user can do.
// The order of enum member tags is important.
// A role with a higher tag number can perform any action that a role with a
// lower tag number can perform.
enum Role {
// Can do read-only operations, such as search for builds.
// Same as READER + can schedule and cancel builds.
// Can do all write operations.
// Role denotes a list of actions that an identity can perform.
Role role = 1;
// Name of the group defined in the auth service.
string group = 2;
// An email address or a full identity string "kind:name". See auth service
// on kinds of identities. Anonymous users are "anonymous:anonymous".
// Either identity or group must be present, not both.
string identity = 3;
// A set of Acl messages. Can be referenced in a bucket by name.
message AclSet {
// A name of the ACL set. Required. Must match regex '^[a-z0-9_]+$'.
string name = 1;
// List of access control rules.
// The order does not matter.
repeated Acl acls = 2;
// Defines a swarmbucket builder or a builder mixin. A builder has a name, a
// category and specifies what should happen if a build is scheduled to that
// builder.
// SECURITY WARNING: if adding more fields to this message, keep in mind that
// a user that has permissions to schedule a build to the bucket, can override
// this config.
// Next tag: 21.
message Builder {
reserved 8; // cipd_packages
reserved 11; // build_numbers of the old format.
reserved 13; // auto_builder_dimension of the old format.
reserved 15; // experimental of the old format.
// Describes a cache directory persisted on a bot.
// If a build requested a cache, a cache directory is available on build
// startup. If the cache was present on the bot, the directory contains files
// from the previous run.
// The build can read/write to the cache directory while it runs.
// After build completes, the cache directory is persisted.
// Next time another build requests the same cache and runs on the same bot,
// if the cache wasn't evicted, the files will still be there.
// One bot can keep multiple caches at the same time and one build can request
// multiple different caches.
// A cache is identified by its name and mapped to a path.
// In recipes-based builds, the path is relative to api.paths['cache'] dir.
// For example, a cache {"name": "foo", "path": "bar"} maps foo to bar and
// the cache dir is available at
// my_cache = api.path['cache'].join('bar')
// If the bot is running out of space, caches are evicted in LRU manner.
// Renaming a cache is equivalent to clearing it from the builder perspective.
// The files will still be there, but eventually will be purged by GC.
// Builder cache.
// Buildbucket implicitly declares cache
// {"name": "<hash(bucket/builder)>", "path": "builder"}.
// This means that any LUCI builder has a "personal disk space" on the bot.
// Builder cache is often a good start before customizing caching.
// In recipes, it is available at api.path['cache'].join('builder').
// In order to share the builder cache among multiple builders, it can be
// overridden:
// builders {
// name: "a"
// caches {
// path: "builder"
// name: "my_shared_cache"
// }
// }
// builders {
// name: "b"
// caches {
// path: "builder"
// name: "my_shared_cache"
// }
// }
// Builders "a" and "b" share their builder cache. If an "a" build ran on a bot
// and left some files in the builder cache and then a "b" build runs on the
// same bot, the same files will be available in the builder cache.
message CacheEntry {
// Identifier of the cache. Required. Length is limited to 128.
// If the pool of swarming bots is shared among multiple LUCI projects and
// projects use same cache name, the cache will be shared across projects.
// To avoid affecting and being affected by other projects, prefix the cache
// name with something project-specific, e.g. "v8-".
string name = 1;
// Relative path where the cache in mapped into. Required.
// Must use POSIX format (forward slashes).
// In most cases, it does not need slashes at all.
// Must be unique in the given builder.
string path = 2;
// Number of seconds to wait for a bot with a warm cache to pick up the
// task, before falling back to a bot with a cold (non-existent) cache.
// The default is 0, which means that no preference will be chosen for a bot
// with this or without this cache, and a bot without this cache may be
// chosen instead.
// If no bot has this cache warm, the task will skip this wait and will
// immediately fallback to a cold cache request.
