blob: 00d2732539a5ab152d58b7b524854720a9329149 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding_set.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/interface_ptr_set.h"
#include "services/ui/public/interfaces/display_manager.mojom.h"
#include "services/ui/ws/user_id.h"
namespace ui {
namespace ws {
class Display;
class DisplayManager;
class UserDisplayManagerDelegate;
// Provides per user display state.
class UserDisplayManager : public mojom::DisplayManager {
UserDisplayManager(ws::DisplayManager* display_manager,
UserDisplayManagerDelegate* delegate,
const UserId& user_id);
~UserDisplayManager() override;
// Called when the frame decorations for this user change.
void OnFrameDecorationValuesChanged();
void AddDisplayManagerBinding(
mojo::InterfaceRequest<mojom::DisplayManager> request);
// Called when something about the display (e.g. pixel-ratio, size) changes.
void OnDisplayUpdate(Display* display);
// Called by Display prior to |display| being removed and destroyed.
void OnWillDestroyDisplay(Display* display);
// Called when the primary display changes.
void OnPrimaryDisplayChanged(int64_t primary_display_id);
// Overriden from mojom::DisplayManager:
void AddObserver(mojom::DisplayManagerObserverPtr observer) override;
// Called when a new observer is added. If frame decorations are available
// notifies the observer immediately.
void OnObserverAdded(mojom::DisplayManagerObserver* observer);
// Fills in a WsDisplayPtr for |display|.
mojom::WsDisplayPtr GetWsDisplayPtr(const Display& display);
std::vector<mojom::WsDisplayPtr> GetAllDisplays();
// Calls OnDisplays() on |observer|.
void CallOnDisplays(mojom::DisplayManagerObserver* observer);
ws::DisplayManager* display_manager_;
UserDisplayManagerDelegate* delegate_;
const UserId user_id_;
// Set to true the first time at least one Display has valid frame values.
bool got_valid_frame_decorations_;
mojo::BindingSet<mojom::DisplayManager> display_manager_bindings_;
// WARNING: only use these once |got_valid_frame_decorations_| is true.
} // namespace ws
} // namespace ui