// The value must be multiples of 60 seconds.
int32 wait_for_warm_cache_secs = 3;
// Specifies a recipe to run.
message Recipe {
// Repository URL of the recipe package.
// Value "-" is treated as unset.
string repository = 1;
// Name of the recipe to run.
string name = 2;
// If set, will use CIPD to fetch the recipes, rather than using git. This
// obsoletes the `repository` parameter.
// Typically the package will look like:
// infra/recipe_bundles/
// Recipes bundled from internal repositories are typically under
// `infra_internal/recipe_bundles/...`.
// But if you're building your own recipe bundles, they could be located
// elsewhere.
string cipd_package = 6;
// The CIPD version to fetch. This can be a lower-cased git ref (like
// `refs/heads/master` or `head`), or it can be a cipd tag (like
// `git_revision:dead...beef`).
// The default is `head`, which corresponds to the git repo's HEAD ref. This
// is typically (but not always) a symbolic ref for `refs/heads/master`.
string cipd_version = 5;
// Colon-separated build properties to set.
// A property can be overriden by "properties" build parameter.
// Use this field for string properties and use properties_j for other
// types.
repeated string properties = 3;
// Same as properties, but the value must valid JSON. For example
// properties_j: "a:1"
// means property a is a number 1, not string "1".
// If null, it means no property must be defined. In particular, it removes
// a default value for the property, if any.
// Fields properties and properties_j can be used together, but cannot both
// specify values for same property.
repeated string properties_j = 4;
// Name of the builder or builder mixin.
// If a builder name, will be propagated to "builder" build tag and
// "buildername" recipe property.
string name = 1;
// Names of mixins to apply to this builder definition.
// Final builder/mixin values are computed as follows:
// - start with an empty builder definition.
// - if this is a builder, apply values in a bucket's builder_defaults,
// flattened in advance.
// - apply each mixin, flattened in advance, in the same order.
// - apply values in this builder/mixin.
// A definition
// builder_mixins {
// name: "foo"
// dimensions: "os:Linux"
// dimensions: "cpu:x86"
// recipe {
// repository: ""
// name: "x"
// }
// }
// builder_mixins {
// name: "bar"
// dimensions: "cores:8"
// dimensions: "cpu:x86-64"
// }
// bucket {
// name: "luci.x.try"
// swarming {
// builders {
// name: "release"
// mixins: "foo"
// mixins: "bar"
// recipe {
// name: "y"
// }
// }
// }
// }
// is equivalent to
// bucket {
// name: "luci.x.try"
// swarming {
// builders {
// name: "release"
// dimensions: "os:Linux"
// dimensions: "cpu:x86-64"
// dimensions: "cores:8"
// recipe {
// repository: ""
// name: "y"
// }
// }
// }
// }
// Given
// B mixes in A and overrides some values defined in A
// C mixes in A
// D mixes in B and C
// B's overrides won't affect D because D mixes in C after B.
// builder_mixins {
// name: "A"
// dimensions: "dim:a"
// }
// builder_mixins {
// name: "B"
// mixins: "A"
// dimensions: "dim:b"
// }
// builder_mixins {
// name: "C"
// mixins: "A"
// }
// ...
// builders {
// name: "D"
// mixins: "B"
// mixins: "C"
// }
// D's dim will be "a", not "b" because it is "a" in C which is applied after
// B.
// Circular references are prohibited.
repeated string mixins = 10;
// Builder category. Will be used for visual grouping, for example in Code Review.
string category = 6;
// Will be become to swarming task tags.
// Each tag will end up in "swarming_tag" buildbucket tag, for example
// "swarming_tag:builder:release"
repeated string swarming_tags = 2;
// Colon-delimited key-value pair of task dimensions.
// If value is not specified ("<key>:"), then it excludes a default value.
// If this builder is defined in a bucket, dimension "pool" is defaulted
// to the name of the bucket. See Bucket message below.
repeated string dimensions = 3;
// Specifies that a recipe to run.
Recipe recipe = 4;
// Swarming task priority.
uint32 priority = 5;
// Maximum build execution time. Not to be confused with pending time.
uint32 execution_timeout_secs = 7;
// Maximum build pending time.
uint32 expiration_secs = 20;
// Caches that should be present on the bot.
repeated CacheEntry caches = 9;
// If YES, generate monotonically increasing contiguous numbers for each
// build, unique within the builder.
// Note: this limits the build creation rate in this builder to 5 per second.
Toggle build_numbers = 16;
// Email of a service account to run the build as or literal 'bot' string to
// use Swarming bot's account (if available). Passed directly to Swarming.
// Subject to Swarming's ACLs.
string service_account = 12;
// If YES, each builder will get extra dimension "builder:<builder name>"
// added. Default is UNSET.
// For example, this config
// builder {
// name: "linux-compiler"
// dimension: "builder:linux-compiler"
// }
// is equivalent to this:
// builders {
// name: "linux-compiler"
// auto_builder_dimension: YES
// }
// We've considered providing interpolation like this
// builder_defaults {
// dimensions: "builder:${BUILDER}"
// }
// (see also
// but are currently against complicating config with this.
Toggle auto_builder_dimension = 17;
// If YES, by default a new build in this builder will be marked as
// experimental.
// This is useful for inherently experimental builders that use production
// recipes.
// See also luci_migration_host field.
Toggle experimental = 18;
// If not empty and not "-", and a build request is not marked as
// experimental/prod explicitly and has "mastername" property, buildbucket
// will contact this instance of luci-migration app to determine whether the
// builder is experimental.
// On success, this takes precedence over Builder.experimental proto field
// (above).
// Special value "-" means no luci_migration_host specified.
// Useful in a builder that wants to override luci_migration_host
// specified in builder_defaults or mixin.
string luci_migration_host = 19;
// Configuration of buildbucket-swarming integration for one bucket.
message Swarming {
// Hostname of the swarming instance, e.g. "".
string hostname = 1;
// Used to generate a URL for Build, may contain parameters
// {swarming_hostname}, {task_id}, {bucket} and {builder}. Defaults to:
// https://{swarming_hostname}/user/task/{task_id}
string url_format = 2;
// Defines default values for builders.
Builder builder_defaults = 3;
// Configuration for each builder.
// Swarming tasks are created only for builds for builders that are not
// explicitly specified.
repeated Builder builders = 4;
// Percentage of builds that should use a canary swarming task template.
// A value from 0 to 100.
// If omitted, default percentage is used.
google.protobuf.UInt32Value task_template_canary_percentage = 5;
// Defines one bucket in buildbucket.cfg
message Bucket {
// Name of the bucket. Names are unique within one instance of buildbucket.
// If another project already uses this name, a config will be rejected.
// Name reservation is first-come first-serve.
string name = 1;
// List of access control rules for the bucket.
// The order does not matter.
repeated Acl acls = 2;
// A list of ACL set names. Each ACL in each referenced ACL set will be
// included in this bucket.
// The order does not matter.
repeated string acl_sets = 4;
// Buildbucket-swarming integration.
Swarming swarming = 3;
// Schema of buildbucket.cfg file, a project config.
message BuildbucketCfg {
// All buckets defined for this project.
repeated Bucket buckets = 1;
// A list of ACL sets. Names must be unique.
repeated AclSet acl_sets = 2;
// A list of builder mixin definitions.
// A mixin can be referenced in any builder defined within the BuildbucketCfg.
// See also Buider.mixins field.
repeated Builder builder_mixins = 3;
// Toggle is a boolean with an extra state UNSET.
// When protobuf messages are merged, UNSET does not overwrite an existing
// value.
// TODO(nodir): replace with Trinary in ../common.proto.
enum Toggle {
UNSET = 0;
YES = 1;
NO = 2;